your results
Sent in by: Cherrell of SC
Three, two, one, blast-off! (Fannee Doolee says, "When you're done here, check out the Kitchen Chemistry online game for more scientific kitchen kOOkineSS!")
- An empty, 16 ounce, plastic soda or water bottle
- A cork that tightly fits the soda bottle. If you can't find a cork that fits, you might want to wrap it in tape.
- paper towels
- toilet paper
- lemon juice
- baking soda
- water
- other acids, like cola, or vinegar
- scissors
- funnel
- safety glasses
- Check with a grown-up before you begin.
- You will want to do this outside.
- First, tear the paper towels into strips and attach them to the cork with tape. This makes the cork look more like a rocket.
- Then, cut a small square out of toilet paper, put about a teaspoon of baking soda in the middle of the square, and fold in the sides to make a little packet.

- Put the funnel into the opening of the bottle.
- Pour a half inch of lemon juice into the bottle, and then add water until it is a little less than half-way full.
- Put on your safety glasses. Drop the baking soda packet into the soda bottle, close the bottle with the cork, shake the bottle, and stand back for lift off.

- Here's the reason the cork shoots up. Cherrell says that as the water and lemon juice soak through the toilet paper, the baking soda reacts to produce carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a gas. As more gas forms, pressure builds up inside the bottle and sends the cork flying.
Lemon juice is an acid, and baking soda is a base. When they are mixed together they produce carbon dioxide. Try launching your rocket by mixing other acids with the baking soda. Make a prediction, and then test it out. Be sure to send us your discoveries so that we can share them with the world!

Mileena, age 13 of Troy, Greece wrote:
Me and Brad did it in my lawn. We found out that the liquids reacted fast with the baking soda. So it was hard to put on the cork.
Broian, age 13 of Appleton, WI wrote:
i put it at an angle. its really cool.
Sydney, age 5 of MD wrote:
it flew 100 feet high.
Aden, age 9 of Framingham, MA wrote:
The presur built up before I could put the botel up right and the cork shot across the my road! I would definetly try it again. I had lots of fun.
Tal and Meg, age 11 wrote:
It ddn't go as high as we hoped, but, it was still very very cool. We had to improvise with a few things.. Like the funnel and the lemon juice. We would defenetly reccoden this!
Kiara, age 12 of West Palm Beach, FL wrote:
it was so totally awesome. I loves it.
Jeremy, age 9 of Vancouver, BC wrote:
It exploded all over the science room at school. I placed in my science contest and got a good grade on it.
Ally, age 12 of Winston-Salem, NC wrote:
It was so cool! I used it during a contest at school to see who could make the best rocket and I won!
Miya, age 10 of Snow Hill wrote:
it exsploed. it was awsome.
Narimh and Enjen of Yorba Linda, CA wrote:
welll, lemon juice didnt really work it was bad. but vinager totally works like it went 30 feet in the air.
Brea, age 10 of Cleveland, OH wrote:
We did every instruction and guess what. It did exploded.
Siraya, age 12 of Idaho Falls, ID wrote:
me and my mom did it at night and it was awesome. The first time we tried it didn't work, but it was sweet.
Josie, age 14 of Franklin, ME wrote:
I did it with vinegar and it went really high, but i don't know how too find the exact height of how high it went? can anyone tell me?
Caroline, age 13 of New York wrote:
it work and I am going to try it in my science projec. thank for your help. I hope I won.
Brittanya, age 10 of Cleveland, OH wrote:
it popped off. it was hilarious and amazing.
Najib, age 12 of New York, NY wrote:
vineager went the farthest but cola didnt even go.
Nickolas, age 11 of Philadelphia, PA wrote:
I mixed just lemon juice and baking soda. it went 21.08 ft, just vinegar & baking soda it went 16.09 ft and then I mixed them all together and it went 29.11 ft.
Lucy, age 10 of Tonganoxie, KS wrote:
it blue up like a rocket!
Kristina, age 11 of Yonkers, NY wrote:
I did the lemon juice experiment it was so cool!!!
Aletta, age 13 of Nanjing wrote:
It flew over my house. It looked just like a rocket. But like we made a few bottles and did it all together and it shot up. Really cool!!!
Brittney, age 13 of Waukesha, WI wrote:
nothing happened it just formed this disgusting foamy stuff that stained the cement on our backyard patio.
ZOOM Fan, age 15 of GA wrote:
The rocket flew right over my house!
Susan, age 14 of AL wrote:
It was so funny! The rocket flew about 70 feet and as it dropped it hit my sister's head. It was hilarious!!!
Destiny, age 12 of Meridian, MS wrote:
lemon juice is an acid and baking soda is a base. when I did the experiment it was so fun to see it go in the air like that.
Wes, age 7 of Winston-Salem, NC wrote:
It went all the way to the roof of the next building!
Vanessa, age 12 of Stockton, CA wrote:
my partner and I were doing this project for our science fair. we had to make it work for the results, but it took us 4 times to shoot up. it was a lot of lemons to squeeze!
James, age 8 of New York, NY wrote:
before I could shake my bottle the cork blasted off!
Robert, age 12 of Miami, FL wrote:
We use acid like vinegar, pineapple juice, lemon juice, and orange juice. the rocket is cool.
Kyana, age 8 of Florida wrote:
It looked like it 100 feet high in the air.