your results
Sent in by: Melissa
Vvvrrrrooooom! Construct a vehicle that really ZOOMs!
- piece of string (6 feet long)
- straws
- 3 balloons
- paper clips
- paper
- rubber bands
- 6 inches of masking tape
- Make a ZOOM Vehicle that goes from one end of a six-foot string to the other.
- To build your string track, attach the six-foot piece of string in between two chairs.
- To build your vehicle, you can use straws, three balloons, paper clips, paper, rubber bands, and six inches of masking tape.
- What kinds of things do you need to think about in order to build a successful vehicle? Make sure your vehicle has a lot of force, but not too much resistance.
- With a second string track of the same length, you could also get together with some friends to see who could get their vehicle to ZOOM to the end of their string first!
How did you build your ZOOM vehicle and how did it work? What would you do to improve upon your design and why? Share your results with the world by sending them in to our fabulous ZOOMsci feedback area.

Ben, age 9 of Eagar, AZ wrote:
It was awesome! It vroomed and ZOOMed away!
Abhishek, age 13 of Brampton, ON wrote:
We did the same thing in school one day. we put the tape on the balloon and then took it off when someone was blowing it and it popped right in his face. We got it working after a while and it worked fantastic. It was soo cool! I loved it! Thanks for thinking of this. Can you help me think of an idea to make energy or to show it changing?
Trinity, age 7 of Fairbanks, AK wrote:
It went super fast!
Sam, age 9 of Omaha, NE wrote:
it vroooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmed away
Breanna, age 13 of Delaware wrote:
when I did this I had a blast it was so fun to build thanks so much for the idea keep on rockin hard love you guys NEVER cancel
Kylee, age 8 of Moberley, MO wrote:
it knocked down my sisters toys!
William, age 8 of Harrisonburg, VA wrote:
The first time it stayed in one spot and spun around in circles. The second time it stayed in one spot and spun around in circles. The third time it finally went 6 feet. It was a real surprise to see it go to the end.
Grace, age 11 of Lawrenceville, GA wrote:
it rolled like a flying air plane on the land
Samna, age 10 of Hamilton wrote:
I took a soap box and made a car. Then, my teacher challenged me to make it move without useing my hands! Then I learned about magnets and how they attract,
Sarah, age 10 of CT wrote:
I did the same experiment in science class. I made a glider, using a straw, and attaching wings to it. then I attached that to the string, blew up my balloon, and let it go. It went so far. We raced them, I got second place.
Tori, age 12 of Portland, OR wrote:
When I tried it out it worked, but was really slow.
Laural, age 13 of GA wrote:
My went slow at frist, but than I move a few things and it went so fast like something was rolling.
Analysha, age 15 of Peoria, IL wrote:
It went really slow I had to wait like20 minutes for it to move then after 10 more minutes it went so fast it was like a racecar!!!
Nelson, age 10 of Westbury, NY wrote:
It went super fast, it seemed like I couldn't see it.
Windell, age 12 of Springfield, MA wrote:
It went fast.
Renee, age 8 of Naples, FL wrote:
Well, it whas so slow I had to wate like an hour for it to move one inch!!!
Melissa, age 10 of New Hamberg, ON wrote:
The first time it didnt work so I moved some stuff around then it worked.
Robert, age 10 of Newark, NJ wrote:
It went really fast! It was like a racecar! Mines curved a little to the left, but I think it was something I did.
Ashley, age 10 of Wooster, OH wrote:
When I made a ZOOM vehicle it broke as soon as I tryed to race it! Well better luck next I hear people say.
Logan, Alma, Kaleigh of Wichita, KS wrote:
It was slow so we had to make some changes so then it was just for show.
Bryan, age 9 of St. Paul, MN wrote:
It went really fast. Itwas cool.
Caitlin, age 9 of Puyallup, WA wrote:
Since I let air out of it, it raced to the end and my friends and I raced and my team won! We also tried it with bigger balloons and longer sting.
Bryeanna, age 9 of Havana, AR wrote:
It went fast!
Caitlin, age 10 of Hamilton, ON wrote:
It drove for me it was wicked!!!
Jeffrey of Portsmouth, VA wrote:
it when fast
Brittany, age 13 of Washington, DC wrote:
When I did the zoom vehicle itr came out perfect and I was very happy because usually I get frustated when I can't get it right the first time.