your results
Sent in by: Amy of Hatfield, PA
Can you use a bunch of straws to get two cans to move together?
- 24 straws
- two soda cans
- table
- Try to get the two cans to move toward each other without touching them or blowing directly on them.
Now it's time for you to experiment. Try using ten toothpicks to make six triangles of different sizes. Or, try using ten toothpicks to make twelve triangles. What other patterns can you make? Try it out, then share your results with the world in our fabulous ZOOMsci feedback area.

Kamalei, age 10 of Pearl City, HI wrote:
I connected two straws together twice. Then, I bent them so they looked like a greater than and a less than sign. I blew on the two top ones and the air travelled down the pipe and the cans stered moving toward each other.
Sanjida, age 11 of Denison, TX wrote:
I connected two straws together twice. Then, I bent them so they looked like a greater than and a less than sign. I blew on the two top ones and the air travelled down the pipe and the cans started moving toward each other.
Charlie, age 13 of Ridgewood, NY wrote:
When I blew into the straw between the balloon, the cans move together like a magnet! I also did the toothpick one and it also worked. I showed my freinds and now they think I'm a magician.
Lil, age 10 of Toronto, ON wrote:
The cans moved together when I blew between them with another straw.
Nicholas, age 9 of Redwood Falls, MN wrote:
I saw that when I took one straw from the middle and pushed it, the cans moved toward each other.
Breanna, age 10 of Goose Creek, SC wrote:
My sister and I tried this with yarn and it worked! Then we tried it with a beanie baby and that had worked also! And then we tried it with gloves and guess what? It worked agian! It was fun experimenting.