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What types of volunteer work have you done, or are you doing now? What's the best part about it?

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If you're doing some really cool volunteer work you want people to know about, we want to feature your story on IML! E-mail your story to us and we may contact you!

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Here's what other kids had to say:

"I participated in a small volunteer project in which I did gardening and help care for plants. I found it really fun..."

"I volunteer at my church with the kids."
--Danica, 12

"I love doing volunteer work. It's fun. You don't get paid for it but it's a really nice thing to do. Even I'm a girl aged 9 years old, I can still do volunteering. I am so happy to be me!"
--RR, 9

"My school, or at least my class, does Shoebox for Kids type drive each fall/winter. Right now I am waiting for my principal to get people to approve my idea for helping these in Romania (too long of an idea to post here). It helps the needy, like God told us to do, it gives me a wonderful feeling inside, and helps me feel that I can do some good while I'm too young to actually be a missionary or go into ministry work."
--Andrea, 13

"I tried to convince my class to do charity work, but instead me and my dad clean up the roads and recycle what we can find. If we can recycle it."
--Tara, 11

"My family got crates full of Crunch and Munch, and donated it to the people in Iraq. It's something that would put a smile on their face while they eat it. And who doesn't like Crunch and Munch?"
--Tara, 11

"I have volunteered at the homeless shelter by cooking some meals for the people there. I'm really good at cooking and all the people there I know and are friends with! The best part about it is I get to see my "Friends" every other day and I get paid a ton!"
--Buggy359, 12

"I haven't started volunteering yet, but I want to protest about that kill animals if no one will buy them."
--Chloe, 10

"I volunteer at a nursing home. One thing about volunteering is that you receive as much as you give..."

"Hi, my class and I are saving money for a animal. Were buying an animal because were giving it to a person in Africa. The reason why were getting a animal is because it prepares food for the people."
--Kristiana, 9

"On Arbor's Day, I went with my class and picked up trash around the neighborhood and a river nearby. It was fun, and I felt really good."
--Reel, 10

"I have helped out at an hospital. I did a total hours of 100!"

"I could make someone happy by volunteering at the hospital. I would like to volunteer to work at the hospital because I have always wanted to be a doctor when I grow up. I would like to be a doctor because I would love to save a lot of peoples lives and also I really love kids. So if by chance you would like to help at the hospital. Please!"
--Gabby, 11

"Zac, 12, I would encourage u 2 keep looking. Talk 2 ur parents and friends. I work with horses and I luv it. I got twice a week and it rocks. I luv when younger riders come up 2 me and ask questions. And it feels so good knowing I know most of the answers. I wish u good luck! Hope u find a place!"
--Madi : -), 12

"My friend volunteers at TAPS. I don't volunteer yet..."
--Rebekkah, 11

"I do a lot! I always spend time in the hospital, where my sister works, to help the elderly and just to feel good. I'm always in charge of the high schools sporting events snack bar. Whenever my school has fundraisers I step up and give as much as I can. And I help the school a lot!"
--Maggie, 10

"I live in Bali. There are a lot of health problems with the local people because they do not get enough nutrition. Some westerners have started a clinic hear and for the locals it's FREE!!! They do acupuncture and help women have their babies. I volunteer there. I sometimes do acupuncture to them. I put a ball of mugwart on the end of the needles and set it on fire because this warms the needle and makes the acupuncture more successful. I don't get paid, but for me it's payment enough just to get a thank you and a big smile. It feels good to help people in need...:)."
--Silly Sagie

"I want to work with horses in Edinburgh but I cant find anywhere."
--Zac, 12

"Hi everyone, I collected 200 teddy bear and other fury friends and gave them to the local police station here so the officers can put them in their trunks so when they go to car accidents or homes where there parents are fighting they are scared the officers give them a furry friend to hold on to and feel better. Me and my friends are also working on my 5th annual auction and lemonade stand fund raiser for may 31st for the children of the children miracle network, last year we raised 2000 dollars so I sure hope we raise more this year. For Madi hi I think you should tell your parents about the guy with a gun right away if anyone has any weapon you should tell another adult for sure. That is scary I think! Bye everyone. You really all rock for helping others."
--Kennedy jet, 11

"I volunteer sometimes by helping my mom. She really needs it when it comes for her at her work or at home."
--Lauren, 10

"If I could be another person...I know the other person I would be. I would be my brother's friend. I think it would be cool just because I always wonder what it be like being in shoes. If I ever had the chance to be in he shoes man would it fun. Oh by the way his name is Richie. He can some times be a little brat. He's Mexican and I'm white but he really doesn't care about the race difference."
--Billy, 13

"My biggest award was learning how to swim."
--Billy, 13

"I had to advertise this barbecue with my friend. We both had to wear these signs around our necks, and we had to go up and down the streets yelling at people to come. One driver rolled down their window and said, "No thanks, I'm not hungry." So I yelled back, "You seem like you're in a grumpy mood today!" XD."
--Pie, 12

"Okay. So I volunteer at the stable. But there is this one guy me and this guy Chad know that he has a gun. Should we tell someone? I mean if it isn't a big deal. I don't wanna tell someone. But...HELP! What should I do?"
--Madi : -), 12

"Well I like to sing so when a lady yelled "Who wants to sing next?" I volunteered and there was probably 45 people in the room so now I'm over stage fright and that's what I like about volunteering!"
--Savanna, 9

"So my Girl Scouts got involved with the organization A Million Smocks (amillionsmocks.org) we volunteer once a week at a homeless shelter in Camden and teach the people there about art and ways of expressing it."

"Well, I actually just got home from volunteering at my school. We were raising money for one of the girls that goes to my school. She got leukemia at the beginning of the year and we are trying to raise money for her bone marrow transplant. We made over 4,000 dollars just from school!"
--Aimee, 13

"I sent something here a long time ago but you never posted it. Is it because of the thing I said he is. Or is it because I was talking about him having a gun. Should I try again?"
--Madi : -), 12

"I want to become a candy striper this year."

"I don't volunteer but I want to help Animals so bad!"
--Phoebe, 11

"I used to volunteer at a Soup Kitchen. A lot of people came in cold and hungry. Most of them were just adults, but there were a lot of kids too. They had dirty clothes, and they were really hungry. I read the kids stories, and fed them food. I came home tired, but I felt good about helping others!"
--Tanya, 12

"I'm really good at giving advice and I want to start a website giving advice. PBS can u help me get started? ’ÄìAmericangirl. OMG!! Americangirl that is an awesome idea!!! If you ever need help (Through the internet) I could post some advice too!!!! OMG! That is an awesome idea!! Good luck!!"
--Madi : -), 12

"I work at the stable I ride at. I volunteer there. But it is so much fun! I have no other life! I don't care. It is amazing for me because I learn a lot and I help. Advice for other Tweens: Volunteering can be fun. Choose something you care about though. You will be glad you did!"
--Madi, 12

"I have volunteer for helping my teacher, helping my mom, and taking care of my nieces and nephews."
--Annie, 10

"I like reading to older people in the nursing home it really lifts their spirits."
--Grace, 11

"I love to volunteer! My favorite time volunteering was when me and my 4-H club painted a fence and planted flowers! It was so much fun, and we all got so messy!"
--Thalia, 10

"Well I did a job for the cancer club I volunteered to help the main girl I was a substitute."

"I volunteer about every other Saturday to pick up trash on the beach and I usually go to the animal shelters with my friends every month for a day and help feed the animals and stuff. I think that the best part about volunteering is that you feel good about what you're doing and know that your helping someone or something, or even yourself..."

