Talk about flour power! After learning about an historic flour explosion at the Mill City Museum in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Lara and Anushua explore the importance of Surface Area at the Science Museum of Minnesota. They conduct soda explosion experiments in the museum's Big Back Yard, investigating how surface area affects reactions. Finally, they visit the University of Minnesota where they learn how scientists are developing more affordable solar cells with nanotechnology that increases the cells' surface area.

In the Windy City, Alettie and Yvonne visit the Glass Experience exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry. They learn that nanoparticles are responsible for the colors in some medieval stained glass. The girls are surprised to see that nanogold makes glass red! At Northwestern University the two explore the relationship between size and color of nanoparticles, creating different sizes of gold and silver nanoparticles to produce a variety of colors in their own projects.
Christy Haynes is a chemist who is concerned about the safety of nanotechnology--especially the kind that can enter our bodies. With help from her grad students, Christy studies the effects of different nanoparticles on our immune system. She hopes her research will lead to "design rules" for nanoparticles that will guarantee their safety.
How can you get to space without a rocket? Good question! Give us you best answer in the Whiz Quiz, on the right.
Weigh in with your own opinions on nanosafety. Tell us what think in the Hey...Wait a Nanosecond! feature.