Fairness Fighters WayBack: It's Not Fair
Inequity! Speak Out Snapshot
It's Not Fair WayBack

Japanese American Internment Camps Segregated Schools Women and the Right to Vote Religious Freedom Child Labor Japanese American Internment Camps

Fred Korematsu

A Japanese American man, Fred Korematsu, refused to leave his house when his family was taken to the camps. He was arrested for going against the government's order. Fred filed a lawsuit against the government. He said his rights as an American had been taken away. He lost the case, but Fred never lost hope.

His lawyer later proved that the government's use of the camps was an act of racism. The U.S. government apologized and compensated Fred's family and other Japanese Americans for their suffering. Fred had the courage to stand up for the rights of thousands of people.

Fred Korematsu 'It may take time to prove you're right, but you have to stick to it.'

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