"Well, because my mother is a part time vet at the local animal hospital, I volunteer to go with her when she works (if it isn't a school night or day) and I help her with her work, and I help feed and play with the animals. I also volunteer with my friends to pick up trash around the school three times a week. The best part is that you know that you are helping and it feels good to know that. It can also be fun if you volunteer to do things with your friends and family!"

"I volunteer at the park to help clean up and at the elementary school to help elementary school kids with their homework..."
--Ashlie<3, 12

"I feel strongly about the environment, and global warming. So I would pick trash up off the side of road. Because small things can help."
--Anna, 13

"I work at my church donating items for food and toy drives. It's really fun to know that you helped out!"

"Volunteering at the hospital was great. I gave me hope that I could make a difference in the world. I am currently a volunteer."

"I do Kiwani Kids in my school. The K-Kids raise money and stuff, and most of the money we raise go to Iraq, charity, and to the store to buy food for the hungry."
--Anna, 10

"I volunteered at a food pantry!!!"
--Maya, 9

’ÄúI really love to volunteer at the pound. The best thing is to play with the animals. But I hate it when they have to put them to sleep[die].’Äù
--Andrew, 11

’ÄúI did a volunteering thing. It is called FIT program. It's where you help autistic kids.’Äù
--Paige, 10

"My school has something called K. I. M. It's volunteer work. We go to different events and help out."
--Amanda, 12

"I have helped a 2nd grade teacher with her knitting class. It was really fun helping her. The best part of it was when all the kids would ask me "Can you help me?" It was soooo fun."
--Jessica, 11

"Hi Sophie. I hope you are okay now and your surgery was okay and you are back home!!! The people that make Linus blankets are sooo cool! Just like you!!!! Hugs from Kennedy and Dorianna. You rock big-time. Thanks for making the kids at the hospital feel special!!!! You are special for all that you do for them. Xoxoxoxox."

"I volunteer with a group called Disabled Sports. They take disabled people out skiing and snowboarding. I don't like the snow much so I help out inside doing office work and cleaning. It's hard, but totally worth it when you get to meet all of these new people."

"I am not in the right age group to volunteer in anything yet but I try my hardest to help people out with all their needs. I donate clothes and toys. I also help my mom out with all of the animals my mom fosters from the humane society. My dream is to one day foster animals who are in need."
--Sequoiha, 12

"I am currently one of twenty people from my high school who are volunteering at the local hospital. My assignment there is to play with the sick or injured children there. And I'm loving it! I read to the kids, put on puppet shows for them, and just talk to them about life. The other day, one of the girls, an eight-year-old cancer victim, approached me and said, "Dori, when I grow up, I want to be just like you." That touched me so much. This summer, I plan to volunteer to be a candy striper at the hospital, so I can spend more time with the doctors and nurses I'm getting to know now and help sick children feel better about their lives. My friends and family admire me for doing this, and my twin sister plans to join the volunteer program in a few weeks."

"I would like to volunteer at a pet store."
--Hailey, 13

"I am in a club called ACT! We do service projects and stuff. This year we are raising money for our teacher who is going to Africa for 4 years to be a missionary."
--Ballerina<3, 13

"Today I am doing volunteer work by going bowling and out to pizza with kids at a homeless shelter. I can't wait!!!"
--Maddy, 12

"I've been looking around for places to volunteer with animals for years, but it's very hard to find a place where they would let a kid my age join. I REALLY want to help out the animals, but I'm always to young! Argh!"
--SAVEtheARCTICfoxes, 13

"Hi, During recess instead of playing I help teachers in the classroom. I enjoy what I do."
--Komal, 8

"JS-you don't have to volunteer around sick people-just volunteer for them. Now I'm in a hospital and lying down in an uncomfortable bed waiting to go home but you can just make a Project Linus blanket or quilt. I got one right before my surgery and it was really nice. Then I knew that even a stranger cared. I cried, and I hugged it. Then, I went to sleep. The next day, I had my surgery and I knew that lots of people were praying for me and I got through it. Linus blankets really help a sick kid and you get a really good feeling inside because love's really half of the healing."
--Sophie, 11

"Hello Harvey, this is Hngry&cravinBBQchikn. I don't know if you even read my earlier post, but I apologize if I sounded pushy. All I meant was that instead of being worried about it you could just think about it in a more positive light. Anyway, I'm sorry."

"I'm here to make things better."
--Xochitl, 11

"I volunteered just a few days ago for my school's volleyball team. They need more workers to sell tickets...So I offered to help. We didn't get paid in any way, but it's nice to know that you helped people out."
--Laura, 12

"I was working at a barbecue for the Student Council. I had to advertise. My friend and I were on the streets screaming where to go. This one guy drives by and shakes his head, and so then we're like, "Whatever, George!" even though his name is probably not George. What a rude meanie. XDDD."
--Courtney, 11

"I volunteer every Monday afterschool at a local soup kitchen. During the winter holidays and Thanksgiving, people are rushing into soup kitchens and volunteering, because, well, those of us who celebrate Christmas know it's the true meaning of Christmas. Nowadays, we are in the material age. All anyone cares about is getting the latest gadgets or clothes or whatever. People should read the Christmas story. You'll learn that the true spirit of Christmas is not about gifts and material items. It is about giving back and being generous..."

"I have volunteered to take the pouch job at school and it is really a good job."
--Kim, 12

"I have volunteered to pick up garbage on the side of the road."
--Sarah, 10

"Hi everybody. It's me, Kennedy. My kisses team had our Sunkist lemonade stand to raise money for our American Heartwalk in front of Wal-Mart on August 18th and we raised 1,055, 23 cents. And the Sunkist company is matching 1000.00. That is way cool. We sold lemonade and bake sale stuff and the customers were soooooooo generous!!!!! We always have fun and it's so cool helping other kids with their special hearts. Bye."
--Kennedy Jet, 10

"I volunteer, and it's fun. But boring when u just stay with some bratty kids. But it's also fun. You're helping the community. And you can stay busy, besides staying at home doing nothing but watch TV & playing computer."

"Katrina: that's so cool with the orphanage! My family has a beach house in Tulum, Mexico. Do you know were that is?"
--Paris, 10

"I'm not volunteering now, but as far as what I'm doing now, is helping my family."
--Lilly5210, 13

"I volunteer a lot. During school, I volunteer with a program that helps kids with homework and studying. This summer I also volunteered at my public library helping with the summer reading program. I think volunteering is great and it is a lot of fun!"
--Anonymous, 12

"I did a "Jingle bell run/walk for arthritis". It was in our city zoo. It was a lot of fun, too."
--Kayla, 12

"I volunteer at an assisted living/ Alzheimer's home and organize their library and stuff. I work with an orphanage in Cozumel, MX. I have a "Sister" there (Hola Flor!). Keep Volunteering!"
--Katrina, 10

"My neighbor is deaf and she has 2 dogs, and I help her walk them every day."
--Tessa, 10

"My project is called Calista Cares and I make and sell crafts for Crawford County Special Olympics! I did a lemonade stand and bake sale, too. My new total is $512.00! I am helping out at bocce now, too. It's a lot of fun, but hard for my brother."

