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Science Rocks!

Bubble-Blowing Machine


your results

Sent in by:
Alexandra of Somers, NY

A double-dipping machine that blows billions of bubbles.

Materials Needed

  • 1 quart empty milk carton
  • drinking straw
  • clay
  • 4 bubble blowing wands
  • scissors
  • clothespin
  • bubble solution



  1. Check with an adult before you begin.
  2. To make a Bubble-Blowing Machine, take a straw and wrap some clay around the middle.
  3. Snip off a ring from one end of some store-bought bubble-blowing wands so that each wand has just one ring.
  4. Poke the ends of the bubble-blowing wands into the clay so that the rings stick out around the straw.
  5. Lay the milk carton on its side and cut a big window out of the side that's facing up.
  6. Cut two Vs across from each other on the long edges of this big window. Now place your straw in the milk carton so that the ends of the straws are resting in the Vs and the bubble-blowing wands are in the center of the milk carton. Put a clothespin on one side of the straw to make a handle for turning the straw easily.
  7. Fill the milk carton halfway with bubble solution.
  8. Turn the clothespin and blow into the rings as they come up out of the bubble solution.
  9. If your Bubble-Blowing Machine isn't working well, you may need to modify your design by making the wands shorter or longer.

This machine saves you the work of dipping the wand each time you want to blow a bubble. You still have to blow the bubbles and turn the straw. Can you come up with a Bubble-Blowing Machine that automatically turns the straw and blows the bubbles? Build and try out your inventions. Then send your designs to ZOOM. Be sure to let us know what worked and didn't work and what you think would work better.

Some of your Results

Gabirella, age 7 of WA wrote:
the bubble pop.

Sofia, age 5 of Chicago wrote:
When I turned it on it was shaking. it blew a whole bunch of bubbles.

Priscilla, age 12 of WA wrote:
it was hard work to make it.

Manisha, age 10 of Fresno wrote:
when I did it I messed up and then got it.

Alexa, age 8 of Holden, MA wrote:
I messed up 1 time, but then I fixed it and pretty soon there were bubbles coming!

Wil, age 5 of Northville wrote:
it did blowed bubbles.

Kristen, age 13 of Zuni, NM wrote:
At first itdidn't work, but after I adjust it there was alot of bubbles coming out.

Thaniel, age 4 of West Ctige, PA wrote:
it made a lot of buboles

Alyvia, age 10 of Federal Way wrote:
Well, it was really fun and exciting to see if it worked but I stinged when I got the bubble liquid in my eye

Hannah, age 9 of Worcester, MA wrote:
when I did I to much water in side and the only thing that came out was water.

Julie, age 8 of Wilkes Barre, PA wrote:
i made it and it worked it was really fun yay

Celeste, age 8 of Auburn, WA wrote:
It was cool and bubbly. I was thinking how would you make a bubble-blowing machine. celeste

Alannah, age 10 of Regina wrote:
The bubbles got higher and higher. And became the shape of a bee hive!

Nathan, age 8 of Toronto wrote:
Realey cool Bubbles

Bianca, age 11 of Houston, TX wrote:
all the soap I used for the bubbles came out every where

Carly, age 13 of Hoboken, NJ wrote:
Ahaha. It's an awesome machine, I used it for my science fair project. It works even better when you use a fan to blow them. =)

Aliya, age 6 of Incser, MI wrote:
it was so big and so bubbley

Katelyn, age 11 of Orlando, FL wrote:
it made alot of bubbles. it was so lame I will never make it again.

Mark, age 10 of Toronto, ON wrote:
I blew up a very big bubble then it popped, then I blew a nother one then put a nother one in it

Arianna, age 7 of San Jose, CA wrote:
their was lots of bubbles.

Muhammad, age 10 of East Lansing, MI wrote:
It was so cool. My brother and my sisiter were amazed. It made alot of bubbles

Shashatha, age 9 of Dubai / Sharjah wrote:
Lot of bubbles Came out.

Malasha, age 12 of Bladensburg, MD wrote:
it was so cool I use it for my science fair project

Jessi, age 11 of San Antonio, TX wrote:
it was so cool it worked after a little while but I had to ajust it

Amy, age 7 of Sacramento, CA wrote:
the bubble-blowing machine was so cool. I will do it again. I cant wait

Sullivan, age 6 of Jasper, IN wrote:
We went outside and put the bubbled in the machene and started it up. It was so cool to watch it so I thought that you guys would like to try it out.

Danielle, age 8 of Ozark wrote:
It blew bubbles every where!

John, age 11 wrote:
It was so cool I like bubble if u put a fan it will be better!!!

Ethan, age 7 of Holden, LA wrote:
It blowd bubbles!

Danny, age 8 of Toronto, ON wrote:
When I did it bubbles where going everywhere!

not yet implemented