What do you think it means to be an American?
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Bob, age 12 of Austin, NE
I don't think that in itself it means anything. While we are more privileged than many other people in the world, living here doesn't make you any different a kind of person. I think that to keep respect for America we need to end the violence in the Middle East and stop trying to use violence to solve violence in the name of patriotism. We've got to start acting like we're all equals, and remember that our country isn't any better or higher up or powerful than any other country. Being an American isn't anything special, and being an American is just like being Russian or Egyptian or Chinese. Being an American doesn't necessarily make you any better a person.
Ashley, age 15 of Syracuse, NY
Unfortunately, the United States didn't turn out as the founding fathers had hoped. Everything is now about money. Our own country is taking away civil liberties and rights. Our own government is torturing innocent protestors to our system. Knowing that I'm an American doesn't mean anything special or different from being from Afghanistan or Madagascar, and I'm unfortunately ashamed to be an American right now because of what our own country is doing.
Jessica, age 13 of Winnipeg, NS
I am not American, but I can see it's hard to be American. After all that has happened in the past year has really touched me. I'm Canadian, I can tell you what being Canadians means. Being Canadian is being proud, respectful to our American neighbors and just being us!!
Nneka, age 12 of Payson, AZ
I think being an American is loving one another and being honest and not hurting each other. I think the people who kill do not deserve to live here in America.
Amber, age 8 of Sandy, UT
It is great to be a american because you are free, and have great education.
Clairissa, age 14 of Jonesboro, LA
I think to be an American means to be proud of your country. An American is also someone who ia a good person. Living in America is a priviledge an I think we should make the best of it. People who lvie in America are called citizens. To be a good citizen you have to be caring and kind, not only to other people but to America's resources and wilderness. That is what I think it means to be an American.
Dani, age 14 of Northbrook, IL
I realy don't kow what it means to be a true american. What I think it means is to accept everyone for who they are not what they are. Just because of what is happining in the Middle East that doesnt mean its a bad part of the world. Also what I think it means to be an American is to be there for other people when they need it even if their not American.
Ariana, age 11 of Modesto, CA
I think it means very much for me to be an american, because america it's about freedom and liberty.
Alexandra, age 10 of Bronx, NY
I think it means to be strong, be proud of what you have and never give up on yourself and the people whom you love the most. Thats what I have to say for my self and for all AMERICANS!!!
Callie, age 12
I think to be an American is honoring. You get freedom and rights that other countries dont get. We are lucky to get those kinds of rights and it really is a privelege.
Courtney, age 11 of London, England
What do you think it is to be an American. Well you see I moved to London, England from N.Y.C. 2 years ago. Then I would have just said "What do you mean?" to that question. But now that I have seen what people say about Americans, I think that we should be fair to people that are not of the same race and prove the world wrong that we are just stupid Americans. To be American is to be honest and brave and fair and be proud of the fact that you are American.
Megan, age 10 of Atlanta, GA
I think Being an american is being loyal to america and showing people you care. I mean if everyone would show that they care maby this would be a better world and a better america!
Katie, age 14 of Lawrenceville, GA
To be an American to me means that you share a certain unity with the others around you. I think that when you brighten someone's day by just a wave or even a smile then you are showing how the world should be. Everyone is the same but we just look different, so that means we don't need to be mean or rude to anyone.
Jackie, age 14 of Boston, MA
To be an American means to be nice and helpful to the people around you.
Marina, age 9 of Valley Cottage, NY
I think what it means it to be an american is caring for your country, being patriotic, being a good citizen, konwing whats happenning on our country. and loving the united states of america.
Cindy, age 13 of New York City, NY
American means freedom to me. It shows a bunch of people united as one. It shows my family is many many of one.
Alicia, age 11 of Des Moines, IA
I think being an american means showing your pride and showing that you care. Being an ameerican isn't just showing your pride, its helping people, for example in New YORK if someone droppes their purse people would pick it up. Being an AMERICAN is being a good citizen and respecting everyone and everything around you. The advice I have is respect. There is this afganistan girl that goes to my school and guess what she is my best friend. That is one way to show respect to people, by becoming their friends.
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