"I do things like stay after school to help other pre teens with work. I am still doing that."
--Amber, 12

"I babysit 2-3 year olds at my church. And I love kids, and they love me. Volunteering is fun because u get to meet new people and keeps u busy, and yeah, so if u don't volunteer, do it. It is f-u-n."
--Norma, 13

"My charity that me and my brother Devin started is called llt (look listen talk). It's about stopping kids/tweens/teens from having eating disorders, because I used to be anorexic and I don't want other kids to go thru the same thing. If you have a friend who you think might have a problem like that, watch them for a day or so to see if there's any evidence. Talk to them about it, and no matter what they say, tell a parent, a guidance counselor, a teacher, or anybody, and get them some help. It's a big deal. Almost 50,000 people die every month from eating disorders."
--Paris<3, 10

"Wanting to help animals. I love animals."
--Isabella, 10

"Missmonkey, I know you said $500,000, but-taxes of 46% are taken from your winnings. I know if you have that taxes calculated, that's $81,000,000 for you to keep (with $69 million taken away). I don't know how this works, but it's way too much to give. Could it be $350,000?"
--Harvey, 11

"Volunteer work is really fun! I've helped my community a ton! If you think volunteering is boring, try it! It is F-U-N!" --Abby, 10

"I started helping out at Special Olympics bowling when I was 5 years old. I helped my brother with his bowling ball and keeping score. I wanted to sign up to be a volunteer, but I am too young. When Austin started in track and field, I helped with timing for runners and walkers and chasing after softballs during the softball throws. I like to cheer the athletes on. When I found out that Crawford County Special Olympics lost their largest fundraising event, I decided to make and sell crafts to help raise money. So far, I have spent over 130 hours making and selling my crafts and raised $476.00 since January 2007!"

"I think that helping the environment and doing volunteer work is awesome! Especially when you have fun doing it! I love being involved in volunteer work because it is helpful, and it also can be so much fun! I usually prefer doing this kind of work with my friends and family, but I would definitely do volunteer work by myself too, as long as I'm helping someone or something. I really enjoy helping my mom, dad, family, sibs, friends, animals etc. I am always excited and ready to give a helping hand!"
--I love CANDY! <3

I go to nursing homes. I play the piano for them. It really helps the people who are there.

One time I volunteered at my dogs groomer. It was a lot of fun. I got to wash the dogs and play with them. It was really fun! P. S. My name used to be Hannah but I changed it!
--DogLover, 11

Well, after Hurricane Katrina, my family and I sent boxes with toys to kids who lost all their toys. The best part is that you think, in a few days someone will open the box and say WOW! It feels so good. I love volunteering! Peace!
--CreamPuff, 10

Thank you all hospital volunteers! You really do make a difference! Thank you Candy! You visited me in the hospital during my heart surgery!
--Jennifer, 10

Sooo...Volunteering...Every May my neighborhood holds a fundraiser for several charities. I myself volunteer by helping out at the nursing home with my mom and I also read to the blind every Tuesday.

I love volunteering for animals. I love doing it because I love them so much. Whenever I walk into a pet store or any store and it has a can where it says please help animals I always, ALWAYS put money in it. It is nice to help them and play with them because they are like you're diary. You can say anything you want to it. You're lucky we have animals or pets in this world because if we didn't we would be lonely and we wouldn't be able to be entertained or happy. They cheer you up. It would be nice if once in a while you can donate money to the animal shelters. Help them. Their are a lot of people in this world that abuse them.
--Nicole, 10

I just did my second shift at a local hospital, doing clerical stuff. But what really matters is giving back to my community!!!!!!!

Harvey: IDK, if you did have 150m won from the lottery, it would be yours to deal with. If I personally got that much, I'd put most of it in savings. I suppose 500,000 to charity would be good.
--MissMonkey, 12

Hi everyone, me and my kisses team buddies had our 4th annual kisses for Kaeden fundraiser on June 2nd, in front of our local Wal-Mart. We had our lemonade stand and we sold hot dogs and hamburgers and we sold CMN rubber bracelets everything we sold by generous donation and our customers were sooooooooo kind we raised $2,311.23 for the Childrens Miracle Network that day!!!!!!!!! Bye.
--Kennedy Jet, 10

I am helping to organize a nursing home's library. It is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
--Katrina, 10

I do volunteer work such as helping at the animal hospital where my mom works, and my friends and I also help clean up the park once a month. I think that the best part is knowing that you are helping, and that you are doing something for the community, or doing something for someone. I think that that is a great feeling!

Once with a group of friends I did volunteer work at a thrift store it was fun and it helped me to be more careful about putting thing things back where they belong...
--Emily, 11

I have been helping my mom at her work (shes the manager. ) so I get to do a lot of backup work for her work place. : ].
--Monica, 12

This summer Im volunteering a lot. Im getting to be a guide in a Museum. And I get to help out at a hospital as a Candy stripe. I feel good when I volunteer and it can be really fun at the same time!

My grade did a huge presentation for our school. We raised about $200 and we sent it to Africa!
--: ]

"She donated $1. $1 is $1 and whatever she gives is what she gives. Rarely we give big, such as $25 or more. MissMonkey, if I had $150,000,000 ($150 million) won from the KY Lottery, how much would you prefer I'd give? $500,000 or more?
--Harvey, 11

Ummmmmmmm...Volunteering can be really fun I think it helps build up strength in the area of liking to help others out!
--Angelika, 13

I just started volunteering at a local hospital. Once a week for 3 hours. I enjoyed my first shift because I got to know some of the patients and help out with some clerical stuff. Last but not least, Ive wanted to volunteer for a very long time!

One time, I helped out at this thing called special friends. It's a program that helps kids with autism. We play kickball, and fun fact games. It felt really good, and I did it with three of my friends.
--Karissa, 11

I have been elected the Prefect of my school. And the best thing is that I am one of the 22 volunteers in a school of nearly 2000 girls. Whoa...It's lovely!

Last summer, I got caught stealing from an Alex's lemonade stand. SO I basically have to volunteer. But I like it, I have to hand out flyers for charities that help mentally challenged kids. Makes me feel better about the whole arrest thing.

Hi everybody, my book drive was a great awesome success BIGTIME!!! We collected over 1500 books for the inner city school that really needed them, I also collected teddy bears to give to each of the kindergartners. Sooooooooooooo awesome remember just because we are young we can change someones life for the better!!!!!!!!!! Bye xo.
--Kennedy Jet, 10

Recycling. The best part about is if you use paper and throw it in the trash then they have to cut down trees and thats kind of like taking away our oxygen. You know plants give us air too. Sorry about my name Private I just don't want people to know my name.

Today is earth day, and me and 35 other students and my very kind teacher named Mrs. E. Went to pick up trash at Miller Park, and then had a wonderful picnic in the gazebo and pavilion area. I love volunteering, and it was an honor to go, because I won the contest to go with an essay, and it was totally fun. Me and my friends also helped the environment while we were having fun, so thats even better!!!
--Lexa, 12

Harvey, unless your parent's income is something like 5$ per year, you don't need to worry about it. Just be glad that that's 1 dollar closer to a cure/treatment for that kid!

Hi! I have been working on a project I call Project Lucy". Lucy the Elephant is a national historic landmark in Margate, New Jersey. You can learn about Lucy on their website or about my project on www.Amazing-kids.Org. I am trying to make Lucy handicap accessible so that other kids, and adults too, can enjoy Lucy like healthy kids can. If a school goes there on a field trip and someone is in a wheelchair, they can't go in Lucy. They can only see it from the outside. That is not fair. I think everyone should be able to enjoy Lucy! I am currently sending letters to different organizations and government offices to seek their help in making Lucy handicap accessible. Thank you.
--Julianna, 9

Last summer, I sold lemonade and sent the money to India for poor people.
--Netra, 9

Felicia, 13: it's definitely important!
--YogaLover, 11

Today there was a School Meeting where I got recognized in front of the whole school 4 baking food w/ my Religious Education class 4 a soup kitchen.
--MileyCyrus, 11

I was in the back seat of my dads truck when we went over a huge bump! It was a really big turtle. It was bleeding. I was really scared. I couldn't help but pick it up. I guess I want to volunteer at an animal shelter or hospital.
--Spencer, 12

Do you think volunteering to help animals who are hurt, been abused or just need love is important at all?
--Felicia, 13

I dont volunteer!!!!!

