Fairness Fighters WayBack: It's Not Fair
Inequity! Speak Out Snapshot
It's Not Fair WayBack

Japanese American Internment Camps Segregated Schools Women and the Right to Vote Religious Freedom Child Labor Religious Freedom

Reverend William C. Lindholm

Reverend William C. Lindholm heard what was happening to the Amish and didn't think it was right. He decided that he could do something to help. When three Amish parents were arrested for not sending their children to school, Reverend Lindholm came forward to organize their defense.

Their case went all the way to the Supreme Court. The judges ruled that the Amish community could keep their religious beliefs and not send their children to high school. It was a big victory for all people who needed to defend their religious freedom.

Reverend William C. Lindholm 'I just decided it wasn't right.'

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