your results
Sent in by: Mallory of Shelton, CT
Make this thing swing back and forth in 5 seconds.
- string
- cup or small pail with a handle
- sand, for weight
- something tall and sturdy to hang your pendulum on
- stop watch or something to keep time
- To make the pendulum, tie some string to the handle of a small pail. If you're using a paper cup, make a handle by poking two holes opposite each other close to the lip of the cup. Put a piece of string through the two holes and tie a knot at each end.
- Then tie a longer piece of string to the handle of the pail or cup.
- Next, tie the other end of the long string to something tall like a branch. Make sure you have enough room to really swing your pendulum back and forth.
- Once you fill the pail or cup with some sand your pendulum is ready for experimentation.
- Now, see if you can get it to swing back and forth in five seconds. What will you need to change? The weight? The length of the string?
Try this at home. Think of a question that you want answered. Like, what happens if you change the weight of the pendulum? Here's a clue that'll help you answer this question: think about what happens when a big person and a small person swing on a swing set at the same time. Write down what you thought was going to happen and what actually did happen. And then, send your reports to our special feedback area. Every week, we'll publish a whole bunch.
You can also send us your pictures or video of this ZOOMsci: ZOOMsci ZOOM Box 350 Boston, MA 02134

Dustin, age 6 of Knoxville, TN wrote:
The one where you hang a cup from a branch with a string. My Sister Monica helped me, and we made the pendulum swing for 10 seconds.
Ashley, age 9 of Northampton wrote:
I put some sand and dirt in mine and it swung like crazy.
Meagan, age 13 of Zeeland, MI wrote:
I experimented with the pendelum, and I found out that it is really hard to make a perfect circle. I tried a lot and got really close. I also found out that when you change the gravity, the whole design and size changes. For an episode, I think it would be cool to expiriment with the pendulum and show people how it works. Also, can you show us how to make our own pendulum to expiriment with at home?
Tyson, age 12 of Jacksonville, FL wrote:
I put 2 cups of dirt in mine. It made some cool shapes. Then I put in 2 more cups of dirt and it barely moved.
Emily, age 11 of Richmond, KY wrote:
I put 2 cups of sand in mine and it swung a lot slow but when I put a cup of sand it went faster. It made a star. When I swung it another way it made a hart. That is what happened when I made one.