Sometimes I help with summer schools for little kids who are getting ready to go back to school and need some help.

Ive never really volunteered before. But thats because I've never been able to find anything to volunteer. But maybe now Ill look harder.

Im helped out at a local animal shelter. I helped feed the animals and take care of them. It is important to volunteer because it gives you a chance to help others.

I volunteer to help my teacher a lot. I also volunteer for Student Council and also I volunteer to do charity work on my school breaks.
--AnnaMarie, 12

I volunteer to baby-sit my baby friend Sarah, along with my two-year-old sister. It makes me feel very proud and responsible.
--Chloe, 9

I sing at a Nursing Home once every month. Its nice to make older people happy, but it is kind of hard to go every month. Dan Castelleneta (12) : Why don't you like it? It's ok not too, though. Bye everyone!
--Hello, 12

I occasionally volunteer to watch my neighbor's kids. I don't need money because I have so much fun watching the kids.
--Amanda, 13

I volunteer for kids with disabilities. It stinks. I hate it but then I feel guilty for leaving them behind. Note: The name I posted as is not my real name.
--DanCastelleneta, 12

I never did volunteer work, but I want 2 so I can help a good cause.

I have volunteered at the library for over two years now. I am also in a cub that is all about community service we helped out with the dog shelter and we walked for the march of dimes. I would like to know how I can get involved with helping the cancer victims?

I volunteer at a hospital. At first I started working with adults who were in the hospital for surgery. I helped with fixing the beds, answering their call bells, running errands and regular office work. Now, I work in the Pediatric ER where I keep kids company and hug them if they're scared. The best part about volunteering is knowing that someone who might have been scared or wanted something has someone there to help them.
--Marlin B

I really really really love animals and especially rabbits because we are thinking of getting one! My friend Leah has volunteered there and it sounds very exiting!
--Hannah, 12

Hi everybody, I just got permission from my schools principal to hold a book drive at my elementary school. I am making posters and putting them on boxes and then the parents and kids can buy new books from our book fair that we are having and donate them or bring in books from home that are in great condition and donate them. Then I will organize them in grade levels and donate them to a school outside side of our community that are in need of these books big time!!! This school dont have a library and books are shared a lot with the students because they dont have a lot.
--Kennedy Jet, 10

I would like to volunteer to entertain old people.
--Madison, 11

I help out with kids with special needs.
--Jaden, 11

I work at horse stables!
--Dawn, 12

Hey Inez did u use that name from Cyberchase?
--Diamond, 12

Here's a not-so-good thing about me. I don't volunteer. I told my mom that I only work for money...

Right now me and my class are volunteering for social working.
--Omar, 9

Me and my class were trying to collect money to give a refugee family. At first I thought we would only make 40 or $50, but when we were done we made $1020.

I live in Boston and am looking into volunteering at a couple local hospitals. I first got the idea back when I was in the 1st grade and my class organized a toy drive for a local women's shelter. Good Luck to anyone thinking about doing something similar! Scott.

Harvey: $1 dollar isn't much to give in the first place. Why are you freaking out about that?
--MissMonkey, 11

Well in 5th my reading group we were thinking of volunteering at a hospital. But then we decided to have people by food that our group bought then the money to all children's hospital.
--Nischa, 11

I help out at my church's 2-year-old Sunday School class. It's really fun and it helps that I love little kids. Sometimes, the 2-year-olds can be a handful, since some of them still can't get over the fact that they're separated from their parents when they come to Sunday School but mostly, they're okay.
--Kimberly, 11

I volunteer at a hospital. At first I started working with adults who were in the hospital for surgery. I helped with fixing the beds, answering their call bells, running errands and regular office work. Now, I work in the Pediatric ER where I keep kids company and hug them if they're scared. The best part about volunteering is knowing that someone who might have been scared or wanted something has someone there to help them.

I am going to volunteer at my the Genesee county animal shelter. I just had the orientation. I am going to do cat socialization. I am exited. Guess what. The animal shelter only takes people 18 or older. So my parents my sister and me are all volunteering. I AM JEANNETTE AND I LOVE ANIMALS.
--Jeannette, 9

I tutor after school and help teachers with whatever they need. It doesn't take too long and it makes me feel great to help others.
--Tesla, 13

I have brought a present to a poor person who couldn't their kids presents. I got to watch a movie because I volunteered...
--Breanna, 13

I volunteer a lot with my church. Sometimes I take care of kids at Sunday school and at Vacation Bible School (even though that's a long time away). I also do the angel tree and homeless bag meals. I've done other stuff, but I can't remember it right now.
--Vinni, 12

I once volunteered to do a canned food drive for the poor on Thanksgiving.
--Chloe, 8

You are all sooooooooooo awesome for doing so many cool things for everybody!!! I won some prize money and I bought clothing and a toy for each of the kids living at Moms" house to make their Christmas happier. I did it last year and it was worth it sooooo much to see their awesome faces so happy!!! Oh Moms" house is a place for teenage moms that have babies and they watch the babies and feed them while their moms are at school and working so they dont have much!!! Bye xoox.
--Kennedy Jet, 9

During the holidays, I baked holiday cookies for the homeless.
--Lynn, 12

SoCool: Yeah you're right. London: Sorry, I just get offended too easily. Im really sorry, if I ever say seem really mad at anyone on here, ignore me, sometimes I say reeeeeaaaaaaaaally dumb things.

Um well I am doing baby sitting but I need to no more chores to do when I need money can u give me some ideas.
--Bob, 12

Where can I find a site to talk to kids my age safely?
--Devin, 12

I told my crush I like him an he told his friends (they told me) he likes me but he wont go out with me. What do I do?
--Devin, 12

I have volunteered as helping out with brownies at school.
--Citlaly, 13

"Sillyputty: The minimum is 10 inches. It sounds to me like you could cut that off and still have plenty for yourself!"
--JS, 13

"Sillyputty 10 inches."

"You're welcome."
--Rachel, 12

A volunteer think I have done is 2 stay after school and help clean up the classroom. It was really fun because one of my Best Friends were there and we were kinda goofing off..
--Jasmine, 10

My favorite part is volunteering is helping each other and having fun.
--Alexis, 9

Missmonkey yah u r right my BFF actually accepts charity bcuz she is poor. But she still tries 2 donate stuff. (Im SURE London didnt mean 2 offend anyone).

I am working on doing a teen babysitting service in my town.
--Khadijah, 12

London (10): They aren't heartless! Some people can't donate, that doesn't mean they're bad people or anything! I don't mean to jump on you, but you could have really offended some people saying that.
--MissMonkey, 11

I have volunteered at a school for going on 3 year's and now I feel that it is time to get paid now Laurie.

Im gonna volunteer in 6 months-by donating to locks of love. My mom said my hair is really pretty. It's black, super straight, really bad split ends (I haven't even TRIMMED them 4 2 yrs trying to growing them) it is almost at my butt. Everybody says I should cut it now, but the more hair the better. How many inches do u have to donate minimum?

A few years ago I used to volunteer at the local Elementary school. I was really cool how the younger kids started to look up to me.
--Abby, 13

I volunteered at the Harker Heights library.
--Samone, 12

I donate money to wounded soldiers and give food.
--Abbey, 10

I donate money to charity, ppl should donate and get off their lousy butts! Ppl who do not donate are heartless!
--London, 10

I am helping the homeless children find a home, and a loving family.
--Vanya, 8

Last summer I helped with the kids that were going into kindergarten. They didn't know a whole lot and the teachers needed help. It felt great helping them all summer, and feeling useful.

