your results
Sent in by: Mary-Elizabeth of Tallassee, AL
These little guys can groove!
- tall clear glass
- raisins
- club soda that has a lot of bubbles (This won't work if the club soda is flat.)
- First, pour the club soda in the glass.
- Next, drop in half of a raisin.
- Wait at least 20 to 30 seconds and watch what happens to the raisin. (The raisin should rise and fall.)
- The reason why the raisin floats to the top is because the bubbles stick to the sides of the raisin and make the raisin more buoyant. Buoyant means that something floats more easily. The bubbles make the raisin float the way a life jacket makes a person float.
Now, start to experiment. Think of a question that you'd like to answer. Like, "Can I get something that is heavier than a popcorn kernel to float using bubbles? Will a walnut or a super ball float?" Make a prediction, test it out, and share your results in the ZOOMsci feedback area.

David, age 13 of Grand Rapids, MI wrote:
Obviously, it jumped up and down. The explanation is because the acid in the vinegar and baking soda combines made the dissolved carbon dioxide in those little bubbles, which rises to the surface. it attracts themselves to the raisins, which doesn't add much mass, but makes it rise. Once at surface it pops.
Halle, age 9 of New Auburn, WI wrote:
When I did this experiment it was funny at first, when I first droped the crasin it sunk right to the bottom! It was so cool. you shuld try it to!
Cissel, age 8 of Charlotte, NC wrote:
We noticed that the bubbles went up before the raisin. Our raisins bounced very slowly. We tried to make our raisin jump faster by throwing it in hard and tapping the cup.
Elyana, age 6 of New York, NY wrote:
I put the lid on and it stoped. it was cool.
Khush, age 12 of New York, NY wrote:
The raisins were bouncing up and down within a secound after I put them in. I'm doing this for my 7th grade sci project! But if anyone could answer me: how do I present the data.
ZOOM Fan, age 10 of CA wrote:
The raisins popped up and down. We added Alka-Seltzer and made extra bubbles. We also blew with a straw and the raisins popped up.
Kristal, age 10 of Bayonne, NJ wrote:
they started to dance!!!
Ta'Myria, age 11 of Baton Rouge, LA wrote:
They started dancing and I could see how bouyancy works with raisins. I hope I do good on my science presentation!
ZOOM Fan of Carnesville, GA wrote:
The raisins began to dance. We also tried the experiment with vinegar, water, and added baking soda. When we added the baking soda, it exploded. It was awesome!!! Then the raisins started to go up and down, up and down. You should really try this!!!
Kemari, age 10 of Mount Vernon, NY wrote:
when I did it, it went up and down like a ball. I thought it was magic. it is cool.
Kendra, age 12 of Crossville, TN wrote:
it was so cool! at first my mom thought the soda was eating the raisin up but once she realized what was happening she thought it was cool too.
Dominic, age 11 of Magog, QC wrote:
When I saw it with my class we thought it was leeches that my student teacher said. When he ask me to try one and it was raisins.
Morgan & Brendel of Cincinnati, OH wrote:
The raisins floated then sank.
Jake, age 8 of Newburyport, MA wrote:
When I did it it dance like crazy. It was awesome.
Fleurima, age 9 of Miami, FL wrote:
The raisin dances.
Andrew, age 8 of Mount Vernon, NY wrote:
it worked just right! it was so perfect it won the distict science fair!!!
ZOOM Fan, age 15 of Omaha, NE wrote:
We put 3 raisins in and then they started going up and down for about a minute until all the carbon dioxide formed ions, then the raisins stayed on the bottom.
Riya, age 6 of Jacksonville, FL wrote:
It did what it's sopose to do.
Jaun, age 11 of Jacksonville, GA wrote:
they was like what you never seen before cause I mean it's raisins. I mean who ever think that raisins could dance.
Ashley, age 12 of Rockingham, NC wrote:
They danced and it was cool. I got hornorble mention in the science fair. I was happy thanks for the help.
Lizette, age 10 of San Jose, CA wrote:
The rasins started going up and down and they were floting.
Anna Marie, age 15 of Madison, WI wrote:
They started dancing like crazy!!!
Erin, age 9 of Adamsville, AL wrote:
at first they didnt dance, but later on they started dancing!!!
Karina, age 11 of San Jose, CA wrote:
the raisin started dancing. the grape floated and after 10min. it sink. the popcorn kernel floated the whole time.
Veronica, age 9 of Denver wrote:
I liked when the raisons started to dance around the cup.
Jenna, age 10 of Homer, NY wrote:
they started dancing crazy like my brother does!!! LOL
Jessi and Emily of Billngs, MT wrote:
we(emilyandjessi)did this for a science fair and it is so awesome it is like the raisins are like really dancing and really like a live
Rex, age 4 wrote:
It started to dance like crazy I think it danced hip hop!!!