Fairness Fighters WayBack: It's Not Fair
Inequity! Speak Out Snapshot
It's Not Fair WayBack

Japanese American Internment Camps Segregated Schools Women and the Right to Vote Religious Freedom Child Labor Segregated Schools

Segregated Schools

For many years in the U.S., white kids went to white-only schools and black kids went to black-only schools. Compared to the white schools, black schools had worse buildings, used older textbooks, and teachers didn't get paid as well.

In 1954, the Supreme Court decided a landmark case, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. The court said it was illegal to separate students this way. Many white parents did not like the new law. To fight against it, they took their children out of schools where black children were allowed to attend.

Meet someone who fought for fairness. School segregation protest

Learn about PBS' award-winning history series, American Experience