How old do you have to be to babysit in Florida?
--Felicia, 11

Dear PBS, Every year at Christmas my church does this thing called 'Operation Christmas Child' Each family takes 1 shoe box (or more) and we fill it with goods! Sometimes we get a list of the family members. For the little boys we fill the box with little racecars and dinosaurs. For the little girls we pack tiny Barbie dolls that can come from McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendys. For the parents we give them Tooth Paste, Tooth Brushes, Socks, Hats, Mittens, and gloves. We do this because all these families r either poor or don't believe in Jesus. So Missionaries (people who spread the word) take the shoeboxes and take them to the poor people's houses and give the presents and tell them about Jesus! When I grow up I want to be an Operation Christmas Child Missionary!
--American girl

Y doesnt the government forbid to chop down more then 10 trees.
--Erica, 11

Dear Danielle happy happy birthday!! Hope your 13th was awesome!!!!! Xoxoxkennedy jet.
--Kennedy jet, 9

Me and my friend donated 11 inches of our beautiful hair to Locks of Love for cancer victims who suffered hair loss due to cancer. A lot of people think this isn't volunteering" but then we tell them why we did it, and how almost half the girls have donated hair. My motto is Locks of Love, don't LOL at the cancer victims, Locks of Love them. Every year, my friend Lauren and I donate our hair to Locks of Love. Locks of Love makes wigs for cancer victims. We were very nervous, but we liked knowing we'd helped somebody. We didn't cry. Children to Children...That's what its all about.
--Kristen, 10

Im really good at giving advice and I want to start a website giving advice. PBS can u help me get started?

Slip-Slide022: Lucky you! Im in sixth grade and I can't stay home alone. Wow, it's really cool that you'll get to take baby-sitting classes and baby-sit when you get to sixth grade.
--Jenny, 11

Dear IML I would like you to put this up my birthday is on October 6 so dont forget so my age will be change to age 13 IML please remind everyone when it gets closer to my birthday Tara, 13 thanks for agreeing with me your the only one who did.
--Danielle, 12

My sister volunteers as a girl scout helper.
--Samantha, 10

I volunteer at a dog shelter...Well my mom does, and sometimes my dad I go with her. The dogs are so cute, and I love them.
--Lori, 11

I volunteered at a Assisted Living place called Sunrise I loved volunteering there. I had to dust the furniture and do collating I also helped clean up for lunch. I also got to walk a dog named Winnie.

I donate to things like Hurricane Katrina or if there is something for SPCA or anything Ill give a dollar or 2.
--Chocoholic, 10

I've volunteered before at lots of things at the Acoma Boys&Girls Club and we volunteer like on Friday Sept15 we all ran for the Red Ribbon Relay Run. My family donates all our old clothes to the Good Will. It feels great when you feel that you helped someone out.
--Native2023, 11

Also when Volunteering I get to meet lots of people. We have lots of programs for volunteering like Toys For Tots and You get to meet a lot of people like Last summer at the Sky City Casino we had a Celebrity Golf Tournament and all these Celebs like Doug Ferndanz, Chuck Ramsey and 2 foot ball players and yesterday I met AJ Smith. So I think its fun doing all sorts of things at the BGC, sometimes we go places. I go to the BGC After school and stay there till 7: 30. We do Homework, arts & crafts and we have a gym and you can play on the computers.
--Native2023, 11

I wish I could help the animal shelter, too young. I REALLY can't wait for 6th grade so I can go to the babysitting classes. @ my daycare they let me take care of the babies; THEY WERE SO CUTE!

I dont volunteer.
--Can'tTell, 10

I have volunteered at a library, helped out with my brother's school programs, and worked at a feed the homeless" place. The best parts were that doing those things made me feel good about myself.
--Ellie, 12

I volunteered at my church doing Power Point. (For those of you who don't know what that is it's a computer program that has slides that people create ) .
--McKenna, 11

I have been volunteering at an animal hospital for a while. I help to keep the clinic clean and helping with the animals by cleaning up after them and helping with any examinations that need to be done. It is great to see the many different ways that you get to help the animals...
--Amy, 13

I knit, and recently, I knit myself a light blue headband. My mom suggested that I knit a whole bunch and sell them at school (I go to an all girls school). Then, Im going to donate the money to St. Jude's Children's Hospital. It's the only pediatric hospital that doesn't charge a family beyond what their insurance covers, and if a family doesn't have insurance, they don't pay ANYTHING! It's basically run by donations, so I really want to help out...
--JS, 13

Hi might be volunteering in a nursing home I love spending time with old people...

I agree volenteering is a great thing to do. Somtimes I just feel so overwhelmed, and going and helping others gets me out of the house. I feel better about myself, all my worries go away. It feel nice to know i'm doing something to help the world around me!
--E.B., 13

Dear Rachel, hi thank YOU!!!!!! And thank You for all the hard work you do for our American Red Cross in your town in Florida!!! You definitely rock!!!!!! Isnt it cool to help others?? Way cool!!!!!!!!!!! xoxox.
--Kennedy, 9

I babysit. I have been doing for a while now but before then I was a mother's helper help the mother that needs help with the kids around the house. Being with kids because I love kids at any age and they are always active so it keeps me fit too.
--Alexis, 12

I volunteer at my church for stuff like fundraising for an affordable housing thing that my church built. Stuff like trunk sales (where you sell stuff out of the trunk of your car) Easter chocolate selling, candle selling, etc P. S Danielle(12) I agree with you.
--Tara, 13

I'd hate to be selfish, but I never donate this much. I don't donate but my parents do to St. Jude.
--Harvey, 10

No but my mom works for the Wheaton Volunteer Rescue2Sqad. The Wheaton Rescue Squad is one of the busiest ones in the U. S. A.
--Rachel, 10

I volunteer at my local animal shelter. I do it with my mom and my sister four days a week plus will fill in for anyone that can't do it that day. I also, volunteer at my library--Where my mom works--Helping with programs, helping kids with crafts, cutting crafts out. I think the best part for both Jobs" is the feeling of helping. I always feel like I am helping the world by either taking care of cats/dogs or helping kids...

Dear better then you u rilly need to change ur name and your just plain selfish if u think ur going to get paid every body who thinks better then u is selfish say I.
--Danielle, 12

Kennedy - you're amazing for a 9 year-old! I never knew someone that young could make that big a difference! ! ! I volunteer for the Red Cross Broward County chapter down here in Florida. if you're interested, the chapter website is www. arcbcc. org.
--Rachel, 12

I completely ADORE volunteering. it is rewarding and it is just the right thing to do.
--Kalina, 12

I volunteer as a Heritage Belle it is where you show people historic houses and I do it right here in my home town My friends are in it to it is really gives me a chance to meet new people and tell them about the houses that people use to live in!

