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Welcome to Zobooland
The KrattsWelcome to ZOBOOMAFOO™! This television series for preschoolers and young schoolagers provides the perfect medium for introducing your children to the wonderful world of animals. Through the adventures of Zoboo and the Kratt Brothers, children have opportunities to explore a variety of common and exotic animals and their habitats. Each episode allows children to get to know new furry, finned, and feathered friends at a wonderful place called Animal Junction. Animal visitors are always passing through.

As children explore how the animals are reacting to the world around them, they learn a little more about themselves, and such things as sharing, cooperation, making friends, being scared, and playing fair. The show encourages children to be confident, use their minds, and explore the world. At the same time, it helps to teach them to be considerate, caring, and helpful to other people and animals.

Lion CubsThe Zoboomafoo Web site will give you and your family some creative hands-on activities to do together. The songs, games, and activities provide both you and your child with a great opportunity to learn together.

Enjoy the time you spend with your child!
Photo courtesy of CINAR

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