your results
Sent in by: The School Age Childcare in Upper Arlington, OH
Be part of another live experiment, here at the ZOOM web site. We want to know who has more fillings, boys or girls? How many fillings do YOU have? Be a part of this world-wide ZOOMentific experiment!
So far, 196,860 girls have a total of 875,467 fillings and
111,216 boys have 748,776 fillings altogether.
So boys have more, with an average of 6.7 fillings each and girls have less, with an average of 4.4 fillings each.
Now, go count the fillings of people you know. You can use kids or adults. Tell us how many girls you counted and how many fillings they had, and how many boys you counted, and how many fillings they had. Click once for each person. Tell us whether they're boys or girls (men or women too), and how many fillings each person has. The page will come back with YOUR totals included.

Lily, age 7 of Mt. Juliet, TN wrote:
i only have 1 tiny cavity in a baby tooth.
Sydney, age 5 wrote:
i have 0 and I am so glad. it is rel nice having 0.
Lane, age 10 of New Orleans, LA wrote:
I ate to much junk food and I had to get crowns on 3 of my teeth and I had 1 tooth pulled. It didn't hurt at all!
Josefina, age 13 of Santa Fe, NM wrote:
I have uno cavity.
Katherine, age 8 of Lowell, MA wrote:
My friend Jackie has 3 cavities and 1 cap. I have 1 cavitiy and braces. I getting my braces taken off on Janaury 2010.
Elizabeth, age 9 of Green Forest, AR wrote:
it kinda hurt but im ok. I have one filling.
Ilie, age 7 of New York, NY wrote:
4 girls, 5 boys.
Lily, age 9 of Colorado Springs, CO wrote:
I have two fillings and I might need braces! My 2 fillings are on my baby teeth, so they will fall out.
Dalton, age 11 of Cleveland, OK wrote:
I have 3 cavities and 1 cap. When you get one it really hurts. So try not to get any.
Mandi, age 9 of Richmond, AZ wrote:
i have had 13 fillings all in adult teeth. it really hurts to get them filled. I got 13 fillings because I do not brush my teeth at all and in my class girls have had 99 cavities and boys have had 0.
Mikaela, age 9 of Canton, OH wrote:
i don't have any fillings! But I chipped half of my front tooth when I was playing a basket ball game, I got hit in the face with the ball... but I didn't get a filling... yet.
Emily, age 8 of Ferrellsburg, WV wrote:
I went to the dentist and got my filling. I got a cool prize afterwards.
Luc, age 7 of Portland, OR wrote:
I've never had a cavitie, so I never got any fillings, caps, or crowns!
Elizabeth, age 9 of Tampa, FL wrote:
i have none! (i once triped on a sofa and now 1/2 of my tooth is fake).
Hope, age 10 of NY wrote:
I have no cavities! But my sister has a two small ones because when she was a baby she had many ear infections so most of the enamel came off her teeth. She said it did not hurt!
Kate, age 8 of Palos Hills, IL wrote:
I have 1 cavity it was on a baby tooth That's okay because it will come out.
Lizzy, age 13 of Crystal, MN wrote:
me and my sister both have no cavities! (i chipped my tooth when I ran into a door so I have 1/2 a fake tooth on my front tooth)
Kailah, age 8 of Richmond, CA wrote:
I never had a cavity before.
Veronica, age 11 of Milan wrote:
It was good to know about Tooth Decay and what it does!
Katelyn, age 10 of Chadron, NE wrote:
I have 0 cavities. If you have a cavity that does not mean you need braces. It is if your teeth are not straight. I have braces and my dad is a dentist too.
Julie, age 8 of China Town, NY wrote:
I only have 5 fillings on my baby teeth. My sister has 3 on some of adult teeth. I have a cap on one of my adult teeth.
Kayan, age 7 of Cupertino, CA wrote:
I did not have any fillings and I am glad but still even it is my baby teeth it will effect how my new teeth grows. I know because a dentist came to my school and told us all about teeth!!!
Laura-Louise, age 16 of Irmo, SC wrote:
i have no fillings yay
Sarah, age 11 wrote:
I have 1 cavity but it was in my baby tooth and it fell out. So now I have 0!
Louanna, age 10 of Lawrence, KS wrote:
i have one tooth decay it feels normal and it looks normal
Leeolie of Terre Haute, IN wrote:
I have 4 fillings and im getting four more soon! I never knew I had a cavity, but I do!
Sasha, age 4 of Myrtle Beach, CA wrote:
I had 6 fillings but I like then because after I get to chose a cool prize.
Abrianna of Holloman, NM wrote:
I knew that I had 7 fillings when I was younger, but know my teath are WHITE!!!
Holly, age 12 of Topeka, KS wrote:
I have seven fillings and I'm getting braces soon.