your results
Sent in by: Amy of New Minas, NS, Canada
Eggs Ahoy! Build a boat to make eggs float.
- raw eggs
- 2 aluminum pie pans
- 2 plastic sandwich bags
- one meter of tape
- scissors
- large plastic container or your bathtub or sink filled with water
- Boats can hold lots of things-people, cargo, even cars. Can you make a boat that can hold eggs?
- You can use two aluminum pie pans, two plastic sandwich bags, and one meter of tape.
- Once you've built your boat, try it out in a wide plastic container filled with water.
How did you build your boat? How many eggs could it hold? Get together with some friends and have a contest to see whose boat can hold the most eggs without sinking. Share your results with the world in our fabulous ZOOMsci feedback area. Who knows - maybe you've built the first ocean liner for vacationing eggs!

Mary, age 13 of Georgetown, SC wrote:
I made a boat and put a egg in it where my sister was a floated to her.
Alisa of Lorain wrote:
it was floating everywere.
Jessica, age 13 wrote:
it sink down 12 eggs.
George, age 13 wrote:
mine floated but I wonder if there is a way to make it go accross the water. That would be even cooler!!!
Criszle of Manila, Philippines wrote:
i perform this tricks in the front of elementary and high school student! they were amaze especially when they saw that the egg was floating not knowing that there is a salt to the water hehehe! of course they will not know because I use 2 identical glasses hahahaha!!! IT WAS REALLY GREAT! my prof told me that I was really good in demonstrating! hmmp! THAKS TO THIS!!!
Karthika, age 10 of Bhandup wrote:
it floated for 32minutes
Brad, age 15 of St John's, NT wrote:
me and my buddy stephen found out that the boat sank after 18 eggs
Jonca, age 13 of Boston, MA wrote:
when I added salt the egg really float like a boat I had alot of fun doing this experiment.
Jen, age 16 of Lowell, MA wrote:
I did this but instead of using eggs I used pennies! It was alot of fun Try It!
Joshua, age 10 of Wykoff wrote:
It didn't sink but it didn't float, it was like I put an egg on one side and one on the other but it still didn't float. My mom says it's because we didn't use raw eggs I believe her
Veronica, age 10 of Omaha, NE wrote:
I did this with pennies too! I made my boat out of tin foil. My boat held 65 pennies! It was cool
Olivia, age 6 of Okauchee, WI wrote:
I floated 7 eggs in a sandwitch bag. And it floated!
Jenny, age 16 of Lowell wrote:
I did this but instead of using eggs I used pennies! It was fun!
Brittney, age 11 of Olyphant, PA wrote:
the boat sunk because the weight of the egg through the boat of ballance.
Jimmy of Ridville, YT wrote:
It held 184 eggs for 39 seconds. IT was soooooo coool!!! TRY IT!!!
Jasmine, age 4 of Alanta, GA wrote:
I can not belive it can float with 17 eggs.
Alexis, age 13 of PA wrote:
It just flotsd in my pound thats all and then it senkt because it had a hole in it that I did not know about then I trid it aging and it did not sentk.
Sam, age 8 of GA wrote:
It fonts 90 eggs.
Kaljit, age 10 of Canada, BC wrote:
When I did it it floted and the air was pushing it up.
Holley, age 12 of Mt. Airy wrote:
It floated 19 eggs for 50 sec.
Emily, age 12 of Canton, OH wrote:
My egg boat was cool. It held 45 eggs!!!
Preston, Kassidy of Russellville, MO wrote:
The eggs in the bag float well. The eggs in the pan did float.
Ashley, age 9 of Somerset, NJ wrote:
I put 47 eggs inside and then it started to bring in water. And then it sunk.
Andrea, age 11 of Miami wrote:
My egg boat floted it was amazing.
Ashley of Middlesex County, NJ wrote:
It was really cool! My boat held 21 eggs!
Angelica, age 9 wrote:
It holed 20 eggs that was good.
Kassey, age 12 of Brooklyn, NY wrote:
It work. I put 24 in one plate it didn't fall at all.
Marquilyn, age 10 of Atlanta, GA wrote:
Mine only held 12 eggs I was hoping it would hold more.
Andre, age 13 of San Jose, CA wrote:
We had six eggs being held by our boat.
Dalila of Houston, TX wrote:
Well it only hold ten eggs but I was hoping the well hold more.
Racheal, age 12 of Hayseville, NC wrote:
It sunk and I tryed it again and I used less eggs.
Cindy, age 12 of Soledad, CA wrote:
It only floated for 100 sec. It was prety cool.