SETTING: Two ZOOMers are talking on phones in different homes while packing for summer camp.
(Sound of phone: RRRRINNNNG!)
Person number 1: Hello!
Person number 2: Hey, I can't wait for summer camp! Have you packed yet?
Person number 1: Actually, I'm packing right now!
Person number 2: Hey, me too! What are you packing?
Person number 1: Well, I'm packing shirts.
(Packs shirts while saying this.)
Person number 2: (Skirts?) Got that.
(Packs skirts.)
Person number 1: And of course socks.
(Packs socks.)
Person number 2: (Clocks?) Hmm. Well I guess that might come in handy.
(Packs clocks.)
Person number 1: Don't forget your sandals!
(Packs sandals.)
Person number 2: (Candles?) Wow, you think of everything.
(Packs candles.)
Person number 1: I'm also packing a few jeans.
(Packs jeans.)
Person number 2: (Beans?) You really like them that much?
(Packs few cans of green beans.)
Person number 1: Sure, I love 'em! Don't forget shorts!
(Packs shorts.)
Person number 2: (Quarts?) All right. Got that.
(Packs quarts of milk.)
Person number 1: And, we're each supposed to take a blanket.
(Packs a blanket.)
Person number 2: (Plane kit?) Do you really think we'll need one?
(Packs a model plane kit.)
Person number 1: Of course. Mom says I should pack some sunscreen.
(Packs sunscreen.)
Person number 2: (Ice cream?) Oh, great idea! That'll make camp a lot more fun!
(Packs ice cream.)
Person number 1: I think that's all! See you at the bus in half an hour!
(Picks up neatly packed bag.)
Person number 2: Okay, see you in two hours. Bye!
(Both hang up. Person number 1 exits with bag. Person number 2 tries to shove everything into bag.) Wow, this camp must be really weird!
(Picks up messy bag and exits.) |