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Model Rockets

maria, OH | Model Rockets
they don't go that very high becaus it's filled with water.

devontae, OH | Model Rockets
how high water rockets go

joe, OH | Model Rockets
what materials can I use to make a rocket .like I need something creative for my prodject someone made one out of noodles

Henry, TX | Model Rockets
Model Rockets are cool and fun. They are great to do on days when you have people playing with you. Model Rockets also help your thinking, because they have parts to figure out so you can think a lot. Model Rockets can help you have fun with lots of things,expecilly races.

Rain, IL | Model Rockets
I need to build a boat for science, but it has to move by itself. How could I make a propeller or paddle? The boat has to travel 30 centimeters under a time limit. Can you help me? :)

-unknown-, KS | Model Rockets
a tip- its much easier to use toilet paper tubes as fins than cardboard or wood fins because if you position the cardboard or wood wrong it could tip over much easier

ashdale, ON | Model Rockets
for our science prokject we had to build a movig object that had to do with energy and motion so I parterned up with my friend and we decided to build a water rocket and it got roofed and we got an A+ ( yeah!!!!)

Conner, | Model Rockets
I need to build a rocket, but i dont know how. I want it small enough to hold in my hand.

Abhishek, IN | Model Rockets
What I made for my science model as well as project and how.

asnova, CA | Model Rockets
last week i watch a television program,the program title is super sonic speed,this program to show rocket challenges in america. when i watch,they build a rocket with many material such as black powder,potassium,and so on,but when to on this rocket they used a electric to on it,and i want ask u all how to make it.

Chaz Perry, CA | Model Rockets
I need to build an eleven foot tall, high powered rocket in 20 days.........AND I DON'T KNOW HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica, CO | Model Rockets
How do you make a model rocket from scratch!?

matt, VA | Model Rockets
how do you make a jetpack

chuckey, PA | Model Rockets
If you like fireworks rockets and their not legal in your state you could write letters and send emails to your local law makers in your State Capital

aubrey, TX | Model Rockets
how do u make a homemade model rocket

brian, MN | Model Rockets
if you want to make a rocket, go to the hobby store and buy a kit or buy parts to make your own rocket! :)

RYAN, CA | Model Rockets
HOWdo i build a high powered rocket with houshold materials

TGCHACKO, MD | Model Rockets
How do you create a rocket that launches high?

Emma, AZ | Model Rockets
I'm on aproject building a rocket for the fun of the summer , i have all the supplies i want to use but i want to know if i should use the baking soda materials?

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