What you do for this ZOOMdo:
- Tape 2 paper towel tubes together into 1 long tube with masking tape.
- Decorate your tube with paint or crayons.
- When it's dry, cover one end of the tube with doubled-up plastic wrap, hold it in place with a rubber band.
- Use a push pin to poke holes in the tube. Space the holes 1/2 to 1 inch apart. Do this for the whole length of the tube.
- Insert the pointy end of a toothpick through one of the pin holes and press it into the tube as far as it will go.
- Blunt the ends of the toothpick sticking out of the tube by pressing them into the table or cutting them off with scissors.
- Put a toothpick in every hole. The more toothpicks you use, the more it will sound like rain.
- Pour the beans into the tube. Smaller beans work better. Use between 1/2 cup to 1 cup depending on the length of the tube.
- Cover the other end of the tube with plastic wrap and seal it with a rubber band.
- Turn the tube slowly end-over-end and listen.
- You can experiment with different size tubes and fillings like rice or other beans to change the sound.