your results
Sent in by: Betsy of Oskaloosa, IA, Betty of Huntington, NY and Katelyn of Bellevue, WA
Create a buzz of your own.
- balloon
- plastic ruler
- plastic spoon
- paper plate
- wool scarf
- silk scarf
- rubber-soled shoes
- carpet
- socks
- sweater
- thread
- record
- comb
- cereal
- salt
- hoola hoop
- sugar
- pepper
- ripped-up paper
- gelatin
- Styrofoam peanuts
- the kitchen sink
- In the ZOOMscis Snap, Crackle, Jump and Electric Gelatin, you can use static electricity generated by a wool scarf and a vinyl record to make cereal dance or turn gelatin into stalagmites. Now, try different ways of making static electricity.
- Try rubbing a balloon on your head, rubbing a plastic ruler with paper, or dragging your sneakers on the carpet. Do any of these actions create a charge? How can you tell? What else do you think will create static electricity?
- Make predictions about what will work and how well. Try it out! How do your results match up to your predictions?
How strong is the static you create? Can you use static to stick materials to other things? Can you use it to pick up socks or change the flow of water from the faucet? How else can you use static electricity? Will it do your homework or make your bed? Test out your ideas and let us know how well they work.

Celine, age 9 of Miami, FL wrote:
When I rubbed the balloon against other objects the objects became attracted to it. That was amazing!
George, age 9 of Atlanta, GA wrote:
i tied a ball of aluminmu foil to a long piece of thread. I put food wrap to the foil ball. the foil ball is sticking to the food wrap.
Cynthia, age 9 of New York, NY wrote:
i rubbed the ballon in my hair and my hair went up.
LC, age 11 of Bakersfield wrote:
i felt a tingly sensatoin but I dont know why a record disk has static electricity.
Haley wrote:
Igot shocked
Jonathan, age 15 of Philadelphia wrote:
It sticked to my shirt, and it stayed there by electricity by rubbing it against a light bulb.
Grace, age 13 of Harrisville, UT wrote:
A balloon stuck to me.
Andrea and Emily, age 11 of NYC, NY wrote:
When we first tried it, the ball didnt move. Then we tried again and the ball moved but not how we planned? Any Ideas what happened?
Cody, age 10 of Orchard Park wrote:
it workd
Isaac, age 11 of Brodhead, KY wrote:
well if you really want to know I took some rice crispy cereal and a ballon and I rubbed it and when I lifted ballon the cereal stuck to it
Hassan, age 11 of QC wrote:
it was awsome I used it for a science project at school it worked fine I also got a good note!!!
Kunal, age 8 of Detroit, MI wrote:
When i rubbed the wool to the pvc tube i put it near a small piece of paper and the paper stuck to the pvc tube
Caroline, age 12 of Boston, MA wrote:
I rubbed my feet on the rug and then I touched the door knob and got shocked... another time I my hair wa sticking up and I put on a fleece and the fleece reacted to my dry hair and shocked me!
Daniella, age 9 of Wilmette, IL wrote:
I rubbed a comb on a piece of carpet, wich created friction. I tried to pick up a piece of round paper and it worked!
Victoria of Beverly Hills, CA wrote:
I took a piece of string tied on a cheerio then I hung it from on of our walk in showers and found a comb, brushed my hair with it and then I put the comb near the cheerios and the cheerio came the the comb!
Jawid, age 10 of Melbourne, AUS wrote:
i rubbed the balloon on my hair for a long time then put paper under it far away the paper slowly went up and down and stuck on the balloon then I rubbed the balloon alot and I threw it up and it got stuck on the roof for ten -fifteen minutes
Courtney of Luxora, AR wrote:
When I did the project it was a great experience. I found out that the wool reacted
Ashley, age 10 of Bullhead City, AZ wrote:
I tried the one with the salt and pepper. I rubbed the balloon on my head and held it over a plate of salt and then a plate of pepper and during both tries the salt and the pepper jumped off the plate onto the balloon. It was so so cool.
Kyle, age 7 of Vallejo wrote:
When we were eating pizza, I got an idea to make static electricity. I take a plastic plate and rub it on my shirt. Then I put the plastic plate over the napkin. It goes to the plastic plate. That was a really good idea. You have have to try it because, It's fun.
Katey, age 10 of Rienzi, MS wrote:
I tried rubbing a balloon on my hair and sticking it over a plate of pepper and it picked up then I got another balloon and tried rubbing it on my hair and sticking it to a plate of salt now that's what I call Static Electricity!
Ange, age 10 of Markham, ON wrote:
After the experiment, I tried rubbing the balloon on my hair again, and stuck it to the wall. It stayed there for a long time! Now that's called static electricity!!!
Savannah, age 9 of Carver, MA wrote:
When I did static electricity I rubbed a balloon on my head and it stayyed threr for a cuple seconds and then it rolled off and my hair stod up.
Zachary, age 5 of San Clemente, CA wrote:
You take a regular balloon blown up. You rub it on your hair. Then stick it to a tissue and it will carry the tissue.
Brooklyn, age 7 of Mesa, AZ wrote:
When I rubbed the balloon against my head, and when I took it off my head... my hairs stood up!!! And thats static electricity!
Tahv, age 7 of San Jose wrote:
Well, I slid down a slide and touched some one. Then there was a big... zap!
Brianna, age 9 of Honolulu, HI wrote:
It worked. I even tried sticking it to the wall after I rubbed it on my hair it was awsome!!!
Lillian, age 9 of Sanborn wrote:
I put a ballon on my head and my hair stood straight up.
Min-Su, age 6 of Evanston, IL wrote:
I rubed a balloon onto my shirt a lot and let it go and it stayed there!
Sophie, age 9 of Glen Ridge, NJ wrote:
The gelatin suddenly few up and stuck to the balloon when I had rubbed it on my hair. It was so amazing!!!
Edison, age 6 of Winter Garden, FL wrote:
I rubbed the balloon on my hair and it made static electricity then I cut up the paper and it stuck to the balloon. It was so awesome it really worked.