ZOOMdo: arts and crafts
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Homemade Chalk
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Sent to us by:
Mithu M. of Rock Hill, SC

What you need for this ZOOMdo:

  • cardboard toilet paper tube
  • waxed paper
  • disposable empty container (an old 32 oz. yogurt container works well)
  • Plaster of Paris
  • liquid tempera paint
  • water
  • plastic spoons

What you do for this ZOOMdo:

  1. Line the inside of your toilet paper tube with waxed paper.

  2. Set the tube upright on another piece of waxed paper. The easiest way to line the tube is to roll the waxed paper up tightly and insert it into the tube. Then, spread the waxed paper out with your fingers.

  3. Make sure your container and spoon are disposable because you'll want to throw them out after you're done. Don't ever pour Plaster of Paris down your drain because it will harden and clog your pipes!

  4. To make the plaster mixture, combine 1 and 1/4 cups Plaster of Paris and 1/2 cup water in your plastic container. Mix it together until it looks like cake batter. If it's too thick, add a small amount of water. If it's too runny, add more plaster one spoonful at a time. When the plaster no longer dissolves in the water, you've added enough.

  5. Quickly stir in two spoonfuls of liquid tempera paint. Mix it really well.

  6. Pour the mixture into the lined tube and tap gently to get rid of any air bubbles.

  7. Let the chalk dry overnight and then remove it from the tube. It will still be damp, so let it dry for a few more days.

  8. Once it's dry, you've got your homemade chalk!

Here are the ZOOMdo arts and crafts activities from the TV series. Send new arts and crafts for us to try on TV.

There are also lots of hand-picked activities for younger kids in ZOOMtoo.

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