My best gift ever was my baby cousin. My Tia is in her 30s and she just had a baby boy. His name is Matthew Cooper Espino and he is 7 months old. We have waited years for this day to come and it finally came. He is the sweetest, cutest and I have to say he has the most BIGGEST thighs than I've ever seen on any baby, but I still love him to death. He is the best thing that's ever happened in this family.
--Kayla, 12

I am starting a diaper drive. It may sound silly but I want to give a chance to youngsters that do not live in fancy lives with much money.
--Kay, 12

I volunteered to watch my neighbor's dog when they went camping and I said I don't want any money, cuz their dog is easy to watch. It stayed at their house I just took it out to the bathroom 3 times a day and feed it and played with it some. They even said I could bring it over to my house some so I did. Then when they came back (after 4 days) they gave me a thank you card with $20 in it!! I said I'll watch their dog anytime they needed!!
--Ansleyberrie, 12

I work at the SPCA every Monday from 3:30-5:00. And my family gives food and old clothing to the womans shelter.
--Violet, 13

Hi Jenny, you are really nice!! Thank you for the great wishes and hope you are doing awesome too!!!
--Kennedy jet, 9

I've never volunteered 4 anything, but Im thinking bout it.
--Kitten, 9

Im really kinda selfish so I don't volunteer that much.
--AuthorGirl, 8

Im sorry but I wrote that 'cause I was volunteering and thought I was gonna get paid for doin' it and didn't. Sorry.

I volunteer at my local pet store. I love it because I get to socialize the animals (in other words, I pick them up and play with them). Hopefully when Im 16 they will hire me to actually work there!
--Hannah, 12

Kennedy (9): I read both of your messages and I am so glad that your brother's healthy and that Kisses for Kaeden went well. I hope your walk goes good, no, not good...GREAT! Goodbye, and God bless!
--Jenny, 11

Every year at X-mas I put a bunch of lil toys in a shoe box, Lil toys like the kind u get in BK. A missionary takes the box. A missionary is someone who goes 2 a place where people there don't know God or Jesus, so they teach them about it! When Im older I might get 2 go on those missionary travels so I can see the looks on their faces. The best part of volunteering is making me feel like Im a part of something special!
--Esther, 12

Dear better than u, you have volunteering all wrong...YOU DO GET PAID!!!! Not in $$$ but you get soooooooooooooo much more!!!!! BIGTIME!!!!!!!!! Trust me on this...go to your local boys and girls club and sort toys, and then at Christmas time hand those toys to the children that dont have much!!! PRICELESS!!!!! Go to your local mission and see how those unfortunate families have to live in one room sometimes sharing one bed. I hear you say about cleaning your room and doing chores...You have your own bed and a home that allows you to do chores!!! You are so fortunate and you dont even realize it!!! That is sad!!!! GOD BLESS you!!!!! Sure hope you will decide to do your part to make a difference for the best reason of all... because YOU can!!!!
--Kennedy Jet, 9

Its been three years now since I started my Kisses for Kaeden project on behalf of my spunky cutie patutie HEALTHY awesome baby brother KAEDEN...and I am proud to say my Kisses team has raised over $34,000 to date for other children with their boo-boo's in their special hearts!!! We just had a fundraiser in front of our local Wal-Mart and sold hamburgers and hotdogs and fresh squeezed lemonade with all the money going to the Childrens Miracle Network!!!! Why do I volunteer and help others less fortunate????????? Because I am 9 years old and I CAN!!!! Its so awesome to make a difference for those that need help!!! Our local American Heart Association heart walk is coming up and Im really excited about forming my team and raising as much as we can for the AHA...we had 50 people on our Kisses for Kaeden team last year and we raised $4000.00. We sold candy bars, candles, had a garage sale, Chinese auction and carwash...lots of work but sooooooooooooooo worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--Kennedy Jet, 9

I help some people by showing what they do on the worksheet.
--Shermaine, 13

Well one is that Ainsley's (a toddler ahead of us) dad had some problems so Ainsley and her little sister come over and we watch her. Jade's (4 year old with cp and a lot of other issues) family is having A LOT of problems so our family does respect care for her. Lucky Blue Flower (A. K. A baby sparrow with heat stroke and neck problems) we take care of. And a ton more!

We used 2 donate old clothes that didnt fit us anymore.
--Sweetarts, 9

I really enjoy playing and washing dogs. I have my own pet dog and he is a boy. Dogs are just so cool. I would love to work with them for my summer!
--Sierra, 9

Once I started a business called Pet Advice, to teach kids about animals, and all of my class wanted to do it. But it went out of business, because nobody in my class wanted to do it anymore, except like two people. I miss it in a way.
--Lori, 10

BettaThanU: I know Im being really rude and Im sorry, but you're getting me so mad! Volunteering doesn't pay, that's what volunteering means: choosing to work with no pay! Life's not about money! And the not doing your chores -- I think your parents should ground you for a year! I don't get how you could have the nerve to say that!!! P. S. You should change your name. Nobody's better than anybody. We're all equals (even though you're acting like you're better than everyone)!
--Anonymous, 11

Well I have volunteered making dinner at a local homeless shelter for a few months now and I really enjoy it. It makes me feel like I am making a difference in my own small way.
--ChloeGirl, 12

I've volunteered at the nursing. It was really fun. Im pretty sure it also made them happy. Not to mention it was a great way to get community service hours for Beta club.
--Delaney, 12

I only do volunteering that pays. Whats the use of volunteering? Most volunteering doesnt pay ya, so I dont do it. And I only do stuff that pays. I dont get allowance, so I dont do my chores.

"Right now I'm volunteering backstage for my school's play, 'Les Miserables'...It makes me feel very happy. Since I've started volunteering there, I've met a whole bunch of new people (grade nine's, ten's and eleven's.. I'm only in grade 8, and I don't know many of the older students) and made some new friends. It's a ton of fun doing painting and putting sets together and running curtains, although sometimes it's a bit stressful. It takes up a lot of my time now, but I like being busy. =)."
--Kara, 13

"My brother is volunteering at the Fun Fair."
--Kristen, 10

"I volunteer at the SPCA every other Tuesday night. I love it so much. My favorite animals there are the rabbits. Since Im in Girl Scouts, I volunteer a lot of places. For example, we recently went to the YMCA to help out with a little kid swim class. I also teach a third grade CCD class at my church. Im in the Junior Honor Society, and we went Christmas caroling at a nursing home, and we have an annual school clean-up coming up May 12th."
--Courtney, 13

"I would like to volunteer for wild animals."
--Kamryn, 10

"Right now I'm volunteering at the Even Start Program. I help setup all the toys for the little kids. I make the snack. I also play with the kids and hold the babies. I've even showed the parents how to make books for their kids. I really enjoy helping out. Anyone who's not volunteering somehow really should think about doing it. It's a life changing experience."
--Elizabeth, 13

"I have volunteered at a local animal hospital for over a year now. And it is so much fun! My Aunt runs the clinic and when she heard about my love for animals she couldn't wait to bring me aboard. And neither could I. I volunteer at the clinic every weekday after school, except for Wednesdays. I help deliver kittens and puppies (they're not very cute when they're born). My Aunt is teaching me so much. Sometimes when she has an easy patient she'll turn to me and ask what kind of medicine should she prescribe and 8 out of ten times I'm usually right. I want to be a veterinarian assistant when I grow up and I'm obviously on the right track to becoming one!"
--Alia, 12

"I have done so much! 1. I volunteered at a nursing and still do! I love old people! 2. Animal Shelterit's so sad when you see such cute animals that have been beaten or starved. 3. I volunteered to plant flowers and pick up trash outside of my school with a club! 4. I have been a counselor at my church camp! I love kids!"
--Cady, 13

"I have done community work by signing up with Kiwanis club actually. And it feels great to be able to help the community and everyone that lives in it."
--Amber, 13

"Last summer I volunteered at a local historical museum; myself and the three other volunteers give tours (sometimes in costume - which I love) and we go on field trips to different historical landmarks around the area. We get to teach citizens of the town about their town's history, and we learn a whole lot of things in the process. We set up exhibits and memorize speeches, and on occasion we search for artifacts and records. It's an amazing feeling to be taking an old wedding gown out of a box knowing that a young bride in the 1800's wore it once, or to read a family bible and see all the names recorded from 1903 to the 1960's; you realize you're holding something 100 years old - words cannot describe. I adored every second of it and I hated when the summer was over, but this summer I'll be back again!"

