your results
Sent in by: Nicholas of MI
Can you make butter in a jar?
- heavy cream
- a jar with a lid
- Check with a grown-up before you begin.
- Nicholas of Michigan sent us directions for how to turn cream into two parts, a solid, butter, and a liquid, buttermilk.
- All you do is put some heavy cream into a jar with a lid.
- Screw the lid on tight and begin to shake it.
- The cream has little globs of fat and protein. When you shake the jar, you get the fat and the protein that are moving around in the cream to stick together.
- Keep shaking the cream back and forth until it thickens. In about 10 minutes, it will turn to butter.
- When you shake the jar, the little fat and protein globs in the cream hit each other and stick together, forming a larger and larger glob.
- The glob is butter! The liquid that's leftover is buttermilk.
So, you know that cream can be separated into two parts, but can you put them back together? Experiment with this and send your discoveries to ZOOM!

Katy, age 10 of White Water, WI wrote:
i made butter for my class as a demenstration speech and they all loved it. the first time I did it the butter didnt get thick enogh so I tried it again it worked!
Mallory, age 9 of Colorado Springs, CO wrote:
i did this in class and the butter was good.
Sam, age 10 of FL wrote:
The thing that happen was the butter was not good to eat becaese I forgot to put somethine of mine.
Tessa, age 11 of Falmouth, ME wrote:
I loved it and it was fun. The shaking took a little extra time, but it was awesome. I didn't really think it would work.
Claire, age 6 of Hollis, NH wrote:
Our milk came from grass-fed cows at the farm. We skimmed the cream off the top and then shook it and rolled it in a jar for less than ten minutes. Before it turned globby, we added a little sea salt. We've decided to do this every Friday (milk pick-up day) and each week add a different ingredient (honey, herbs, etc...). Thanks for the idea!
ZOOM Fan, age 9 of Jersey City, NJ wrote:
it actually worked! I did it when I was in kindergarten and it tasted great!
Felicia, age 4 of Schenectady, NY wrote:
when I excperimented on butter it melted into oil.
Charles, age 8 of Dallas, TX wrote:
I shook it for a while and it clumpped togather and made butter.
Maci, age 10 of Folsom, PA wrote:
it turned into butter. when I went to school we did the experiments and it was fun!
Alisa of Clinton, IN wrote:
The cream needs to be at room temperature.
Mikayla, age 10 of Independence, MO wrote:
first it was out. next it was all melted. last it was butter water.
Cheyanne, age 10 of Ashland City, TN wrote:
the butter did nothing.
Danielle, age 9 of Salisbury, MD wrote:
We shook the jar and it only took 5 minutes and VALAAA!!! Butter! It was so tasty that we ate the whole jar!
Jacynth, age 8 of Victoria, TX wrote:
It melt down when its hotter.
Keegan, age 6 of Dahlonega, GA wrote:
We shook the jar and then rolled it on the floor to each other when we got tired. It turned in to butter and we added a little salt and made toast. IT WAS AWESOME!
Isabel, age 9 of Austin, MN wrote:
it was cool I never new that you could do butter in a jar.
Taylor, age 11 of Greenville, SC wrote:
IT was very hard to do it for me so mke some more easer things to do
Lilli, age 8 of Dayton, OH wrote:
I shook it and rolled the jar around on the floor and it really worked! My mom made home made bread and we put my butter on it and it was YUMMY!
Keyaira, age 12 of Indianapolis, IN wrote:
lots of butter was in the jar when I did it
Ethan, age 9 of Anchorage, AK wrote:
It tasted very good and creamy.
Aaren, age 11 of Naples, FL wrote:
When I finished shaking the jar the butter tasted good but it smelled VERY bad still it was a fun experiment.
Pop, age 8 of Florida, AZ wrote:
The butter melted.
Gammey of Frankfort, KY wrote:
went very rong I hated it
Savannah, age 8 of NC wrote:
i got messie verry messie I love it/yall are great ttyl
Louisa, age 10 of Singapore wrote:
well, I used other ingredients. I just use a clean glass bottle, 200 grams of heavy whipped cream and a little salt. I shaked the cream and a little bit of salt in the bottle for quite some time and it got thicker... it then seperate into two components-a clearer liquid and a yellowish solid. I pour off the buttermilk and tada! I got butter!!!
Caitlin, age 7 of CA wrote:
It was soooooooooooooo cool.
Thishanth, age 12 of Markham wrote:
it was all gouyi and sticky in the jar it had all the protein and fat sticking in there
Ana, age 13 of Corona, CA wrote:
the butter got really sticky
Bridget, age 10 of North Hills, CA wrote:
When I made butter I was so suprised! It looked cool!