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Sent in by: Jen of Maple Springs, NY
Another tall thing to make.
- Using only 2 sheets of newspaper, build a structure as tall as you can.

Miranda, age 14 of Phoenix, AZ wrote:
A quite simple design utilizes triangles. If you look at the structure of a building you will notice that many of the support beams are triangular. With the use of triangles I was able to create a paper tower that stood 7 meters tall. I first did this project for my physics of engineering class and later my calculus class. In both these classes you can utilize equations to figure out how big or small of triangles are required to attain the height you desire.
Jake, age 7 of NJ wrote:
It stayed!!!
Hannah, age 13 of Bakersfield, CA wrote:
I had made a paper tower... and I made it a way where it was sturdy enough to hold a cup full of pennies... and I had made me so happy that I made3 10 of them...
Jack, age 13 of WA wrote:
It was cool I made mine 4 meters long kinda cool
Kayla, age 6 of Lowell, MA wrote:
I made it today. But it was only 7 inchs. I told it to my sister, but she didn't get it. I even did some extra stuff:I put pennies in it.
Bailey, age 13 of Pullman, WA wrote:
scince the tape was alot sturdier it can support itself alot easier. as long as it is strait and the bottom is even, it should stand up just fine:)
Tyler, age 11 of Omaha, NE wrote:
We used tape the second time we tried and it was af balance.
Rachel, age 11 of Omaha, NE wrote:
The tower at first toppled easily. Then we were allowed to use tape. It worked a little better then well it got worse.
Bailey, age 11 of Omaha, NE wrote:
We added tape but it didn't help at all. Major problem with balance.
Frankie wrote:
We added tape to our tower but it did not help we thought that we could build it higher but we could not tape the base to the tabl, andnd only got two pieces of news papper.
Brock, age 10 of Omaha, NE wrote:
The first time we tried it without tape, our group stacked to 37". Before we used tape, we predicted we would stack taller.The opposite was true. The tallest stack was 36". The reason this happened is because balance was bad. To much tape just made the tower fall.
Danny, age 11 of Omaha, NE wrote:
We added tape and tried to roll the pieces up and put one piece into another piece and taped it down, but it fell down.
Ellen, age 12 of Alameda, CA wrote:
When we built the tower with just two full sheets of newspaper, it stood at 126 cm. We used a cone-shaped base to add support, then rolled a tube with the remaining paper to make the rest of the tower. The zoom box activity resulted in us making a 209 cm tower out of the same amount of construction paper, with the same design.
Allie, age 12 of Alameda, CA wrote:
I made a paper tower and it didn't stand very well. The group I was working with and I used tape as the variable. We ended up with extra tape so we taped the tower to the table we were using. That worked at first but as we added more skinny rolled up papers, it collapsed. This activity was challenging only being able to use two pieces of newspaper.
Lorea of Alameda, CA wrote:
My tower ended up being 69 cm tall.
John, age 13 of Alameda, CA wrote:
I got my paper tower to stand for more than 2 meters! It got up to 2. 9 meters, before I ran out of newspaper to make it taller. Before I used 20 cm. of tape, my tower was just 145 cm. but after I used tape, it exceeded to more than 200 cm.
Casey & Andre, age 12 of Alameda, CA wrote:
We used the 2 sheets of newspaper first to make our tower about a little bit more than 1 meter. Second we used cardborad to make it a bit more than our 1st tower.
Max, age 12 of Alameda, CA wrote:
My partner and I were able to make our paper tower 109cm tall.
Joey, age 9 of Dover, NH wrote:
With out tape: We rolled one of the pieces of newspaper into a tube and stood it up on it's own. We then tore the second piece into many pieces and then we stacked those pieces on top of each other onto the tube. It was 31 inches tall. With 8 inches of tape: We made a tower that was 48 inches tall. We rolled each of the two pieces and attached them to create the tower.
Anthony, age 7 of Hickory, NC wrote:
It went 60 in. tall because I built it in a honney-comb shape.
Richard, age 16 of Rockville, MD wrote:
I built a tower with my other high school friends, but couldn't get it to stand up. How can you possibly use 2 sheets of newsprint to build a 4 foot tall tower?
Andrew, Leila of Brattleboro, VT wrote:
We built our tower up to 51 inches or 4 feet and 3 inches. Our tower was sturdy and would have stayed standing, but we tried to keep building and caused it to collapse.
Kynthia, age 8 of Kansas wrote:
It fell down and I had to put it back up. But it was hard. And I think it was fun.
Michael N., age 6 of Bountiful, UT wrote:
I built the tower and it did not work. There wasn't too much support I built it out of newspaper. I like trying Zoom experiments.
Lisa J., age 11 of Bettendorf, IA wrote:
I started to make it, but then I noticed that my hands were black! My mom made me stop
Roque R., age 11 of Bronx, NY wrote:
A picture of it is coming very soon!
Amy L., age 10 of Fairfax, VA wrote:
It stood up for 1 min and 10 sec.
Roque R., age 11 of Bronx, NY wrote:
My paper measured 176 inches tall! I did this by cutting the two sheets of paper in half the long way. Then folded each half sheet of paper long way. I put each paper on top of each other. But a few seconds later it fell. This happened because there was a lot of weight on the top.
Roque R., age 11 of Bronx, NY wrote:
I made another one that did not fall! It measures about 45in. I'm sending a picture of it very soon.