your results
Sent in by: Alec of IL
How much fat is in the food you eat?
- Brown paper grocery bags, cut into small squares
- Different foods to test, like french fries, potato chips, a baked potato, peanuts, peanut butter, an apple, a banana, a hot dog, and butter
- Scissors
- Check with a grown-up before you begin.
- Rub each piece of food onto a separate paper bag square. Count to twenty while you rub so that you test each food for the same amount of time. Be sure to label the squares so you remember which food you rubbed on each one.
- Now you have to leave them overnight. The next day you'll see which foods have the most fat. The foods that leave the greasiest spots are the fattiest foods.
- Before you take a look at them, which foods do you predict will have the most fat?
- Check your results. Which foods had the most fat? Which had the least?
Some foods may have fat that doesn't rub off on paper like this. If you think of a way to test for this kind of fat send your discoveries to ZOOM.

Liz, age 12 of FL wrote:
what I did was I put a patatoe and a large amount of french fries and the most fattiest food was the fries!!!
Jada, age 9 of Miami Gardens, FL wrote:
I did this project for the school science fair. I called it "Fatty Fries". I got fries from 4 fast food chains followed the instructions and waalllaa! It was a real neat experiment!
Elisabeth, age 11 of San Diego, CA wrote:
i tested french fries and bacon and found out that bacon had more grease and fat in it.
Anabell, age 12 of Phoenix, AZ wrote:
it worked really well. I was amazid how much fat was in foods such as nuggets!!
Shana, age 10 of Frenchville, ME wrote:
I did this experement for a science fair project at my school! It worked really well! People were so amazed at what foods can be so fatty and other foods not so fatty!
Josiah, age 12 of Bronx, NY wrote:
when I did this project I found out that french fries had the most fat.
Paola, age 14 of Chicago, IL wrote:
i tested french fries and cookies and got that the french fries had more fat in them.
Adeena, age 11 of New York, NY wrote:
French fries had the most grease!
Peyton of IN wrote:
Boring...i used peanut butter, butter, hotdog, and bacon.
Alennie of Athens, Greece wrote:
I decided to use the idea but change it around a little. I added a square grid to see which fast food resteraunt's french fries were the fattest!
Keersten, age 11 of MI wrote:
when I did it I found out that freanch frias are really fat. I neaver at freanch frias.
Dominic, age 12 of Waveland, MS wrote:
I add some other foods to mine and did mine as a science fair project.
Chardonnay, age 10 of Las Vegas, NV wrote:
when I did it I learned that cheese burgers are bad for you.
Candice of Cleveland, OH wrote:
There were a lot grease stains on the paper bags I never knew how much grease I eat.
Malinda, age 11 of Renton, WA wrote:
Butter had the most fat than the potato chipes.
Amber, age 12 of El Paso, TX wrote:
It was all so yummy the french fries were the fattiest.
Joelly, age 12 of Belton, MO wrote:
We used white paper sacks so it was a bit harder to see, but after a close examination, butter had the most fats, while tabasco sauce had the least.
Victoria & Grace of Weslaco, TX wrote:
um this experemt was pritty cool I learned alot about foods that get me fat. I cant belive it took me so long to seeee how fat the foods I eat are.. anyways whatever the experiment was cool em so yea thanks for it all and your help!! muahh!!:) (::D
Chardonnay, age 10 of Las Vegas, NV wrote:
when I did it I learned that cheese burgers are bad for you.
Tierica, age 15 of Hollysprings, MS wrote:
everything showed up well and it showed me how much fat was in alot of food
Whitney, age 13 of Hobe Sound, FL wrote:
I tested different snacks and found out that pepperonies were the fattiest.
Delaney, age 7 of Ely, IA wrote:
It was so cool!!! The butter was so fatty!! Also the peunut only had two dots!!
Amani, age 13 of Brooklyn, NY wrote:
When I did the experiment, which I also did for my science project in school wit my three friends, I found out the butter had the most fat. It was very cool. And hopefully we get an A on our science project.
Matthew, age 12 of Winslow, AZ wrote:
I tried mayo popcorn and peanut butter and bologna and mayonnaise and peanutn butter were the fattiest foods
Peter, age 11 of Mississauga, ON wrote:
when I rubbed butter and margerine butter had more fat
Angel, age 10 of Los Angeles, CA wrote:
I tryed the apple and a french fries! My guesse was the aPple will be less fatter. The next morning I saw and I was wrong. but I don't care because I ate the french fries any way!
Kelly, age 8 of Jacksonville, FL wrote:
I tried the potato chips and frech fries, and my guess was that the french fries were the most fattest, I was right so I let my brother eat the french fries, I told him it was the less fatty one. lol. thank you so much zoom, it was really terriric.
Jameka, age 14 of DC wrote:
when I did my results I found out that french fries did have the most fatt... my hypothesis was also right
Chelle, age 11 of Jacksonville, FL wrote:
i tried to rub potato chips and and frech fries and the french fries were fattier.