your results
Sent in by: Sarah and Jonathan of Jackson, MI
Use a drinking straw and your noodle to make a musical kazoo-dle.
- First, flatten out one end of a straw. The easiest way to do this is to bite on it.
- With a pair of scissors, cut the flattened end of the straw in an upside-down "V" shape. This will act as a reed just like in a clarinet.
- Place the "V" end of the straw in your mouth so that the "V" end is just past the inside of you lips.
- Press on the "V" with your lips while blowing. This might take some practice. You may have to separate the "V" a bit.
- Here's another cool thing that you can do. Cut the straw and then blow on it. Hear how the pitch is higher?
Now it's time to experiment. See if you can make a musical instrument that uses vibrations in other ways. When you're done, send your reports to our special feedback area. Be sure to tell us what materials you used and what happened. Every week we'll post new results from ZOOMers' musical instrument experiments. Share your results with the world, right here at ZOOM!

Evan, age 12 of San Antonio, TX wrote:
It was very cool, especially when I made holes to change the pitch!
ZOOM Fan, age 10 of Greenville, SC wrote:
it sounded very weird and just like a kazoo!
Taylor, age 13 of Elizabethtown, KY wrote:
well at 1st it was just air, but then I pressed me lips together with my fingers and a little buzzing came out! we tried this in science about a month ago, but I had to make an instrament for this project so... I made the straw kazoo!
Kimmy, age 8 of Frankfort, KY wrote:
It didn't work too good. When I tried it all I heard was air.
Megan, age 11 of Lebanon, MO wrote:
At school, my teacher made it into a science lab activity for us and out of 27 kids about 5 got it, eventually I did and the boy who sat next to me made one that was about an inch long, it sounded like it had screamed! Ha, ha.
Katherine, age 7 of Lowell, MA wrote:
I made a straw kazoo. But it didn't turn out so good. I cut a hole in it. It sounded like this "fooo fooo". When I put my finger on and off, on and off the hole it sounded like "fu fo fu fo fu fo fu fo". I cut it shorter then it sounded so cool!
Carmilla, age 11 of Hayneville wrote:
I made it but it didn't come out right. It sounded like somebody was sraching a chaltbroard it hert my ears.
Sheila, age 10 of Hillsboro, OR wrote:
I tried, and tried, and tried but it didn't work!:( My straw is a pile of plastic now.:( Though another time it did work!!!:) it was so much fun playing it. But, my mom made me throw it away.. I love all your projects and shows so much. I'll be watching u soon! 0:) P. S: I dont know what time you guys are on! I hope I can find out! 0;)
Mikhaila, age 13 of Olathe, KS wrote:
It didn't make noise unless I hummed or sucked in. I don't know why. Maeby I'll try again.
Brayden, age 10 of Wixom, MI wrote:
When I did it, I put holes in it. Then it sounded cool!
Emily, age 9 of Springfield, OH wrote:
I had no lucky. But I had fun trying, Keep making experiments I have fun doing them!!!
Emily, age 12 of Springfield, OH wrote:
At first I cut the straw wrong, but then I fixed it and now I have load of fun playing my kazoo!
Jon, age 7 of Nashville, AR wrote:
The longer straw's pitch was shorter. The shorter straw's pitch was higher. I thout the straw kazoo was awsome!
Shelli, age 12 of ON wrote:
actually you can also cut holes in the straw and play it like a flute (really wierd but it works)
Mcadory, age 10 of McCalla, AL wrote:
The kazoos made a low noise when we blew into them. As we made the Kazoo shorter the pitch changed from low to high. The shorter the kazoo the higher the pitch.
Rochelle, age 8 of Waterville wrote:
It did not make any sound when I blew into it.
Emily of Portland, OR wrote:
I cut the straw to different lengths and the pitch got higher as it got shorter. It was really fun!
Ramsha, age 12 of Newark, DE wrote:
it made really cool noises, but the instuctions arent very clear so after playing around a bit I found out that after you cut the v. fold the v part so thatit looks like the top of a 6 sided figure or after you bite it cut the v so the stra kinda of looks like an arrow. I hope my tips help!
Julie, age 14 of Devon, AB wrote:
I did this expeiment in gr. three it was so much fun I made a second one!.
Harrison, age 9 of Cedar Park, TX wrote:
I didn't bite down on the straw but when I blew it sounded like a whale!
Samantha, age 5 of Alto, NM wrote:
It made a funny sound. It hurt my lips.
Sally, age 9 of Fresno, CA wrote:
I heard the sound from the straw.
Lauren, age 10 of PA wrote:
When I did this experiment I had to practice a lot before I could start making noise. After practicing with the straw kazoo I started to make some cool noises! It was really cool!
Destiny, age 10 of Houston, TX wrote:
When I did it the first time it did not wor cause I did not cut the v right. So I got another straw, and can you belive it! It actually worked cause I cut the v right. The sound was amazing. There was like a beautiful and nice high pitch sound.
Nichole, age 10 of Cumberland, RI wrote:
Tthis thing did not work I dont get the whole cutting the V in the straw. When I did all that I heard was the air I was blowing into the straw it was not making any noise.
Zoey, age 6 of Sammamish, WA wrote:
As soon as I started I couldnt get the v right! I did it again and got it right.
Ashlee, age 12 of London, OH wrote:
When I did the experiment I made a very small kazzo. It was about an inch and it made a very squeaky sound!
Colin, age 9 of Portland, TN wrote:
I could play a tune this was so cool!! It was for a science project at school.
Brandi, age 10 of McConnellsburg, PA wrote:
The blowing part was easy for me because I play the saxophone which requires a reed. The sound was cool.