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ZOOMsci Training

Video Transcript

Step 4: ZOOMon

Narrator: Have you ever noticed how some kids speed through an activity, while others work more slowly? Or maybe you've come to the end of an activity, only to find that your kids want to keep going. You can prepare for this by planning "extension activities." Extension activities allow kids to dig deeper into an activity's science concepts.

How could you extend the Water on a String activity? You can challenge your kids to create a new design using the same materials. You could introduce a new variable, such as a different type of string. Or you might modify the challenge. Now that your kids can move water two feet, can they move it across the room?

Here are more ideas from the ZOOM cast.


Shing Ying: Here's another cool thing you can do with water and string. Using two strings instead of one, you can create a water bridge. (Description: Shing Ying stretches two six-inch pieces of string between a cup full of water and an empty cup. The ends of the two strings are pressed together in the full cup, and they gradually separate to be an inch apart when they reach the empty cup.) Okay, this is a little, like...(Description: She lifts the full cup and pours water onto the two strings). It's going...(Description: Water streams down the strings, with a thin layer of water forming between the strings).

(Description: Kortney gasps)

Estuardo: Oh, that is so cool.

Kortney: Oh, wow, it's like a waterfall almost.

Estuardo: It's going, it's going straight down. It's like...

Kortney: Wow.

Estuardo: It goes real fast, too.

Kortney: Yeah, it definitely goes faster.

Estuardo: You can also sort of see, like, little stripes.

Kortney: Oh that's neat.

Shing Ying: What else could you do using string to transport water? Could you water the plants on your patio while you're inside your house? How about catching the rain and sending it somewhere useful, like your dog's water dish? Let us know what you come up with by sending your ideas to ZOOM.

Narrator: When planning extension activities for your kids, check out the ZOOMon section of the activity sheet for ideas.