"My mom teaches our youth group at church, and she knows that we have really been wanting to do something cool, that will help out. So we went to Living Alternatives in Jacksonville. It's a pregnancy help center. They help young girls who are pregnant. They also give out maternity clothes, baby clothes, diapers, formula, cribs, etc. So we helped them organize all of that stuff. It was really amazing to be such a big help to all those women who come in there."

"I think everyone should get involved. Pay or not!"
--Domonique, 12

"JS, Try picking up litter, or walking dogs!"
--Michael, 13

"I am 13 and I work at a nursing home on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is a great opportunity for some real life skills and compassion lessons. If you don't do it you should really try it! It is so much fun to help and it is it's own reward when you apply for college. It looks very good on your application! I love doing this in my spare time because I am no longer only concerned with myself and my friends instead of other people. Now I do things to help with the environment too. I hope to get my masters in medical research now that I have seen some of the horrible things that people go through with diseases. I really enjoy it!!"
--Tamara, 13

"I haven't volunteered at an animal shelter before but I would love to because I LOVE animals and I think it would be a good experience to volunteer at an animal shelter!!!!"
--Maddie, 12

"I love volunteering. U meet new peeps, and u have so much FUN. I do it in the summer, due to it's summer camp at the flc."

"Jenny: you're welcome! That's what I'm here for!"
--Michael, 12

"I also want to volunteer at something that I would prefer didn't involve sick people. I know that sounds so horrible, but I always feel so guilty when I'm around them. Any suggestions?"

"Michael (12): Thanks for the advice. That's a great idea!"
--Jenny, 10

"Yes we do volunteering for student council and we're doing a family night for free. The best part about it is to see all the kids' families, just their parents and brothers and sisters."
--Tatjana, 9

"Yes, we do volunteering for student council and we're doing a family night for free. The best part about it is to see all the kids' families...just their parents and brothers and sisters."
--Tatjana, 9

"I spent 5 hours picking up litter during the summer!"
--Michael, 12

"I do a lot of volunteer work. First of all, I help with our business. The business is a care home for the elderly. I also do meals on wheels. I love doing that because I get to help people out. It makes me feel so good about myself."
--Cheyenne, 12

"I want to know how to volunteer at my local animal shelter (Arlington Washington animal shelter). And I am only 11 so I want to know what can I do to help out with the shelter."
--Lynsey, 11

"Jenny, I would suggest you start small, like walking dogs, and work your way up to the animal shelter!"
--Michael, 12

"The type of volunteering work that I do is to help the food bank to sort the food, snacks, drinks, etc, and put it in a box and tape the box so they can distribute it to the place that gives it to the hungry."
--Funmilayo, 13

"Animals. I love them. After my ice-skating career I want to work in a kind of baby-sitting business, but for animals."
--Geraldine, 10

"Jamie 10: If you get paid it can't be considered volunteering. Even if you only get paid like $2 every month it would still take the volunteering out of it. P. S. Still waiting for someone to tell me how they got started volunteering (Read my last message)!"
--Jenny, 10

"I haven't done any volunteering yet but I'm really desperate to volunteer at my local animal shelter. How do I get into it?"
--Rhianna, 13

"I love helping. I would like to help kids and get paid every week."
--Jamie, 10

"Hey! It's me Jenny again. Before I said I want help on how to volunteer at an animal shelter but now I really think that it doesn't matter what I do. I just want to do SOMETHINGANYTHING! Just tell me how you got started with whatever you did and I'm sure I can start helping out! Before I felt like it didn't matter that I'm not doing anything, I'm ten. But now that I see all y'all, I feel kinda bad not to be doing anything. HELP!!!!! Plz."
--Jenny, 10

"I'm not volunteering in anything. I never really have, I dunno why. But I LOVE animals and I would like to help out at a shelter but I have NO CLUE how to. Almost all u people are talkin' about how you help out at the shelter. Tell me how you got started. PLEASE PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE... I NEED YOU TO TELL ME! LOL."
--Jenny, 10

"I believe that no ferret should be abused. I have raised 132 dollars for the Ferret Rescue Education Society. I did it so lots of ferrets could have a home. My goal is to raise 1000 dollars to stop animal abuse."
--Carly, 10

"I volunteer at the Anchorage Animal Care and Control Center. It is fun to do because you can walk and play with the animals. It is also fun because I have named a lot of animals. Here are some: Noel, Raynee, Boo, Summer, Keni, Kiska, Rolly, Pearl, Smokey and Allie. =)."
--Sarha, 13

"I LOVE to volunteer at the animal shelter! I LOVE animals! Dogs, cats, dragonsit doesn't matter! They are interesting, able to do things we can't, and usually have better senses then us. ANIMALS, ANIMALS, ANIMALS, ANIMAGIS (he he he!)."
--HarryPotter, 11

"Over the summer I volunteered at a nursing home and it felt really good when I got to talk to the residents."
--Megan, 13

"I volunteered in a puppet show because my friend was sick!!!!!"
--Hannah, 8

"I volunteer to help animals. Once a week I go into a pet shop and help show off and take care of the animals. I really love it!"

"I want to know how I can help at my local animal shelter."
--Krystal, 12

"I have volunteered to do some things. I have volunteered to read to little kids. I have volunteered to help at my church fall festival."

"As of now I am helping at an animal shelter! It's so fun caring for dogs and seeing people adopting them! I have a dog too, but I didn't rescue him, he was pure bred. He's a Shi-Tzu. He's so cute and furry. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!"

"Last summer, my friend and I had gotten together for the first time in a year. We spent about a half hour talking, and then we were bored. So we decided to start WOLF (World Of Lost Friends), a fundraiser to conserve and protect endangered animals. We haven't gotten all that far, but we're working on it."
--Kiera, 9

"I helped at our church after Katrina hit. We had opened a shelter and it was packed. I met a lot of people and am really glad that I helped. Now I'm looking 4 somewhere to volunteer with animals. If u live in Louisiana and have any advice 4 helping animals please respond."
--Hannah, 12

"My class, 4A, is thinking about adopting a chimpanzee. The only problem is it costs 100 dollars. I think it would be fun to raise the money, though."
--Kiera, 9

"I was volunteering at a local animal shelter but I didn't like to sit at a desk and do nothing but file, so I went and applied for a real job at another animal shelter. And so now I'm playing with the animals and feeding them and doing everything, not just one thing. I like dealing with animals."

"I have a bunch of volunteering, like helping out in school and helping my mom do some of her work."
--Shenerica, 10

"I haven't yet, but soon I'm going to volunteer at either a nursing home or the local animal shelter. I believe that volunteer work is one way of putting others before yourself and understanding that maybe what you're going through isn't as bad as you thought."

"I haven't yet, but my dad has. There is a elderly disabled person next door to us and my dad does his buttons up."
--Emma, 8

"Picking up litter, community service, entertaining old people"
--Michael, 12

"I have volunteered to help people baby sit with NO MONEY because my mom won't let me! But I don't really care!"
--Softballgrl44, 11

"I help my teacher Mrs. Haddad with her class so she won't do a lot of work. And the best part about it is when I'm done helping her I feel good about myself."
--Chrsitne, 10

"Last summer I went on a Mission Trip to Monroe, NC with a group of people from my church. We repaired people's houses for a week and during that week we got to know our family and get to know people from other states. It's really fun and I love helping others."

"I think it's really good to give out a helping hand for those in need. Our world would be a great place if more people were as helpful as you guys! Keep up the awesome work!"

