your results
Sent in by: Sophie of Portsmouth, NH
Become the mayor of this soapy citadel.
- bubble mix
- straws sometimes help too
- wire might be handy, like from an old clothes-hanger
- Think of ways to make the soap bubbles square. And we don't just mean have them wear slacks and listen to Perry Como.
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Kimberly, age 10 of Miami, FL wrote:
Frist we got three different bubbles then we had to see which one made the biggest bubble. It came out to be the school soap!
Alliana, age 6 of Alaska wrote:
All the bubbles pop!
Anastashia, age 8 of Warren, OH wrote:
All the bubbles kape poping on me.
Ivonne, age 16 of New York wrote:
It was wonderful I loved it I used for sceince project I won 1 place thank you for your help.
And, age 10 of Maryland wrote:
I blew up a bubble and it was almost as big as my room. And I kept it in my room. My sister came in my room and popped it.
Christine, age 11 of Craston, RI wrote:
I went to do the Bubble City and I did someting worgn and pop the Bubble.
Paula C., age 10 of Von Ormy, TX wrote:
What happend was the balloons went everywere and popped in my face.
Lauryn B., age 8 of Rayville, LA wrote:
It popped after my brother stepped on it
Andrea, age 12 of Farmington Hills wrote:
I made 2 square bubles! They were really cool!
Daniell P., age 12 of Cincinnati, OH wrote:
A lot of bubbles came up, my mom said, that was real cool
Alex T., age 6 of Atkinson, NH wrote:
When I tried to make the different shaped bubbles the shapes I found were triangle, square, hexagon, circle, and diamond. I used a bubble pipe to make these bubbles. All the shapes except circle had to have other bubbles around them to make the shape.
Casey K., age 11 of Parker, CO wrote:
I tried to get a square bubble but the bubbles kept popping. I also kept loading on bubbles like 100 in a pile and I got some weird 3-D shapes. I got a hexagonal prism. I also got some I couldn't even name!
Ritu M., age 10 of Casselberry, FL wrote:
I got 15 bubbles together which took me a lot of consentration to do!
Ashley A., age 11 of Fort Wayne, IN wrote:
I got 6 bubbles. I didn't really do it but I did something a little different. I thought it was alot of fun.