your results
Sent in by: Molly of Troy, NY
An edible edifice. Build a tower as high as you can using only marshmallows.
- Build a tower as high as you can using only marshmallows. That's all we're prepared to say at this stage.

Jefferson of Conception Junction, MO wrote:
We found that if we started with a base as circle it was easier to stack the marshmallows. We found it was very hard to stack one marshmallow on top of the other.
Hannah, age 10 of Shelbyville wrote:
it was cool and fun. it was so awesome.
Shy'Neque, age 16 of Greenville, SC wrote:
my Marshmallow Tower it was stayble but the thing is it hard to make one with out tooth picks. it would have been so crazy.
Demi, age 11 of New York City wrote:
first I put a lot march mellows down and then kept making it long and big. marchmellow tower it was fun and hard and I was afriad it will fall but I made it very long.
Brittany, age 7 of OH wrote:
when I did it it was fun. I made ItI stop at 6 feet then it fell and then I ate it.
Tiffany, age 10 of Yankton, SD wrote:
well it fell down on my table in my room on my glass table and it was 12 ft in the air and still trying to scrub it off?:)
Hailey, age 9 of Bessemer, AL wrote:
when I made a marshmellow tower it fell down I was so sad! Then I made a nother one and the next morning my sister ate it! an that is the end of my story!!!
Zachery, age 13 of Thomaston, CT wrote:
it fell over
Brock, age 14 of Tuscaloosa, AL wrote:
i buit a 30 ft tower
Alyssa, age 8 of Fort Rucker, AL wrote:
i made a 6 feet marshmallow tower outside. it took 25 packes to do that. I took5 hours to do it
Hong, age 10 of Portland, OR wrote:
When I did it it fell off and it was a over the place! Me and my friends set a goal to get 15 mashmellows to the top without dropping it.
Evan, age 9 of Cohasset, MA wrote:
It kept leaning over and I had to keep adding more and more toothpicks to keep it stury. I used 18 marshmallows and 50 toothpicks!!!
Katie, age 13 of Geelong, Australia wrote:
It fell aftre 1 foot.
Aliyah, age 10 of NY wrote:
My marshmallow tower was 3 feet high. Then I turned on the fan and it fell.
Debbie, age 11 of Salt Lake City, UT wrote:
Once it got to 3 or 4 feet it almost fell down.
Esmeralda, age 8 of Las Vegas, NV wrote:
It stuck together and it just got higher and higher.
Mackenzie, age 8 of Ticonderoga, NY wrote:
I made a marshmollow tower with 10 marshmollow! When I tried more it fell!
Mimi of San Gabriel, CA wrote:
I built a marshmellow tower and I put a bowl on top of it.
Jamie, age 10 of Buffalo Grove wrote:
Well I used alot of straws and marshmellows and I tested if it was sturdy to hold a stuffed animial and it was sturdy and then Im like yah!!
Victoria, age 8 of Gander wrote:
When I tried it I put my little red bear onit and it worked!
Kim, age 13 of Manitoulin Island, ON wrote:
When I made my marshmallow Tower it took me two try untill it didn't fall over. I tried a triangel base the first time, but it was too tall and didn't have very much surpport in the middle. The second time I also did the triangel base but used more supports and made it not as tall, and it worked!
Amanda, age 12 of Nottingham, PA wrote:
When I did the marshmellow tower it stood up till I got to the 67th marshmellow. It was huge. The 68th one it fell and we ate the ones that fell. My stomach hurt after that. But it was so good.
Maggie, age 14 of Florence, AL wrote:
I got 3 objects. The first one had no effect. The second one bent it but it didn't fall thru. The third one broke it! After it fell we ate the marshmallows. Hey, what can a girl say? It was great!!!
Tierra, age 8 of Prattville, AL wrote:
It did't fall.
Amber, age 11 of Clarenville, NF wrote:
When I made a marshmellow tower I made it about 5 feet high and it lasted for 4 whole weeks and then it started to get gooey and melt. So I threw it out.
Christa, age 12 of Mobile, AL wrote:
First off, I tried many shapes for the base. All of them worked for me. The trick is the top structure. At the top I ended up with a pointed top so I made an x coming out of the marshmallows and made a square around it. You might have to double, tripple, or quadrouple the sticks depending on the size of the object on the tower. I also tried a model lower to the ground and that worked the best.
Kristin & Madison of Murrieta, CA wrote:
We wanted to set a record and it was ten feet high of just marshmallows. Nothing fancy.
Sean, age 7 of North Andover, MA wrote:
We used toothpicks and made a 24 inch marshmallow tower. We took pictures.
Cheyanne, age 11 of Gardnerville, NV wrote:
I tried making the marshmello tower and I got to 3 feet and 10 inches it was tricky but I managed topull it off!!! It was so much fun!!!