"I have done prefecting and baby sitting. Oh, and dog watching, car washing, and guarding. I think besides getting paid is helping people, especially elders."
--Sarah, 11

"I'm knitting blankets at my public library for the local animal shelter, Noah's Ark. We've got to make 64 blankets, and I'm one of two girls who know how to knit! We need so much help, but it's fun, and I got to meet new people."
--Jacqueline, 12

"I do volunteer work with my neighbors for watching their kids. I know I'm too young to babysit but I like to help out when the parents are busy."
--Lindsay, 10

"Usually I'm too shy to volunteer, but I'm planning when I'm older I'll be at the animal shelter!"
--Dale, 13

"I volunteer at a cats-only no-kill shelter called Cat Guardians. The best part is knowing that I helped an animal feel better or helped one trust again"
--Mary, 9

"I volunteer for fundraising in my school for new band instruments and the band chairs by selling danish, pizza, and coffee."
--Russell, 13

"Helping to clean my house, because it shows that you have respect for yourself and for your family."

"I have volunteered at the local juvenile detention center, at the elementary school my lil sista's go to, at the local animal shelter, at the local homeless teen shelter, and for the Girls and Boys of America centers. I have done so much for my community. HOLLA AT YA PLAYA!!!!!!!!"

"When I help cleaning up. I feel good about it."
--LeeAnn, 10

"If you're helping a friend through a tough time, does that count as volunteer work? You're helping someone out!"
--Morgan, 13

"I have helped people who had the tsunami disaster in China by giving up my old clothes, money and my old stuff that I don't use anymore. Overall, the best part about it is you feel good!"
--Samatha, 12

"I help at the public library and the activities and stuff."
--Brittney, 12

"My school raised over $3000 to help the Red Cross after 9-11. We also pick up trash around the campus and the lake near my school."
--Maya, 13

"Yesterday my whole grade picked up trash from all around the school and even picked up chewed-up stuff. :8."
--Brittney, 12

"I am a part of The Starfish Club, and it's a school volunteering thing where we help African refugees. We raise money and collect clothes, etc. for them. The best part about it is seeing the people's faces, especially the little kids' when they get the gifts and clothes. I love that club."
--Tyler, 13

"My school had a carnival to raise money for the American Cancer Society. We sold tickets for 25 cents apiece. Then we paid for all the fun stuff with the tickets. It was fun!"
--Olivia, 12

"I go to our nearest children's hospital, or sometimes they aren't near, and bring my silky terrier and books like Treasure Island and The Hobbit to read to the kids. One child, my favorite, has just passed away: Jacen Anthony Scott 2000-2005. He was so sweet and he died of brain cancer."
--Carrie, 13

"I'm gonna help out at my preschool's camp over the summer. I think it's gonna be really fun 'cuz I luv little kids. I think it'll be really cool 2 get to have an experience doing something like that. Plus, maybe it will show my mom that I'm ready 2 babysit!"
--Emily, 11

"I help kids do their homework."
--Christine, 9

"Me and my family are a foster home. We have 22 animals. Only 3 are ours."
--Abigail, 9

"I'm volunteering in helping my church, since I go to Catholic school. The best thing about it is the recognition and thinking about how u helped and what u did. It makes u feel good about yourself."
--Christian, 11

"My old afterschool (PIC) was having this thing where we go around with signs and bags and pick up trash. The signs are to get others in the know. Me and my friend Shannon started singing 'Pick Up Trash' to the tune of 'I Want Candy.' It was fun because we helped the Earth and had fun at the same time. Also, my youth group at church had a sale where we made sub sandwiches and soup for the congregation and served it to them. They had to pay for it and it all went to the tsunami relief fund."
--Olivia, 12

"I am soon going to volunteer at the humane society."
--Madison, 9

"I am getting all sorts of non-canned food that people at the nursing home I go to don't usually get to eat because of things in them, and taking it out so they can eat it. But I also go to the nursing home with the food and feed it to them."
--Annie , 8

"I help the younger kids at my school. The best part is I get 2 do something I luv 2 do and help my school at the same time."
--Jordan, 11

"I volunteer at my Bible club. I lead a group of totally AWESOME kindergarteners and help them learn Bible verses and play competitive games. Did I mention that my kids ROCK?! I love them like they were my brothers and sisters... :)."
--Erin, 13

"I've helped at my school fish frys and stuff like that. I sometimes entertain the younger kids at afterschool programs. The best thing about it is that I get to play around like I used to and not feel stupid."
--Bridget, 11

"I volunteer at the hospital and it makes me feel good inside. Maybe you should try to volunteer and see if it makes you feel good inside. Try volunteering today." --Alexandra, 10

"I made some balls and gave some money to the relief and my friends in GA also felt good and we got a thank you note. And it was nice of us to help the poor and it was nice of them to give us a card because that shows they were thanking us for the balls we gave them. And I will never forget that time when we got it or the time when I gave the money to the relief."
--Carly, 10

"Whenever I visit my sister Danielle who lives in LA (she's 23), we go and help out at charity events. One time I helped her sell Gatorade at a charity barbecue. It is really fun because I get to help out and usually the events have good food. The most recent one was this barbecue that charged $5 for kids and $7 for adults. It was raising money for the American Cancer Society. My sister and some of her friends from UCLA started it and it was really fun."
--Sammie, 12

"I gave some money to the people in the restaurant and they gave it to a relief and I never did anything else. I would like to help everyone that needs my help. I also helped some people in GA that were very poor. I felt good and proud that I did a good thing. My friends were helpful and happy that they did a good thing like I did."
--Carly, 10

"I would like to do hospital volunteering and give the newspaper in the hospital and it feels good. I would earn each and every stripe a week."
--Carly, 10

"I don't really volunteer a lot, but I would love to help out at an animal shelter."
--LouAnn, 11

"I help every year to clean up the fair grounds after the county fair."
--Amber, 12

"My school collected money for the tsunami relief. My brother and I brought loads of change to school. It feels really good to know you are helping the world!"
--Jasmine, 10

"Today I helped out at a store for poor people. They didn't have to pay for it. I helped stock the shelves. It was a lot of fun!"
--Dienae, 9

"I help my mom teach her Religious Education class at my church. It's fun because I get to meet new kids and it gives me experience being a teacher. That experience is good for me because I want to be a teacher when I grow up."
--Abby, 13

"I like to volunteer in big fundraisers."
--Adesoye, 9

"To help the tsunami victims and the best part about it is that the victims will be happy."

"When I was nine, my after school place had holiday care on a 3 day weekend. We went to a food bank and bagged pasta to give to people who can't afford good food. The best part was when we got one bag of pasta we tossed it to our partners. It was the first time I threw food with consent. It was so cool!"
--Amelie, 12

"My sister is in a group called 'The Friendship Circle' where she and a friend spend some time with a girl who has mental problems. When I'm old enough I'm going to do that too."
--Yonit, 11

"I started a service project called 'Kisses for Kaeden' about 15 months ago on behalf of my baby brother Kaeden who was born with a hole in his special heart. It has raised 10,000 dollars for American Heart Assoc., Children's Miracle Network and Penn State Children's Hospital. I also adopted a three mile stretch of PA highway on Stony Battery Road in Landisville with a commitment of cleaning the roadway 4x a year. My Kisses group makes handmade cards each week at Kisses Central (my home) and sends them to our service men and women and to our elderly in local nursing homes. I like to help others because it's awesome making a difference and showing someone you care and showing yourself that you are kind and appreciate all that you have like my health and especially my two year old awesome brother's health now. No matter how old you are you can help another in need. Big or small help is still a help! Bye!"

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