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If you were president what is the first thing you would do and why?
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Gina, age 14 of Lancaster, CA
If I became president, the first thing I would do is give more money to educational activities. That's because a lot of school's have had reduced funding and not able to give kids programs they want.

Shlomo, age 12 of Monsey, NY
If I were president the first thing that I would try to do would be to make better police forces so the crime rate would go down.

Mayra, age 9 of Phoenix, AZ
If I was the president of the U. S. A, I would help and give money to poor people and give everybody a house for free and they would not have to pay rent and I would make everything one penny.

Kasey, age 12 of Greenhill, AL
If I were presedent, the first thing I would do is, pass a law that all people who are homeless, get a free house and job for 5 years until they can pay off the debt!!!

Matthew, age 13 of Cornwall, ON
If I was the president of my country I would try my hardest to keep the world a more safer place to live in, because wright now it doesn't sound pretty safe to live in.

Sierra, age 11 of Cherry Hill, NJ
If I were president, I would make it that every single homeless person in America would get monthly checkups from doctors, a home to live in, food to eat everyday, and a loving family to care for them. I would get everyone in America to clean up the streets. Also, I would have all of the broken down houses in America fixed and repaired.

Caryl, age 12 of Mandaluyong
I would think of what is essential in my country, Philippines. Since pollution is our major problem. I would share my citizens ways on recycling and reducing wastes...

Rebecca, age 10 of Malvern, PA
If I was the president the first thing I would do is, change how much money football and baseball players make. They make to much money a year, when people are on the streets!!!

Jessica, age 13 of Dallas, TX
The first thing I wold do is paint the white house red!

Wyteria, age 12 of Birmingham, AL
I would go tothe people in Iraq and Afghanastan and talk to them and see can we work some of this stuff out, beacause I don't like fighting at all!!!

Robyn, age 9 of El Mirage, AZ
I would not allow people to drink or do drugs in cars because I don't want to lose ANY people from America or any people from other country.

Larissa, age 11 of Phoenix, AZ
If I was the president the first thing I would do is destroy all weapons because they harm a lot of people.

Brianne, age 10 of Brockton, MA
If I was president I would get rid of cigerates and guns to keep people safe from getting killed. Children would not pick them up anywhere and kill another child. This is what I would do if I was president.

Antavius, age 14 of Aiken, SC
If I were president, the first thing I would do is clean America up. The reason why I would clean up America is because we need to show people how to stop polluting. America needs a big change and so does it's people.

Asia, age 9 of Brooklyn, NY
If I were president, the first thing I would do is make sure all people had jobs that payed a decent wadge, that would be the first thing I would do, because it wouldn't be fair if somebody was working hard, and they didn't get payed the amount of money they deserved.

Seria, age 11 of Memphis, TN
If I were president the first thing I would do is make homes for the poor on the street. The next thing I would do is make the city more clean and stop people from taking drugs. The last thing I would do is make sure all schools have money to get books.

Alex, age 15 of Hermitage, TN
If I were president, I would lower taxes because presidents are using taxes to support themselves. I would make my own money and support myself. I feel that presidents are wrong because that's stealing form U. S. people. Presidents are here to protect us, but how can we rely on them but they are stealing from us?

Meghan, age 10 of Mound, MN
If I was President, the first thing I would do would be ban smoking. Not only does it kill the people who smoke. it also will evntually kill the people around it.

Alyssa, age 9 of Millersville, MD
Celebrate! I would be happy that I won the election.

Thomas, age 10 of Maple Shade, NJ
If I were the president, (which I want to be) I would try to make our nation better and safer and I would care for the people. First, I would make a law saying that people need to stop smoking. The people who make the cigarettes will get angry, so I will pay them some money when I can. I will also do other things that I didn't even think about. I hope I become president.

Domonique, age 13 of TN
If I was president I would stop gang members. I would stop pollution and make sure everyone is safe.

Michaela of Davidsonville, MD
The first thing I would do is ban guns, I would do this because I have a very good freind, who is a doctor. She works with emergancys all the time and she said that guns caused the most injuries out of evereything else bad in this world.

Chelsea, age 11 of Pickett, WI
If I was president, I would make a law that certifies friendship for everyone and everywhere. White people don't have to hate black people because of their skin color. They could turn out to be the best friends ever.

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