Sydney, MN | Chemistry
Millard, NY: actually, Gold does not have one valence electron.
Leslie, CA | Chemistry
Try putting chalk and white vinager together, but you may want a bottle! Try it out!
#1 Chemist,U-238, IL | Chemistry
Plaese do a show on Nuclear energy.
LOVELY, MI | Chemistry
VanadiumSteel, TX | Chemistry
Hey, Christopher, You know what happens? You get a big mess.
Christopher, OH | Chemistry
Light a candle. Get a glass. Put the glass over the candle. What happens?
Dayna, AL | Chemistry
I need to know how to make lip balm can you help please?:)
Janet, CA | Chemistry
How do I make fake snow that doesn't melt.
Jasmine, AR | Chemistry
making a lot of stuff like lotion,soap, etc. helps take the time away,and it is also very fun to do.
Millard, NY | Chemistry
If gold and sodium both have one valence electron, how come when sodium comes in contact with water, it explodes, though when gold comes in contact with water, nothing happens?
alesha, IL | Chemistry
Making expirements is a lot of fun because you get to mess in stuff.
andrew, NY | Chemistry
silly putty!!! 2 cups water 1 cup glue 2 teaspoons borax ' put 1 c water + glue in a baggie. #1 ' put 1 c water in borax in a baggie #2 'add 3 tablespoons of #1 to 1 tablespoon of#2 shake it in a baggie TA DAH!!!!
asnova, CA | Chemistry
with powder react with electric.....
Ethalle, | Chemistry
Why does baking soda and vinegar mixed together make the mixture bubble
Donald, FL | Chemistry
Having no snow here, I was interested on how to make the snow shown on dragonfly which the host said to refer to this web sight to discover it, but all I seem to find is inquiries. Does anyone know where to find the answer?
EVELYN, MA | Chemistry
chad, PA | Chemistry
i thought if you like cheistry you might like consumer fireworks if their illegal in your state you could wright letters ,send email and faxs to your local law makers in your State Capital telling them why you whant fireworks legalized in your state
Billy, MS | Chemistry
I want to know about the chemistry of fireworks!!!! What makes the different sounds and colors? Please answer my questions. Thank You!!
donovan, PA | Chemistry
how many days until the show.
donovan, PA | Chemistry
whers my other messege and how many days until i wanted you to put on your show.