your results
Sent in by: Candace from Fort Wayne, IN
Send secret messages to a friend.
- pen or pencil
- paper
- mirror
- Check with a grown-up before you begin.
- Think of a secret message you'd like to send and write it on a piece of paper.
- Next, hold a mirror up to your message. Place the mirror on its edge on the paper right next to your message.
- Now look in the mirror, and copy what you see onto a new piece of paper. This will be the secret message that you send.
- You're done! Give the message to your friend and see if she can figure out what it says. To read your secret message, she'll have to hold the message up to a mirror and then look in the mirror to see what it says.
- Mirror writing makes a great secret code because the message looks really different in the mirror than it does in real life. Most letters look like they got flipped inside out - but some letters, like "O", look exactly the same as their mirror images.
- You can see mirror writing on ambulances. Lots of times, the word "ambulance" is written so that drivers can see the word the right way around when they look in their rear view mirrors.
- Try mirror writing for yourself, and then tell us how it went!

Esmeralda of San Antonio, TX wrote:
My message showed up the correct way when I put it close to the mirror.
Connor, age 5 of Gainesville, FL wrote:
mom read it easily. it read 'i love you'. on a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate it 10.
James, age 9 of Yankton, SD wrote:
I didn't know what it said, so I found a mirror and put the message over the mirror and then I could read it.
Tesia, age 11 of Pelham, NY wrote:
It was SOOOOO cool. Except that when I'm writing the backwards version sometimes it's hard to write some of tyhe letters. But it is still FUN!!!
Josh of WI wrote:
This is so way cool!! me and my buddy were doin this and we were so super siked that we can write messages and it totally worked!!! thanks a bunch!!
Daken, age 10 of AR wrote:
messages that were backwards were thee right way.
Lorenzo, age 10 of Rome wrote:
Here's what happened when I tried Mirror Messages... I wrote the words in a message and they turned around. It was difficult because the words that I saw in the mirror do not exist! Also, I am an Italian boy and English is already strange enough!!! But it was fun! Thank you... Lollo
Mia, age 10 of Atlanta, GA wrote:
this experiment was cool!!! I did a one with a white colored pencil and a sheet of paper too!!!
Taleia, age 11 of Salisbury, NC wrote:
my friend was like wow how did you do that!!!
Michelle, age 12 of Edmonton wrote:
It was AWESOME! I showed it to my friend and she couldn't figure it out!!!
Sabina, age 10 of Carmichael, CA wrote:
I did it and my mom tryed to guess it but couden't figer it out so I had to tell her.
Alex, age 9 of South Euclid, OH wrote:
When I did it gave the note to my sis to try out and is worked
Monet, age 15 of Pico Rivera, CA wrote:
I wrote a messeg and I gave it to my friend and it worked.
Tori, age 11 of York, PA wrote:
It was so cool! I tried it on my 9 year old sister, and she stood in one space for hours trying to figure out the secret message! I finally told her how to read the message, and now she plays that trick on her friends!
Logan, age 10 of Toledo, OH wrote:
I used something called transparent mirrors instead of using regular ones and did it at school at inside recess.
D.J, age 12 of Bahrain wrote:
It was amazing! I did it to write a clue for a treasure hunt!
Mahika, age 14 of IN wrote:
I wrote a mirror message to my 5 year old brother. At first he looked at me as if some kind of magic was occuring, but then I told him the true story.
Kelcie, age 11 of Sioux Falls, ME wrote:
I typed a message and I looked in a mirror and I copied the text and it turned out great!!!
Melissa, age 13 of Riverside, CA wrote:
The first time I tried it, the message came out very unreadable. However, when I triesd again, it worked and my sister could read the message I had sent to her!!
Ashlynn, age 12 of Arkansas City, KS wrote:
When I tried the mirror message, it got confusing because I accdentaly wrote the message the right way instead of backwards. Once I got it right, it worked perfectly! It was so cool. I wrote..."The Sour Patch Kids!!"
Zach, age 9 of Meridian, ID wrote:
I realized you could do Mirror Messages a lot easier. You write your message normal and hold it in front of a mirror and angle the mirror at your friend's mirror. Your friend will look into his or her mirror and see the message normal.
Ian, age 10 wrote:
I dont need a mirror to write mirror messages, in fact I am a left hander and I find mirror writing easiler than normal writing.
Toby, age 10 of San Lorenzo, CA wrote:
It was awesome. I wrote Baseball Rocks! This is a fun Zoom Sci.
Eddie, age 8 of Louisville, KY wrote:
In the mirror messages, when you do it like you did on tv, the message is right side up. But if you turn the paper around, the message is upside down.
Bailey, age 9 of Carencro, LA wrote:
I wrote my name backwards and when I put the mirror in frount of it I saw my name and it was so cool!!!
Morgan, age 11 of NC wrote:
It worked I did it to my mom and she had no idea what it said.
John, age 13 of Acton, MA wrote:
I tried doing the mirror messages and found it pretty interesting. Doing that reminded me of a code I had thought up of a while ago. To write the code, you simply write each letter as the letter that comes after it. For example, HELLO would become IFMMP and ZOOM is APPN.
Tiffany, age 10 of Webbwood, ON wrote:
When I did a mirror message I started writing my mesage inside out, then I gave it to a friend to see if they could find out what it said and they couldn't so I showed them and said that looked so easy.
Katie, age 13 of Grand Bay, AL wrote:
I tried somrthing different. I made up a maze and put a mirrr over it. Then I tried to find the direction through the maze by looking only at the mirror. I was hopeing you could try it on ZOOM.
Chiquita, age 15 of Memphis, TN wrote:
When I did the mirror message on my little sister, she got very upset when she didnt know how to read it but she got the hang of it. Thank You ZOOMers