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The Red Bench Part 5 (The Magic Bench)

Anastasia from Moscow, Russia.

Papa Bear
Mama Bear
Baby Bear
Fairy Godmother
Glass slippers; porridge bowl that says "Baby Bear" on it; magic wand; rocks; trees; bench; glitter; a red bench with sparkles. Costumes: Classic, but zany fairytale costumes-Cinderella, Goldilocks, Baby Bear, Mama Bear, Papa Bear, Wolf, Fairy Godmother

SETTING: A park with a sparkling red bench.

(Cinderella enters.)

Oh! What a nice red bench! I think I'll sit! I'm very tired from cleaning all day. And these glass slippers are hurting my feet! I sure could use a foot massage. Where's a prince when you need one?

(Cinderella sits on the bench as Goldilocks enters.)

(With mouth full.)

Mmm. This porridge is just right. Not too hot, not too cold. JUST right. Hits the spot.

(Goldilocks swallows porridge. She then sees Cinderella.)

Whatcha doin'?

Sitting on the red bench.

Can I join ya?


(Goldilocks sits down, the Three Bears enter, staggered entrances with Papa and Mama together with Baby lagging behind.)

Papa Bear:
I sure am hungry. I couldn't eat my porridge because SOMEONE ate out of it.

Mama Bear:
Me, too, dear. But at least our chairs weren't broken like Baby Bear's. Baby Bear? Baby Bear!

Baby Bear:
(Baby Bear enters and runs up to parents.)

I'm here! I just was so tired because I missed my nap.

Papa Bear:
(Noticing everyone sitting on red bench.)

Well, this looks like a good place to sit. Whatcha' doin'?

Goldilocks and Cinderella:
Sittin' on the red bench.

Mama Bear:
May we join?

Goldilocks and Cinderella:
Sure ya can!

(Three Bears sit down.)

Papa Bear (To Goldilocks):
Hey, where'd you get that porridge?

Baby Bear:
That looks like MY bowl!

(Baby Bear tries to take his bowl back, but Goldilocks yanks it away from him. She attempts to hide porridge.)

THAT porridge? Umm...(talking too quickly) I got it from The Burger know, he's married to, the Dairy Queen! And...and they live with her Papa, Gino! And they all live in a great big White Castle Candyland! Oh, it's so beautiful there! They've got ice cream mountains and gumdrop trees and...

Mama Bear:
(Trying to smooth things out, glaring at Baby Bear.)

That's alright, we're sorry we asked.

(Goldilocks acts relieved and wipes her brow.)

(Wolf enters.)

I'm exhausted from blowing those pig houses down. Whew! And I never knew that pigs were smart enough to build brick houses. What's next?

(Wolf notices everyone sitting on bench.)

Hey! Whatcha doin'?

Sittin' on the red bench.

Can I join you?


(Wolf sits down, relieved to have a break. Fairy Godmother enters with her magic wand.)

Fairy Godmother:
What on earth are you all doing?

Sitting on the red bench.

Fairy Godmother:
Well, well, my dears, that isn't just any red bench. That's a MAGIC bench.

Magic bench? Who does she think she is? There's no such thing as a magic bench. This is ridiculous.

Fairy Godmother:
Why do people always doubt my powers? Let's try this again. AHEM! So, what ARE you all doing?

Sitting on the RED bench!

Fairy Godmother:
Do you mean the one that just disappeared?

(Fairy Godmother points her magic wand. POOF! The bench disappears. Everyone falls.)


(The bench reappears in a different location.)

Fairy Godmother:
(Sitting on the bench.)

Ah, that's better.


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