Homemade Lemonade
Here's what you will need to make it:
- 4 lemons
- 1 cup of sugar
- 6 cups of water
- knife
- bowl
- strainer
- pitcher
- mixing spoon
- ice
Here's what you have to do:
1. Check with a grown-up before you start this.
2. Roll each lemon with the palm of your hand on a counter or tabletop. This will make the lemons easier to squeeze and help them make more juice.
3. Cut the lemons in half and squeeze them into a bowl.
4. It's a good idea to strain the lemon juice so you don't get any seeds in your lemonade.
5. Pour the lemon juice into a pitcher.
6. Next, add 1 cup of sugar.
7. Then, add 6 cups of water.
8. Stir everything together.
9. Pour the lemonade into a glass of ice and enjoy!