Technical Support
Playing games
In order to play the interactive games on the site, you'll need the free Adobe Flash player.
If our games are not working, please try uninstalling Flash using Adobe's Flash Uninstaller, followed by a fresh reinstall of Flash. You may also need to close and restart your Web browser and—in some cases—restart your computer.
Playing videos
In order to view the video clips on our site you will need ONE of the following FREE video players:
The QuickTime player is a FREE "plug-in" for your browser that allows you to watch video on our site.
QuickTime comes installed on all Macs, but if you're on a PC or you need to upgrade your current version, you can get the latest version of the QuickTime player for FREE from the people who make it, Apple. (Note: there is a FREE version and a PRO version. You just need the FREE version.)
If you're having trouble with the QuickTime player, check out these troubleshooting tips.
Windows Media Player
The Windows Media Player is a FREE "plug-in" for your browser that allows you to watch video on our site.
Windows Media Player comes installed on all PCs running Windows, but if you're on a Mac or you need to upgrade your current version, you can get the latest version of the Windows Media Player for FREE from the people who make it, Microsoft.
If you're having trouble with the Windows Media Player, check out these troubleshooting tips.
Downloading PDFs
PDFs are documents that can contain text, images, video, animations, links and more. In order to view PDF files you need a PDF reader.
If you're on a Mac running OS X, you already have a PDF reader called "Preview".
If you're on a PC or an older Mac you'll need to download and install a PDF reader, like Adobe Reader.
If you're having trouble with the Adobe Reader, check out these troubleshooting tips.
Downloading Lions To Go Content
For help downloading Lions To Go content, check out Help with Downloads.