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Sent in by: Kimberly of BC
Can you make a paper bridge that can support 100 pennies?
- piece of 8 1/2" x 11" paper
- 6 books
- 100 pennies
- ruler
- Do you think that by using just one piece of paper, you can make a bridge that holds a lot of pennies?
- Make two stacks of books of equal height. Put them 6 inches apart.
- Make a bridge by putting a sheet of paper across the books.
- Put some pennies on the bridge. How many pennies can the bridge support before it collapses? What happens if the pennies are in the center of the bridge or spread across the bridge?
- How can you make the bridge stronger? Try bending, folding, or tearing the paper.
- Test your bridge again by adding pennies one at a time. How many pennies can your bridge support?
- Can you change the design of your bridge to support more pennies?
How can you make a weak material like paper strong enough to support a load of pennies? One way is to change its shape, like rolling it in a tube, crumpling it, or folding it. The ZOOM cast made a strong bridge by folding the paper like a fan. How did you make a strong bridge? Try it out and be sure to send us your results.

Aman, age 11 of CA wrote:
when I tried to do the paper bridge it was cool.
Desiraye, age 11 of Gaffney, SC wrote:
I loved it that was so fun it held 200 pennies!
Warren, age 12 of Bridgewater, NJ wrote:
The bridge worked very well for me and it held 1056 pennies!
Cj of Youngstown, OH wrote:
I did it at school and mine held about 365.
Kelly, age 10 of Hicksville, NY wrote:
I worked great it held 102 pennies.
Katherine, age 8 of London wrote:
i first tried a round tube and I put a 2p coin on but it fell off so I tried another way by folding it in to a square tube and then I put 2p pennys on and it held 25 so I wish you tri that way.
Michael, age 16 of Scottshill, TN wrote:
What I did was take a piece of paper and2 books it can be a science or math if u want to do so 1st I leveled out the books and made them look like a ramp and then I took the construction paper and made a bridge sterdy enough too hold 20 packs of ramen noodles.
Matthew, age 16 of San Ramon, CA wrote:
Muby brubidgube hubeld 183 pubennubiubes.
Katherine, age 7 of Lowell, MA wrote:
At first it could only hold 28. Then it could hold 59. But the third time it still couldn't hold 100, it could only hold 88. But the fouth time it could hold 110!
Zaria, age 11 of Tampa, FL wrote:
at first I only could hold 234 but then I did it again and it holded 630 this is a good thing to get your brain to work mines did its great for science project
Gavin, age 7 of Rockville, MD wrote:
I folded it 11 times it held 128!
Nick, age 13 of Marshall, WI wrote:
well when I did this I was amased how many penny one bridge could hold after I modifid it, the first plan one heald 3 so I added a saporter and it heald 13 so I thought I could git more so I crumpled it um and then it heald amazingly 412!!!
Polip, age 10 of Omaha, NE wrote:
I fanned out the papaer and I did really good. I got 953 pennies.
Christopher, age 10 of Wauwatosa, WI wrote:
Without folding the paper it held 2 pennies, the paper with 1 fold held 7 pennies, the paper with 3 folds held 28 pennies, the paper with 5 folds held 72 pennies, the paper with 9 folds held 120 pennies. It was fun. The more you fold the paper the more pennies can be held on the bridge.
Stephanie, age 11 of Hartford wrote:
I used 19 pennes!
Joel, age 8 of Saskatoon, SK wrote:
When I folded it the first time it held 168 pennies then I tried it again it held 257 pennies. You should try this because it is educational and terrific fun.
Amanda, age 8 of Enfield, CT wrote:
My bridge could hold 121 pennies! I added more till ti fell!
Joshua, age 8 of Carbonear wrote:
When I made it in zig-zags it only hold 1 penny, but I when made a loop it hold 100 pennies!
Jazmine, age 12 of Lithonia, GA wrote:
I made the bridge stronger by folding the paper. The paper bridge holded 98 pennies. I loved doing that project.
Diamond, age 11 of Wilson, NC wrote:
The first time I tried the experiment it didn't do so well, I only got 89 pennies, but the second time I did much better I got 123 pennies.
Jaclyn & Casey, age 13 of Athens, WV wrote:
Our first time without bending the paper we had 106 pennies on the paper before they fell. We rolled the paper up into a scroll and put 10 pennies on each end. We just started placing the pennies inside. Our final total was 540 pennies. The scroll was full so we had to take the pennies put by the time we got to 540 pennies. If there would have been more room we could have gotten more pennies in the scroll.
Addie, age 9 of Ann Arbor, MI wrote:
Well, when I made the paper bridge, it kept falling. Then, I got papers and rolled them up, and they supported the bridge. After that, I decided I should put weight on it to see what it could hold. I first put a little rock. The bridge fell down a little. Then I tried a pen-a pen that you would use everyday. It stayed. Then I put some Hot Tamales (Candy) and it stayed, but tilted a little, too. Now, I know that if I want to make a bridge, it would be better to make it out of something else.
Jeremiah, age 11 of Oaklyn, NJ wrote:
I got 326 LEGOs on one piece of paper. I folded it 4 times then laid it straight.
Katie, age 12 of Elora, ON wrote:
It collapsed the first time but then I put more foldes in it and it worked!!!
Vivek, age 14 of Chicago, IL wrote:
I Fanned out the paper and made sure it was evenly on the books. I hav about 2000+ pennies. So I put them on 10 at a time until I ha 150. Then I put 20 and then less. I managed to get 536 pennies on my bridge before it collapsed.
Edylin, age 13 of Apopka, FL wrote:
The very first time that I tried to make the paper bridge it worked great, but it just didn't hold up long. I thought of diffrent ways that I could make the paper bridge stronger, So I used a paper that was already folded for me, what I used was an envelope. The envelope sure was stronger!
Michael, age 8 of Singapore wrote:
We did not have enough coins so we used a mixture of coins. At first we used normal paper. They held 20 coins. Then we used folded paper. They held 36 coins.
Mahnoor, age 10 of Elmwood Park wrote:
When I did the paper brige it first fell, it acually was my friends idea and she made the paper brige about 10 inches. I couldent do it at first but then I got better by doing it each day and I acually made it higher than my friend it was not easy!!! Dont try this at home, it will be hard to clean the papers up, it will take u almost an hour.
Charlene, age 14 of NJ wrote:
When we did it, we first tried a construction paper. We figured if we changed it's shape it could probably hold at least 100 pennies. However, when we folded it into a half- paper fan, it LITERALLY holded 100 to 300 pennies. If we can do it, so can YOU!!!
Madelyn, age 5 of Eureka, IL wrote:
The bridge fell when we used the paper flat, after only 1-2 pennies. Next we folded the paper accordian style, and that design held all 100 pennies every time we tested it. We also tried folding the paper long-ways once, then folding over the long sides and making "sidewalls" for our bridge. This design held all the pennies the first try will a small bending in the middle. But when we tried to use it a second time it collapsed.