your results
Sent in by: Adriana of AZ
Make your pennies sparkle!
- lemon juice
- old, dull pennies
- paper cups
- paper towels
- Check with a grown-up before you begin.
- Put a penny in a paper cup.
- Pour some lemon juice into the cup. Make sure the penny is completely covered.
- After about 5 minutes, take the penny out of the lemon juice, rub it off with a paper towel. What does the penny look like now? It should be much brighter.
- A new penny is partly made from bright, shiny copper. But after a while, it loses its shine. Why? Because the copper mixes with the oxygen in the air and makes a coating called an oxide. When you put the penny in lemon juice, the acid in the lemon chemically removes the oxide, and you're left with a bright copper penny.
Now's your chance to experiment. Try out different kinds of liquids, make some predictions, compare your results and send them to ZOOM. Which liquids shined your pennies the most? The least? Do acids work better than bases? To find out which liquids are acids and which are bases, check out the grOOvy online gizmo, Kitchen Chemistry, for more scientific kitchen kOOkineSS!

Marie, age 14 wrote:
I did an expierement it consisted of ketchup, mustard, salt water, and lemon juice. I found that the lemon juice worked best. It also had chemical reaction, it starts to bubble.
Jessica Ann of Glen Ellyn, IL wrote:
After trying vineger and lemon juice I tried mixing them and it worked out awsome!
Celeste, age 10 of Sun Valley wrote:
I put the penny in coke and the penny turned brighter and cleaner. It was so much fun.
Tatianna, age 11 of Raleigh, NC wrote:
It was fun. I polish every single pennies I saw.
Tony, age 6 of Easton, MA wrote:
My penny became very shiny when I put it in the lemon juice and then polished it.
Jailene, age 12 of Chicago, IL wrote:
the lemon made the britest.
Malique, age 12 of Fall River, MA wrote:
I used four new liquids: orange juice, apple juice, milk, and red gatorade. #1 was a tie between apple juice, gatorade, and orange juice.
Fianna, age 11 of OH wrote:
i tried a mix of lemen juice, vinegar and baking soda and my pennies were polished in about 10 - 15 minutes!
Cassie, age 8 of OH wrote:
when I poured the lemon juice they where clean as a cleand and polished dimend.
David, age 8 of Brooklyn, NY wrote:
When I did this experement my pennies really did shine! But I was amazed that lemen juice can shine pennies so good!
Victoria, age 10 of Gilbert, AZ wrote:
the soda and the lemon juice actually worked.
Lucy, age 9 of Duluth, MN wrote:
I did it in school and we tried it with coke and or water.
Andrew, age 11 of Los Angeles, CA wrote:
I tried it with bleach, Taco sauce, vinegar and salt, soap and water, ketchup, and cola.
Sriha, age 6 of Novato, CA wrote:
I did it with lemon juice and it worked. I did it at home and at school. I was the rock star I know how pennies get dull.
Daniel, age 12 of Ridgewood, NJ wrote:
It cleaned most of the penny but still left with a tiny bit of dirty spots but barely noticeable. This works with just about any acid.
Jane, age 11 of Norwell, MA wrote:
It was really shiny!!! My mom made me shine soooo many pennies to look pretty!!!
Kayla, age 11 of Flint, MI wrote:
well cola cleaned its penny the best because of its acid.
Laly, age 11 of Hamtramck, MI wrote:
My subtaces were lemon juice, Vinegar with salt, oven spray, and a mix of all 3. The Vinegar and Salt worked the best. Second was the mix.
John, age 9 of Erie, PA wrote:
it really turned dirty and I used a glass cup by it was fun
Destine, age 11 of Greenville, MO wrote:
the pennies really did shine but I was amaze that lemon juice can make a penny shine.
Marylen, age 13 of Holly Springs, MS wrote:
I tried food coloring and mustard the mustard work food coloring!!!
Mary, age 12 of McGregor, MN wrote:
I didn't try it with the Lemon Juice, I tried it with Chinese Vinegar. It worked pretty good, it didn't make them as shiny as on the show but I had this one penny from 1984 that was super dirty, as it sat in the vinegar you could constantly see the stuff coming off of it. It was pretty cool. With my other pennies it cleaned some off, but some just looked the same. With one though it made it darker, and darker and darker and darker. It was odd, so I took the penny out. Now I've got a nice, blackish looking penny. So it worked ok.
Sasha, age 10 of Houston, TX wrote:
I need to shine some pennies after this experiment. I had shiney pennies but, I relized that some other coins were dirty so I used the lemon juice I was really happy. I could tell the cashiere was impress.
Brittany, age 10 of Turlock, CA wrote:
this project was really fun. the lemon juice was the one that made the dirty penny shiny. this polishing pennies experiments is one of the best projects I have done. it was really awesome!
Lynnette, age 12 of Chicago wrote:
when I was doing science results. I had two cup of juice the juice was apple and lime. I had 1 pennies and each cup and the apple I did not do anthing but the lime juice change corle it was green now it was it brow so the lime woke.
Bailey, age 9 of Saginaw, TX wrote:
I did it in front of my class. I had handsoup, water, viniger and dr. Pepper. The water did the lest job leving the dr. Pepper(its an acid)doing the best job!
Mrs. P of Mt. Horeb, WI wrote:
we used lemon juice and a drink called Sunny D-this worked the best to polish them up. Wealso used Green Tea, it didn't shine them much nor did the water. It was fun!
Taylor, age 12 of Mount Horeb, WI wrote:
a 1964 penny that was really dull is now shiny we used green tea and a mix of lemon juice and sunny D and that really shined the pennies and I thought it was a cool experimet all the pennies are really cool
Tyler, age 12 of Mt. Horeb, WI wrote:
we had old pennies. then we put them in a cup lemon juice, sunnyd, water and tea.