your results
Sent in by: Dan of Boston, MA
Create a cash-carrying cargo cruiser!
- Construct a boat out of 1 square foot sheet of aluminum foil.
- Estimate how many pennies your boat will be able to hold.
- Then, float your boat and place as many pennies as you can in the boat before it sinks.
- Was your estimate right?

Jannie, age 11 of Burnaby, BC wrote:
We made it into a box design and it held about 60 pennies.
Stephanie, age 11 of Goldsboro, NC wrote:
It could carry $1.52, but then I ran out of change.
Kayla, age 10 of Waynesboro, VA wrote:
it was alsome. I really like it.
Rebeka, age 12 wrote:
a lot of pennies went on the alumim foil made boat.
Ahmed, age 10 of Tripoli wrote:
It held 550.
Kayla, age 16 of Tacoma, WA wrote:
Well, we are doing it for a class experiment it's called "float my boat" and we've done numerous trials. It actually works very well. We have constructed 3 different shaped aluminium boats and tested how many pennies we could fit. The square shaped ones held the most amount of pennies.
Austin, age 11 of Patriot, OH wrote:
it did notwork verrie well
Jaden, age 10 of Dallas, TX wrote:
I built about 15 boats one being 8 feet long and 2 being seven and various others. my seven foot long boat carried 43 1/64th scale cars, 13 metal airplanes, 5 magnetix builds. and seven dollars worth of coins with some army men also. my eight foot boat hasn't floated yet but it is twice as strong. about twice as wide and various other betters.
Lindsay & Thomas of Thorntown, IN wrote:
we trid to put suff to 100 and see if it flots and it did?
Tori, age 11 of Hampton, GA wrote:
it floatad
Yasmin, age 9 of Houston, TX wrote:
it did not work.
Hayley, age 11 of San Mateo, CA wrote:
We did this project at school, and we used a piece of foil that was 10cm by 10cm, and another that was 20cm by 20cm. We used pennies to sink the boat. My 10cm boat held only 12, but my 20cm boat held 79!
Alexandra, age 8 of Flint, MI wrote:
It took 2 dollars, 4 quarters, 3 nickels, 5 large hair ties, 12 small hair ties, 3 lip glosses, 3 dimes, 5 pennies, 5 plastic, hair ties, 2 hair clips, 1 bracelet, and 5 metal hair clips for my brother to mack it sink.
Johnny, age 13 of Toronto, ON wrote:
i doesn't like the project at first but it turned out to be a great success. We had a design competition and yay our massive ship with the area doesn't like my guess 113 it was 126 pennies. The reason theat we won is because we doesn't use to much paper but we have lots of surface area.
Hannah, age 9 of Aiken, SC wrote:
We went to the science lab and made tin foil boats. My boat held 50 pennies, and that is what I guessed.
Caroline, age 9 of Aiken, SC wrote:
we went to the science lab and built boats and mine held 56 pennies I guessed 63
Lee, age 8 of Aiken, SC wrote:
I made a boat that looked like a cruise ship from the outside. It was small, but it held 26 pennies. making tin foil boats was a lot of fun!!!
Richie, age 8 of Aiken, SC wrote:
I did this at my cousins friends house and it held 255 pennies
Ashleigh, age 9 of Aiken, SC wrote:
My amount of pennies that held my boat was 37. My boat was really small. It was cool!
Jazzie, age 8 of Aiken, SC wrote:
I prediced 20 pennies. It was 14 pennies! My 2nd one I predicted 10 pennies, it held 21. My 3rd I predicted 5 and IT WAS 6!!!
Kathy, age 8 of Aiken, SC wrote:
My boat held 8 pennies but I predicted 10. It was so fun I want to do it again!!
Carson, age 8 of Aiken, SC wrote:
My G. T. class went to the science lab and did Boats Afloat. My boat held seven pennies but I predicted twelve. It was fun!
Connor, age 9 of Aiken, SC wrote:
My GT class went Science Lab for tin foil boats and my favorite boat held 41 pennies. It was really fun!!
Blake, age 8 of Aiken, SC wrote:
My gt class went to the science lab to do tin foil boats and mine held 16pennies it was fun!!!
Maggie, age 8 of Aiken, SC wrote:
Hey my name is Maggie! My G. T. class went to the science lab. My large tin foil boat held 11 pennies. I guessed it hold 10 pennies. My guess was very close. It was a sooo cool! I want to do this project again. Thanks!
Chase, age 8 of Aiken, SC wrote:
When I tested my ti foil boat I guest it could 22 pennies but it held 7. I had a lot of fun.
Felicia, age 9 of Aiken, SC wrote:
My strongest boat held 30 coins. My weakest boat held 7 coins. This experiment was to do and make.
Natalie, age 8 of Aiken, SC wrote:
Hey, my name is Natalie! My G. T. class went to the science lab. At first I thought my littleboat would hold 20 pennies. My little boat held 65 pennies!
Nylah, age 6 of Newark, NJ wrote:
it sank when I added marbles to it