your results
Sent in by: JJ of CA
It's alive!
- 1 package of yeast
- warm water
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- spoons
- large bowl
- Check with a grown-up before you begin.
- Does yeast seem alive to you? Well, it is. It just needs warmth and sugar to become active. Yeast are living things that are so small they only have one cell. They can't make their own food. So, if you don't give them food, they don't become active. It's almost like they are asleep. This is called being dormant. But when you make it warm for them and give them some food (yeast like sugar) they become active.
- Check it out:
- Pour one package of yeast in a large bowl.
- Add 1/4 cup of warm water and 1 teaspoon sugar.
- Now wait about 10 minutes. When you check it, you should see bubbles.
- The bubbles you see are carbon dioxide. The yeast eats the sugar and then makes carbon dioxide. The yeast also makes more yeast, which makes even more carbon dioxide. This is why yeast is used to make bread. The carbon dioxide produced by the yeast makes bubbles in the bread dough making it bigger and fluffier. But don't take our word for it, check out the recipe for Homemade Bread in the CafeZOOM section of the site.
Don't forget to try this out and tell us what you observe!

Josh, age 7 of Santa Clara, CA wrote:
Mixed yeast with sugar and warm water and put a balloon over the bottle. The balloon slowly popped-up.
Alyssa, age 10 of Oromocto West, NB wrote:
at first I thouught it stunk. I do not like the smell but toward the end it worked verry well.
Meryn and Selma, age 10 of Newcastle wrote:
it fizzed up.
Shayna, age 10 of Chicago, IL wrote:
It bubbled up and made a huge mess.
Stephanie, age 10 of Amherst, MA wrote:
it bubbled up and it made my house smell bad.
Stephanie, age 11 of Bronx, NY wrote:
Wow. This is amazing. I am doing it for my school project, it starts to bubble and me and my mom made it in bread together!
Shaniya, age 8 of Manning wrote:
it fizzied up.
Maryum, age 12 of Peshawar, Pakistan wrote:
I performed it in the classroom. Everybody was amazed at that thing.
Cris, age 9 of Hong Kong wrote:
It stinked in my class room
Miguel, age 12 of New Jersey wrote:
I did it in school but with beaker and ballons in the beaker so the ballon would fill up with carbon dioxide
Jasmine, age 12 of Cotton Valley wrote:
the yeast came up
Doyle, age 5 of PA wrote:
we did this in my homeschool and we added colored sand to it and not only did it grow, but also absorbed the sand so some of the particles of yeast were blue and my sister's yeast was pink it was very cool.
Simon, age 10 wrote:
It was kind of dissapointing. We put sugar and yeast in warm water, but after like 20 minutes, you could see very tiny bubbles. It STINKS!
Courtney, age 11 wrote:
Nothing happened at first but then I added more water and sugar.
Erin, age 11 of Mount Horeb, WI wrote:
nothing happened at first but then we added more hot water and yeast and sugar. The top turned white but that was about all.
Sofie, age 13 of Temecula, CA wrote:
It was sooo cool we did it at my school and I thought it was weard but I liked working on making the yeast into cooking bread WHO NEW THIS WAS SUCH A COOL SCIENCE PROJECT!
Travis, age 12 of Honolulu, HI wrote:
it was a very good experiment,
Anissa, age 13 of New York, NY wrote:
We put hot water and a little extra sugar and it over flowed at 8 minutes. IT WAS SSSSSSOOOOOOOOOO cool!!! I REALLY REllly like this experiment!!! I think I am gonnado it again it was so fun im gonna even ask my teacher if we can do this experiment!!!
Hamilton, age 10 of Honolulu, HI wrote:
I have a question about the experiment do I stir it together or just put it in the bowl and wait?
Ms. O's Class of Washington, DC wrote:
after a while, the yeast was fluffy from the bubbles. The co2 made the mixture fluffy.
Jeni, age 12 of TX wrote:
it just fizzed, then I gave a little to my dog she loved it!!
Meaghan, age 12 of VA wrote:
I waited about 5 minuets and then it started foaming but other than that it did not do anything. I was kind of dissapointed when I tried it.
Kaitlyn, age 10 of VA wrote:
I waited around 10 minuets and it is almost over flowing onto my kitchen counter! I am really happy with this thanks ZOOM!:)
Chardennai, age 13 of Nova Scotia wrote:
When I mixed white sugar into the bowl of yeast and water, it never did anything. But when I put the yeast in with brown sugar and water, it took at least a half hour to bubble and rise. This project, is horrible!
Genesis, age 10 of Midland, TX wrote:
i actually put the whole box of yeast and guess what it made a mess you know what this is a learning and fun you know what its very easy to get the ingredients just go to your local grocery store if you haven't tried it you have to try it trust me.
Ying, age 9 of Jurong West wrote:
Whao it was sooooooo coooool!!! I thought it will burst. I did put a ballon too. to see wheather it have corbon dioxe
Laura, age 10 of New York, NY wrote:
I added hydrogen peroxide and it rose up! It was so cool! it looked like it was really breathing... and baking! And when you add the sugar, the yeast really eats it! awsoooooooome!
Heaven, age 9 of Quincy, IL wrote:
It got all fluffy at first it smelled like corn then after a little while it smelled like beer. YUCK!
Britney, age 11 of Los Angeles, CA wrote:
it was incredaball I saw the yeast coming alive
Piruk, age 4 of Los Angeles, CA wrote:
I put two packs of yeast in a bottle, and put in 5 tablespoons of sugar. It smelled like beer.