your results
Sent in by: The Weston School in Weston, MA
Did you know that you can download a FREE, WAY COOL gizmo, our very own Balloon Car Builder? Then, build a real one and see which goes farther, your homemade one or the one on your computer.
- half-gallon milk carton
- balloon
- straws
- 4 spools
- some straight pins
- The milk carton can be the body. Wash out your carton and cut off the top.
- Then, cut it in half the long way.
- Cut a small hole in the middle of one of the short sides of the carton. This is where the balloon goes. You'll probably have to mess around with the size of the hole. If it's too big or too small, there won't be enough force to move the car.
- Put the balloon through this hole, but don't blow it up yet.
- The next thing you do is make holes on each side of the carton for the axles and stick straws though these holes. Make sure they're close to the bottom.
- Then attach the spools to the straws and put pins through the straws to keep the spools on.
- Now, blow up the balloon don't tie the end and let your car go!

Al, age 13 of Columbia, SC wrote:
it worked. we came in second place.
Demi, age 11 of Las Vegas, NV wrote:
I tried to make a balloon car out of card board and some lego. It didn't work, but my dad showed me how to make it out of lego and it worked!! If it doesn't work for people who tried it you just have to make the balloon bigger.
Emily, age 10 of Fair Oaks Ranch, TX wrote:
when I did my science project for my science fair at school I chose to do a balloon car and the car with the wooden box went farther than the styrofoam car.
Sophia, age 12 of Yonkers, NY wrote:
It was exciting. my whole class enjoyed it and it went far. I recommend it to others!
Donna, age 14 of Garden Grove, CA wrote:
i tried it and it work. am glad because my project was due the next day!
Axana, age 11 of Springfield, MA wrote:
it did not go far.
Alexa, age 15 of Stratford, CT wrote:
my car went really fast.
Brandon, age 11 of Adelaide wrote:
it was an awsome thing but took ages to make. it work but it zoomed really fast when finished.
Vane, age 12 of Torrance, CA wrote:
It was a great expirement.
Destiny, age 10 of Homer, LA wrote:
i took a picture of it then the wind blew and it went away and I didnt see every since.
Tyler, age 5 wrote:
It zoomd.
Aaliyah, age 13 of Madison, TN wrote:
when I first did the balloon car it didn't go.
Skye, age 14 of LA wrote:
At first, I used wooden sticks as a transfer for the straws, but it was too much weight. I then used straws and it went real fast. You just have to aim the car right.
Kennedy, age 10 of Lousville, KY wrote:
the balloon car exploded
Austin, age 9 of Gold, NC wrote:
It was cool it went 55 feet.
Ashley, age 15 of Dekalb, IL wrote:
I am really glad that this experiment was published on both the show and website because I had to do this for a Science project! Whoo-Hoo!! It went a little over the distance of 5m.
Maddie, age 9 of Chicago, IL wrote:
I really thought it was fun. I wish I could do this in real life!
Justin, age 11 of Burbank, CA wrote:
The car went faster because I blow the balloon a lot.
Alli, age 10 of Perrysburg, OH wrote:
I have tried it before I ever knew what Zoom was but when I tried it the Zoom way it really worked and went really far.
Nicole, age 12 of Camdenton, MO wrote:
It went about 2 or 3 meters. It was awesome. It worked.
Lydia, age 12 of North Augusta, SC wrote:
My ballon car worked perfect. Thanks to you all. I love the show I wish it was on in SC, but I watch it every summer at my grandmas house during the summer.
Krista, age 9 of Marsing, ID wrote:
The balloon popped!
Mikal of Moscow, Russia wrote:
When I tryed it, it went about 50 feet and then stopped. Then the balloon blew
Gianna, age 9 of Oregon wrote:
It was totally awsome
Victoria, age 10 wrote:
it ent really fast and it was totaly cool
Candace, age 16 of Arlington, TX wrote:
it didnt really work. it went fast and all but it didnt meet my expectations...
Brittany, age 13 of Bethune, SC wrote:
it went over 5 meters
Ethan, age 8 of Iowa wrote:
i made a ramp and a big one it flew out the window!
Blake, age 10 of Misson, BC wrote:
the balloon car moved a bite. but it was it was vare slow
Shania, age 10 of Portmouth, CA wrote:
when I pop the ballon the car move forward