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If you could teach one thing to everybody in the world, what would you teach? Why?
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Lianne, age 13 of Montreal, SK
One of my favorite instruments is the piano. I have been playing for 2 years and I love it. If I could teach one thing it would be the piano because it is an amazing instrument and it expresses your feelings and emotions.

Hunter, age 12 of Lake Wals, FL
I would teach everyone to be kind. I would travol around the world and would give people food, cloths and toys.

Miranda, age 13 of Brantford, ON
If I could teach one thing to everybody in the world, it would be how to juggle. Because if everyone could juggle then we could all join the circus!

Tasia, age 11 of Thiensville, WI
I would teach everyone how to respect each other. I would teach everyone that because it is important to respect all people, culture, and things that are different or new to you.

Bailey, age 11 of Anchorage, AK
I would teach them how to read because I love to read and it has opened millions of doors for me and it gave me a high vocabulary level. It is also very important to be a good reader.

Nija, age 10 of Sicklerville, NJ
If I could teach one thing to the world it would be to show them how to dress in the latest dresswear.

Vanessa, age 10 of Rochester, NY
I would tell every one about the endangerd animals in this world. I would tell them because if we don't act fast they'll all be wiped out.

Courtney, age 12 of Walker, LA
If I could teach one thing to the whole world it would be that no one is better than another person no matter what race, size, or gender. We are all equal.

Ellen, age 11 of New York, NY
If I could teach everybody one thing it would be respect for others because if everyone was nice and everyone respected others, there wouldn't be bullies or enemies.

Karly, age 16 of South Park, PA
I would teach people how to swim, because you may have save a life in the event someone is drowning in the ocean or a swimming pool. It is also a good idea to have first aid training that goes along with swimming skills also. Swimming is a fun sport or just fun for relaxing in the sun. I would also teach lifeguarding skills. Swimming, and first aid training, are very inportant skills to have. A life may be in danger to someone close to you. Swimming is very good exercise too.

Heather, age 11 of Franklin, ND
I would teach everybody that everyone is eaqual, and that it dosen't matter what color your skin is.

Isaiah, age 7 of Everett, WA
It would be Science because I love experiementing and launching rockets.

Shauna, age 14 of OR
If I could teach the world one thing I think it would be how to get along. Everyoen would like everyone. No more gangs, Problems, or anything like that, and I would teach people how to share. There wouldnt be any poor people. And everyone would be happy!

Lauren, age 8 of New York, NY
If I could teach one thing to the world it will be to do there homework. So they could wast no time playing with there friends.

Carmela, age 12 of Newark
I would teach the language of Spainsh because in America it's the 2 language. And I'm Spainsh.

Brittney, age 15 of IN
If I could teach everyone in the world one thing it would be respect. Everyone deserves a little respect and I dont think that everyone know how too give it.

Hannah, age 11 of Sanford, NC
I would teach everyone in the world to watch ZOOM!

Tyteosha, age 12 of Compton, CA
If I could teach one thing to everyone in the world, it would be to share. If people shared they would be shareing their homes, and food. And if that were the case, no one in the world would be lacking anything.

Leah, age 11 of Mount Vernon, WA
I would teach everyone to be nice to animals. Because I think it's disgusting & awful when people are cruel to animals because I'm an animal lover. I think people should be treated the same way if they do that so they can see what it's like. Don't you agree?

Hilary, age 12 of Glasgow, KY
If I cold teach everyone one in the world I would teach Math. I would teach math because my mom has inspired me becasue she is a math teacher at a High School.

Carly, age 10 of Lively, ON
If I could teach everyone something it would be..."pay it forward" I learned about it in a movie. What it is, is that if someone does something nice to you do something to someone else.

Alexis, age 10 of Iselin, NJ
I would teach everybody about bears because bears are my favorite animal.

Lauren, age 10 of Jenison, MI
I would teach pig latten because, it is a very easy thing to teach.

Kayalyn, age 12 of St. Thomas
I would teach entomology I looove insects. They aree absolutely coool. I like their facinating features.

Haley, age 11 of Fort Scott, KS
If I could teach one thing I would teach science becouse I love science. My favorite thing in science is the solar system.

Elias, age 15 of Ft. Lauderdale, FL
I would teach comedy cause every one needs to laugh!!!

Chavien, age 12 of Maple Valley, WA
I would teach soccer so every one would be good at it.

Genny, age 11 of Andersonville, TN
I would teach everybody in the world how keeping your earth and the enviroment clean could help the o-zone lyer.

Brandi, age 11 of GA
If I could teach one thing in the world, I would teach kids how to spell because when they write a story people wouldn't understand what the story was about.

Rachel, age 13 of Utica, NY
I would teach bowling because it is my familys sport and I like to teach people who loves to bowl.

Erin, age 10 of Waupun, WI
If I could teach everyone in the whole world some thing it would be how to stand on their heads for seven days.

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