mraga, MA | Skateboard
how vdo u use an rip it stick
robbie, NC | Skateboard
how do that i want be 2 laern skateboard u tell me
Juhi, MO | Skateboard
always wanted to, never did. looks cool
sean, IL | Skateboard
im 13 i can tre flip, bonas 180, heel flip kick flip, varial kickflip front side flip, backside flip, shov it, all grinds, hard flip, fakie porderican big spin,
james, NY | Skateboard
im like pro at skateing w3rd
chris, NJ | Skateboard
i just kant land my kickflip any hints
Ryan, CA | Skateboard
I've been trying to learn how to skate since I turned 13 I just turned 14 but I still can't ollie I've been trying to get help but I'd just never seems to work out I could really use some tips on what I can do to get better
jessica, IL | Skateboard
for some reason i cant get any air on the bord comming of the ground is realy hard for me im doing all the right stuff it just doesnt work ive been tryin for month what can i do
cris, FL | Skateboard
im going to be 12 i skate duh the best sport made ever i can heelflip,tre flip,var flip,kickflip,ollie180,fsshuv it,pop shuv it,and kick and heelflip180,and last but not landing it is the hardflip180
Andres, MX | Skateboard
i am 15 and i've been trying to ollie for more than six months and i still can't get it right. when i try it, either my board goes flying or i land with my back foot off my board. please give me tips.
jaben, MT | Skateboard
i am 13 i can tre flip a 12 stair i do every grind i can ollie 7 boards stacked up i am sponsered by local skateshops and i can do lots of stuff i am gooooooooood i can do almost any trick u give me if u need tips ask me so ill chek later
Jeff, CA | Skateboard
Im 12 now, i can ollie, 180, kickflip, heelflip, shuvit, cand do pretty much all the grinds and ive almost learnt the impossible!
carlos, CA | Skateboard
i been skating for 1 year and a mouth,and i can kickflip,heelflip, fakie flip and heel also trey bomb and fakie i can do many tricks i think like about 60 tricks in all plus grinds peace (team caution)
john, MN | Skateboard
when i kick flip my board does not go all the way around the grip does not come up.Also my feet don't land on the board.
john, MN | Skateboard
Dudes if your going to but a board you should go to a good skate shop.The boards are more $ but it is worth it.I got a baker deck for 50 dollers.
Jason, SC | Skateboard
This is to bryan from CA. Dude if you can tre flip at all your good.
Jason, SC | Skateboard
I can flip really well but I only get my back foot on it and my front foot goes to the side. I just can't get my front foot back in time.
Sciejettent, AL | Skateboard
I’d prefer reading in my native language, because my knowledge of your languange is no so well. But it was interesting! Look for some my links:
omar , AL | Skateboard
To ollie high you got to bend your back knee more than your front one. Then lean forward slightly. Now jump and remember to lift your knees high
Ivan, LA | Skateboard
When i try a kickflip i do the flip but my front foot keeps touching the ground can somebody help me
jack, | Skateboard
moving ollie tip; start slow then build up speed gradually just go for it and stick 2 it it took me about 4 days to do a moving ollie
bob, TX | Skateboard
okkk all u ppls who hav problems doing olies the trick is that u need to hav good timing and make sure that u slam on the back hard enuf and at the same time u need to drag yer frunt foort ppls!! its not as hard as it seems
Phil, MD | Skateboard
iv been landing my lazer flips like there nothing btut i got sick for a bout a week and now i havent laded on....any help?
Bones, OR | Skateboard
Skater person is right, it takes a long time to master even the simplest of tricks. I have been skating for about 7 years now and I have spent lots of hours getting the kickflip, pop shov-it, heelflip, ect. down to the point of perfection. Keep practicing!
mc, BC | Skateboard
tthis is to respond to everyone talking about the ollie's, It took me a couiple of months maybe 3 to get a really good ollie, the key to success is practise. Also about getting higher try crouching when slamming the board and try slamming the tail harder.
Bones, OR | Skateboard
Tips on dropping in to a ramp or bowl: First find a small ramp around 3 to 6 feet high. Place the tail of the board on the coping of the ramp. Put your back foot on the tail to hold it down. 2: Put your front foot on the bolts and in the same motion slam the board down onto the ramp with your front foot. Slamming it down with your front foot is the key to dropping in. Once you have mastered this, move on to 8 foot and 10 foot vert ramps. Those things are amazingly fun! All that really stops most people is fear. Dont be scared, just do it!
