your results
Sent in by: Anna of Houston, TX
You'll huff and you'll puff and you'll blow across the finish line!
- non-bending plastic drinking straws
- wintergreen or peppermint lifesavers
- paper
- paper clips
- tape
- scissors
- Check with a grown-up before you begin.
- To make your Puff-mobile, you can only use straws, lifesavers, paper, paper clips and tape.
- To make your Puff-mobile go, you can only use your breath.
- Have your friends design and make their own Puff-mobiles, then have a Puff-mobile competition. Can you get your Puff-mobile to move 9 feet? See who can move their Puff-mobile 9 feet with the fewest number of breaths.
Which Puff-mobile design crossed the finish line first? What about the design made it better? Write to ZOOM with your race results.

Jada, age 8 of Elk City, OK wrote:
It was awsome. I love it. It was the coolest thing I have ever saw. It was cool. Thanks for the wonderful idea!!!
Amanda, age 11 of Portland, ME wrote:
It went over 13 feet~! It was aweseome!
Shi Shi, age 11 of Beufort, SC wrote:
My puff moble went real fast and I won out of my two friends it was great.
Payton, age 7 of Beaveryon, OR wrote:
I bloo it and bloo it and it whent so far! I was glad.
Tia, age 12 of Ishpeming, MI wrote:
Well I made it differnt. I use five straws, ten sewing needles, and I used five of those mint life savers with the hole in the middle. And after you can race them.
Megan, age 14 of Port Lavaca, TX wrote:
It didnt take long for it to move cause I blow real hard.
Brittany, age 10 of Smithfield, NC wrote:
Me and my friends were trying it to see who could blow 9 ft. in the least amount of breaths and I won with only 2 breaths.
Paige, age 11 of Memphis, TN wrote:
If you blow slower the mobile moves more swiftly.
Nick, age 11 of Ashby, MA wrote:
I blew my puff mobile about 2 ft with one breath! I made a puffmobile out of an old magazine.
Christina, age 10 of Phila wrote:
What happened was whaen I blwe the puff-mobile it moved very fast and it turned.
Christian, age 10 of Ft. Collins, CO wrote:
I made my puff-mobile out of paper, tape, and straws. Although it has to be on tile, wood, or other smooth surfaces, it goes really fast! It can't move on carpet. I made a sail out of cut up computer paper and straws. I also curved the edges of the paper up.
Alex & Eric of Spingville, UT wrote:
I got one sheet of blue card stock and folded it by one corner into a triangle. Then I put a paper clip at the nose and cut the top off. My brothe Eric did the same thing to his but didn't cut the top off. It took me 13 puffs to get it 9ft it took eric 20 puffs.