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your arts and crafts doings

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Nicki of OH 


What you need for this ZOOMdo:
  • cardboard
  • things to collage with -- like magazines, paper, buttons, fabric, and tissue paper
  • glue, to stick everything together
What you do for this ZOOMdo:

  1. The word collage comes from the French word colle, which means, "glued on." To make your collage, you are going to glue all kinds of different materials to a piece of cardboard.
  2. There aren't any rules when you make a collage; so instead of showing you how to make one, the ZOOMers explained the collages they made on the show.
  3. Rachel: "I made a beach scene. I go to the beach a lot and when I saw this piece of cloth, it reminded me of the ocean. Then I got the idea to make a mermaid tail sticking out of the water. I used buttons to make it really stand out."
  4. Aline: "I didn't plan anything for my collage. I saw this small piece of cardboard and these two eyes and got the idea to make a weird dog. I used buttons and pictures to make it look busy because I'm a busy person."
  5. Kaleigh: "I call my collage, 'The Dream.' First, I started out with the fabric and thought they would make good curtains...then I got the idea to a do a little girl's room. I colored the background black to make it stand out more. And it reminded me of a dream."
  6. Caroline: "I think of my collage as sort of like a story. I decided to cut my cardboard into a shape and I thought a star would be cool. I thought about a dream that I had and in the dream I was in a field and a pink, silk, magic carpet came down. I used tissue paper to make the carpet because it looked cool when I crumpled it. There were willow trees in the field and a silver moon in the sky. After I glued all these things on, it looked good, but I thought it needed something else. So, I added pieces of tissue paper."
  7. Matt: "Before I started, I knew that I wanted to make a building and I knew I wanted it to be three-dimensional. I painted the walls bright colors and made the roof gold. I was going to put the cotton balls on the sides of the building for decoration-but then I got the idea that it was a dream building and people sit on their clouds to make wishes."
  8. Garrett: "When I got my piece of cardboard it had this flap on it. I was thinking it would be cool if I could get the flap to stay up. Then Caroline said she thought it looked like a football field. So I decided to make a football field. I made each of the ZOOMers out of corks."
  9. Estuardo: "First, I wanted to make a building out of popsicle™ sticks, but that took too long, but I still wanted part of it to be three-dimensional. I used these sticks to make this tent. I made a tent because I liked this fabric. Then I put a little bead inside the tent. Then I decided this should be a dream city. Then I thought my city should have another building-and since it was a dream city, it would have a cloud maker. The antennae (gold pipe cleaners) grab air in the atmosphere and turn it into clouds (cotton balls). The whole city is sitting on a cloud."
  10. Now it's your turn. Get your materials together and get to work on your collage!
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