SkaterPerson, NY | Skateboard
For all the kids out there who cant skate and arent good here are tips: Buying A Skateboard: First off Never Never Never never ever never buy a board from Toys r us or target or k mart or wal mart or any toy store. You may think thats the only place to get one but its not, its the worst. Go to a real skateshop. I Highly Recommend Zumiez. Ollie: To ollie pop the back of the board down and slide your front foot up whilst jump. You start with your front foot in the middle of the board and your back foot on the tail.And it takes months of practice Pop Shov it: To pop shove it set up in ollie stance only with your front foot sligtly angled. Scoop the back of your board with your back foot with your front foot off the board the whole time. Wait for the board to rotate and catch it. Kickflip: To Kickflip set up in ollie stance with your front foot pulled a little bit farther back. Ollie as best you can and just as your boards backwheels come off the ground at about 1incha , flick your front foot of the side of the front of the board. Wait for the board to spin and as soon as you see black slam your feet down. Extra: Things like tic tacs and caspers arent real tricks, they stink. Recomended begginer brands are Blackout and ATM. A Good begginer trick id the fakie shov it, You ride backwards and do a pop shove it. fOR Some reason its easier than a normal shove it.
connie, FL | Skateboard
mabby in 3days i,m mabby going skating. it was hard in headstart i think i can do it now.it is going to be amber,s birthday.
brayden, NY | Skateboard
i dont get how you get in the air from a ollie
jake, MI | Skateboard
when i do a kickflip on my plan b sheckler board i'm a regualer skater my back foot goes on but not my front and i'm left handed but i use my right foot and that can't help how do i get my front foot on
leela, NJ | Skateboard
(i don't want to sound stupid) i just got a skateboard, and i can make it go, but not straight. i always end up on the grass. plz help!!!
sk8girl, | Skateboard
I can do a pretty cool stationary ollie but when I try to do a moving one,I only land it with my front foot.I think i'm putting my foot down in the air but I don't know how 2 fix this.If anyone knows of anything then plz tell me. Plz help
Brendan, OR | Skateboard
Hey, I'm 9 and I'm just learning how to skate. Like I've been skating for a week and I'm just starting to be able to get someware. Any tips for a newby? I'm kind of scared to drop in to.
joey, TX | Skateboard
when i try a kickflip i get a full spin,but my board goes like 2 feet away also i need a skateboard real cheap for like from $10-$28
joey, TX | Skateboard
when i try a heelflip, the board doesnt flip it just comes up. i have tried for like 2 weeks!!! help me asap
carter, PA | Skateboard
a few days ago me and my friend matt were at a parking lot skating there was another skater who taught us how to ollie.That day i could ollie about 3in. but also that day he could ollie onto a 4 or 5 in. step. i can't get much air.i like to have my front foot an inch or 2 below the front bolts he puts his front foot in the middle of the board. we both ride reg. not goofy.i slide my foot and everything but i cant get higher than 3 in.. Right now i have a consistent 3 or 2 in. ollie and youtube videos are not helping i am desperate!!! whoever is geting this message, please help!
jonny, TX | Skateboard
when i try to do a kickflip the board goes out but does not flip. what do i do?????
shawn, WA | Skateboard
for everybody who needs to learn to kickflip- what u do is u have ur back foot on your tail, and ur front foot a little past half way down your board and on the edge. you pop ur tail and ollie half way, and then 'flick' ur front foot off of the corner of your board. watch your board flip and stay level, and land even... if u stay level.
bryan, CA | Skateboard
i can 360 flip down a two stair but when ever i go down any thing higher i get scared and bail.....help
luke, WA | Skateboard
I dont know how to ollie
zack, MO | Skateboard
how do i kick flip i can spin the board but i cant keep it under me
Matt, MI | Skateboard
whenever i do an ollie i always fall, and i still have bruises
Dill, CA | Skateboard
Every time i ollie i land on my heels! WHY!!!!
Nate, NC | Skateboard
i can flip my board i just can't stay over the board while it is fliping please help.
Ace, NY | Skateboard
I can ollie, and i can kick flip, But I cant do it in motion. Help plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JAY, | Skateboard
Ptrix, CA | Skateboard
because of so many ankle injuries, it is difficult for me to kickflips so instead, i jsut practice heelflips. Im having a big problem though... i can flip the board and land it with my right foot ( i ride regular) but my left foot always seems to land to the side of the board.
llewellyn, | Skateboard
the board wont flip enough when i kickflip.
Shelby, WY | Skateboard
Where's a good place to get sk8boards? I got mine at Walmart on sale for $10.00. Obviously, it's not a good sk8board. It also says Maple Skateboards on the bottom so I'm wondering if those ones are good or sucky. Also, I can't sk8board in the house, and we live in the country so all we have is like an 8 food sidewalk going str8, so I have to sk8board in my room, and my room has thick carpet all over. So when I jump i get like, 2 inches. Will I get bigger air if I try on my sidewalk? THANKS! (I also need a good sk8board cheap, 'cause I'm broke basicly. So price range 15-25 dollars!)
Trey, TN | Skateboard
I dont know how to ollie
ELLIE, GA | Skateboard
help i cant flip the board when i kick flip HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME
ellie, GA | Skateboard
i have been skating for 4 months and can drop in on a half pipe and have tried roktifakies but the board just keeps on sliding out beneath me
Sam, AZ | Skateboard
This is for Justin. Before you ca kickflip you have to learn how to ollie first. Just read the froums to figure that out. Then, I'd suggest googling 'how do I do a kickflip' You'll get tunds of answers