your results
Sent in by: Christian of Winchester, MA
- plastic shopping bags
- yarn
- a paper cup
- scissors
- eggs
- Make a parachute out of a plastic shopping bag, yarn, a paper cup and scissors.
- You can test your parachutes by dropping it with eggs.
- (Or, if you are inside you may want to test it using something else, like pennies!)
You can also send us your pictures or video of this ZOOMsci: ZOOMsci ZOOM Box 350 Boston, MA 02134

Marcie & Stephanie of Stanhope wrote:
When we did this the egg didn't break.
Andrea, age 12 of Farmington Hills wrote:
We tossed it off the belcony and ran down to catch them. It was a lot of fun!! I used marbles instead of pennies.
Jason O., age 12 of Brockway, PA wrote:
I found out if you add to much weight the parachute will not work.
Kayla wrote:
My parachute fell apart!
Steven K., age 10 wrote:
My parachute went all over like crazy. The strings were tangled a lot. My dad had to help me untangle it for me. Instead of pennies I used five marbles and one bouncy ball. I also used an egg and it survived the tradgedy.
Tommy D., age 5 of Sweeny, TX wrote:
Our parachute worked really well, we enjoy tossing into the air and running to catch it as it floats down.
Alyssa F., age 7 of Valley, WA wrote:
I had to make it twice. The first time it came down too fast so I cut open the bag more and used longer rubber bands on the cup. The egg did not break!!
Chrissy M/Brittney K of Phoenix, AZ wrote:
Our parashute just went straight down.
ZOOM wrote:
This is new!
ZOOM wrote:
We need your comments!
ZOOM wrote:
Send it to ZOOM!