your results
Sent in by: Rachel of Champaign, IL
Dare-deviled eggs! Design an eggy bungee jump and save the egg.
- eggs
- pennies
- nylons
- masking tape
- ruler
- scissors
- newspaper
- Check with a grown-up before you get started. This can get pretty messy if your egg breaks.
- Design a bungee jump ride for your egg.
- The egg can not break or hit the ground and your bungee must come within 2 inches of the floor, without touching the floor.
- Choose a launch site, such as a table or a ladder.
- Use the nylons to make a bungee cord. Think about how stretchy the nylons are and how long the bungee cord needs to be.
- Use tape to attach the bungee cord to the launch site.
- Make a test egg; put some pennies in one hand and an egg in the other hand. Add or subtract pennies until the weight in each hand feels the same.
- Test your bungee jump. Measure how close the test egg comes to the ground. Change one thing to improve your design.
- When you are ready, try your bungee jump with a real egg. (You might want to spread newspaper underneath your launch site, just in case the egg breaks.)
Did it work or would you like homefries to go with those scrambled eggs? Now it's time to experiment. Think of a question you want answered. Like, what would happen if you used a larger or smaller egg? Would you need to change the nylons in some way? Be sure to predict what you think is going to happen. Then, test it out and send your reports in to our special feedback area. Every week, we'll publish a whole bunch.

Angelica, age 16 of Davis, CA wrote:
I did everything in the rules I had and it came out to be successful!!!
Jessie, age 8 of Braxton, MS wrote:
i did it. it was so cool except fo the part tha was not so cool. it ixploeded all over me.
Lindsay, age 9 of Sarepta, LA wrote:
Well I guess I did something wrong because nothing happened.
Deanna, age 10 of Franklin, OH wrote:
it ixsplodide all over my friend and she was green
Gissele, age 7 of Glendale, AZ wrote:
i jumed high and my mom did not care that was so cool
Amberlee, age 9 of Marietta, GA wrote:
it was fantastic and it exploded
Joe, age 11 of CA wrote:
I did it but the egg cracked.
D.B., age 11 wrote:
I did it and it never cracked because I put a cushion under it so the egg wouldnt crack.
Dalton, age 8 of Oklahoma City, OK wrote:
I tried it and it cracked!!!
Imani, age 11 wrote:
The egg cracked.
Jalie, age 10 of Alexandria, VA wrote:
It was good at first but then, when I looked at the egg it was craked! Other that that it was good.
Bunny, age 12 of Alhambra, CA wrote:
I tried it and it didn't work I kept trying until we were out of eggs.
Dick, age 12 of Chula Vista, CA wrote:
It went really close to touching but didnt and broke the 3rd time.
Natalie, age 10 of Georgetown, ON wrote:
My egg got sooo close to the ground it touched it but didnt break! I wonder how the egg would end up with a different nilon brand?
Elizabeth, age 13 of Paris, France wrote:
I did a variation of the Bungee Jump. I went out in my back yard and cut one leg off the nylons, put one egg in and tied the end to a tree limb about 5 feet off the ground. The egg didn't come close to touching the ground. So I tried adding another egg. Still the eggs didn't come close to the ground. I kept adding eggs until they finally touch the ground. I was able to get five eggs to bounce and touch the ground without breaking, but one egg broke when I tried six.
Alexis, age 12 of NJ wrote:
When I did it the egg went up 3 cm and it was cool.
Matthew & Karinn of Winnetka, IL wrote:
The first time we did it our egg came 2cm from the ground, and didn't break. Then the egg broke the secoind time because we made the nylon longer.
Carlos, age 13 of Newark, NJ wrote:
What happen is I tried and I could not do it until my mother and father help me and we did it.
Cody, age 9 of Joplin, MO wrote:
The first time I did it, the egg broke but the second time it worked!
Andrew of Arlington Heights wrote:
The egg cracked when I did the Bunge Jump.
Serena, age 13 of St. Croix wrote:
I did this for a Jr High school project and the first time I did it, the egg broke. The other time it did not broke at all. Then I tried a second egg it did break.
Ashley, age 11 of Fort Worth, TX wrote:
When I did the expirement I did it as a science expirment in school. As we tried it our egg broke 2 times and the third time the egg did not break and it was exactly 2in. from the ground. As the egg went back up it bounced out of the nylon!!!
Jeremy, age 10 of Leavittsburg, OH wrote:
We did some testing with a golf ball. We thought it worked. But when we tried it with the egg the first time it worked then we tried it again, and the egg broke.
Cody, age 11 of Newton Falls, OH wrote:
When I did it the first time the egg was no where near hitting the ground. When we did it the second time the egg barely hit the ground and it broke.
Maggi, age 10 of Leavittsburg, OH wrote:
We used a golf ball the first time and it worked. When we tried the bungee jump with an egg it broke. I think this happen becuase the egg was heavier.
Lindsey & Kory of Leavittsburg, OH wrote:
Our egg (Genius) fell very, very, very close to the ground but did not meet its untimely death, until the fourth try. We kept tying it in knots so that it wouldnt stretch out to much. We tried a trial run with a golfball. What do you know it worked!
Olivia, age 10 of Kettering, OH wrote:
I added eggs as I went b/c it would not touch the ground it took 6 eggs to finaly touch the ground and so I added 1 more egg it touched the ground but one of the eggs broke.
Karli/Riley/Timothy of OR wrote:
We did a variation of the Bungee Jump. We went outside and cut one leg off the nylons, put one egg in and tied the end to a tree limb about 5 feet off the ground. The egg didn't come close to touching the ground. So we tried adding another egg and tried again. Still the eggs didn't come close to the ground. We kept adding eggs until they finally touch the ground. We were able to get five eggs to bounce and touch the ground without breaking, but one egg broke when we tried six.
Catia, age 12 of Innisfil, ON wrote:
I got a cup and an egg and some old strechy socks. First I put the strchy socks all tied up together, then I got a cup and attached it on the socks, next I put the egg in the cup, and expereimented on a ladder, it worked the egg did not break. Now you try it!
Brittanie, age 8 of Concord, NH wrote:
I feld down but I trid it again and I did not fall.