your results
Sent in by: Heather of Charlton, MA
Look Ma, no hands! Invent a Tennis Ball Lifting Contraption.
- tennis ball
- 2 plastic cups
- 2 feet of string
- broomstick
- 50 pennies
- tape
- scissors
- table
- meter stick
- Use two cups, string, scissors, tape, a broomstick, a table, and up to fifty pennies to create something that will allow you to lift a tennis ball 50 centimeters into the air without using your hands.
What did you build? How many pennies did you use? Did your invention do the job? Why do you think it worked or didn't work? Experiment with other types of balls and different coins. Share your experimental thoughts with ZOOMers around the world by sending them in to the ZOOMsci feedback area on the site.
You can also send us your pictures or video of this ZOOMsci: ZOOMsci ZOOM Box 350 Boston, MA 02134

John, age 15 of New York City, NY wrote:
I gave up, it was too hard!!! It took me 5 hours to realize that it was impossible!!!
Katie, age 11 of East Hartford, CT wrote:
I did it only using tape, cups and a stick.
Tori, age 10 of Waverly, IA wrote:
We did the 'Tennis Ball Lift', but we used a balloon! It was so awesome! It went really high! Try it! You'll find it neat!