your results
Sent in by: Barbara of Brookline, NH
Gravity - not just a good idea. It's the Law! Use the Law of Gravity to tell time.
- marbles
- paper towel rolls
- construction paper
- tape
- a flight of stairs
- gravity - do not try this aboard the MIR Space Station
- Try to make a clock that measures exactly 10 seconds.
- The only materials you can use are marbles, paper towel rolls, construction paper, tape, and a flight of stairs.
- If the marble gets to the bottom of the stairs in exactly 10 seconds, without any help from you, you've mastered our challenge!

William, age 7 of New York wrote:
when I did it it rolled off the ramp but if I put something on the sides the ball stays. also you need to roll hard.
Mishell, age 9 of Los Angeles, CA wrote:
it was so cool. i'm going to make it a 10000 times. Thanks!
Chloe, age 8 of Sheffield, AL wrote:
the fist time I did i failed but the second I won.
Travis, age 16 of Liberty Center, IA wrote:
I did thss experment in my skools lab. I got good speed.
Lizzy, age 14 of HI wrote:
I did this experiment at my school.
Emma, age 11 of Sanibel, FL wrote:
I had made a ramp of my own. I built a ramp going strait down then made a curve up. Then I released the marble at the top of the ramp. The marble went 3 feet! It was so cool.
Cameron, age 6 of Kentucky wrote:
IT worked this is my first time that I did it.
Sam, age 8 of Wayland, MA wrote:
the ball keeps on bouncing when I did it
Victoria, age 10 of Orville, OH wrote:
It goes fare and it is a lot of fun.
Kayla, age 9 of Trion, GA wrote:
the ball went up the ramp
Angela, age 10 of Toronto wrote:
i put on the rump and it went in a line it was cool
Amanda, age 10 of Whitecourt, AB wrote:
It rolled over the sid of the book.
Sharmila, age 6 of Tucson, AZ wrote:
the balls went faster as the ramp went higher.
Reya, age 5 of Toronto, ON wrote:
it worked well and it was cool to watch
Andrew, age 11 of Toledo, OH wrote:
The ball fell straight down of the ramp onto the ground and bounced a few times then rolled.
Gabby, age 10 of MT wrote:
it was fun but there was no point to it. I still liked it but I had tried it before but it didnt work out that well. but I got to say that it was fun I guess.
Paige, age 9 of Fort Myers, FL wrote:
the ball rolled off the ramp at the top part
Harrison, age 9 of Greenville, SC wrote:
I used my plastic marble set and I had so much downward ramps it was a laughing matter! I also put in a jump and when the marble hit the jump it went 2 feet and hit a target in 10 sec.
Matthew, age 7 of CT wrote:
It went down a big rap, looped around and went flying into a tupe ramp down and up in air again and landed safely on the ramp and on land!
Trey, age 9 of Rocky Mount, NC wrote:
The ball rolled super fast!
Austin, age 10 of Sumner, WA wrote:
The ball fell off at the bottom, it got great speed.
Roxana, age 10 of NY wrote:
First I puted a light ball and it went slow then I put aheavey ball and it went fast. It was fun.
Andrew, age 8 of Calgary, AB wrote:
My first try it was 29 seconds and then I pushed it down the ramp and looked inside and it got stuck for a while. So I put a diffrent paper towel roll on it. I tried it but it was 9 seconds!!! So I thought it needs just a little more so I put about 2 cm. I put the marble down the ramp and it worked.
Alex, age 8 of Demarest, NJ wrote:
When I did the balls and ramp the ball kept breaking through the last turn.
Thomas, age 5 of Decatur, IL wrote:
We set up cardboard on a table and made u and triangle shapes for the ball to run in. We used a metal ball from our magnet set.
Lucas, age 5 of Raleigh, NC wrote:
My suggestion: Try putting shutters on the bottom of the ramp and a puley on top. Then the ball can drop off when you want it to.
Oscar, age 12 of El Paso, TX wrote:
I rolled a tennis ball into the ramp and it went preety far but when I rolled the golf ball into the ramp it ramped even more. You just need someone to roll the balls and a ramp. A ruler too, to measure.
Jackson, age 8 of Garden Grove, AZ wrote:
When I test it was perfect. But the ball was stuck in the bridge.
Ariba, age 10 of Bethelem, PA wrote:
When I did the balls and ramp I builded a high ramp and the balls rolled down very fast.