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Science Rocks!

Crazy Straw Bridge


your results

Sent in by:
Dani of North Potomac, MD

A straw bridge that's crazy.

Materials Needed

  • straws galore
  • paper clips
  • something to test its strength (try pennies, but not your cat)



  1. Build the craziest designed bridge using only straws and paper clips that can span 30 centimeters and support the most weight. You first have to think of a plan of how you are going to build your structure. Dani gave us a clue: triangles are very strong.

You can also send us your pictures or video of this ZOOMsci:
Box 350
Boston, MA 02134

Some of your Results

Whitley, age 11 of Kent, WA wrote:
When I used different size of straws it didnt work, but if you put the same size it works real well.

Sydney, age 10 of Dunlap, TN wrote:
It held up 5 light books! After I let go of the sixth one it decided that was enough!!!

Kaylee, age 15 of Tallahassee, FL wrote:
When I started building it it looked realy bad. But as I kept goinn it had 259 straw's it waz a lond bridge. I did it 4 my project about bridges in my shop class.

Brandy, age 10 of Asbury Park wrote:
What happened was that the stuff didnt hold up so it didnt work.

Lisa, age 8 of San Antonio, TX wrote:
When I did it it worked but not to well. I might try it agian tomorrow.

David, age 13 of Orland Park, IL wrote:
My friend Ryan and I did this for a project in school. We were allowed to use fifty straws and twenty pins and we built our bridge to look like the Golden Gate Bridge in San Fransisco. It was suspended over a twelve-inch gap between two tables and it couldn't be more than two feet long. Our bridge held eight hundred grams, but the best bridge held three thousand, five hundred grams.

Tariel, age 10 of Marrero, LA wrote:
I tryed and tryed and I did not give up. Then I got it. I never gave up!

Sarah, age 14 of Truro, IA wrote:
We found out that our bridge was really neat.. We used dolls and lego people to make a town and the bridge used for their cars and automobiles.

Veronica, age 8 of Chicago, IL wrote:
When I did it, it did work. My cousin also did it, but it did not work. YOUR show is really cool.

Keyona, age 13 of Faytteville wrote:
It fell down but then when I tried it again it wooked witout falling!!

Mindy, age 11 of Hammond, IN wrote:
It held 200 quarters before it broke. It took me 2 hours too build it. It could of held more then 200 quarters.

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