your results
Sent in by: Ashely of Norwood, MA
Get into a sticky situation.
- skim milk
- baking soda
- vinegar
- measuring cup
- measuring spoons
- paper towels
- rubber band
- Check with a grown-up before you begin.
- Did you know you can make glue from vinegar and milk? Here's how.
- Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to 1/2 cup of skim milk. Stir them together and let the mixture sit for two minutes. The vinegar will make the protein in the milk stick together to form small white lumps called curds. The leftover liquid is called whey.
- Next, you'll need to strain the curds since you won't need the whey to make glue. To make a strainer, put a folded paper towel over an empty cup. Push it down in the center so it forms a bowl shape. Put a rubber band around the top of the cup to hold the paper towel in place. Pour the curds and whey into the cup with the paper towel. The whey will go through the paper towel and the curds will stay on top. Wait about five minutes for the whey to drain through the paper towel.
- Use a spoon to carefully scoop out the curds. Put them between two dry paper towels and press down to get all the whey out.
- Put the curds into another cup, stir in two teaspoons of water and then add one teaspoon of baking soda. The baking soda reacts with the vinegar that's in the curds, producing carbon dioxide. If you hold the mixture up to your ear, you can hear tiny bubbles popping. If this mixture doesn't look like glue, just add some water.
Now it's time for you to get gluey. Test out your new sticky stuff and tell us what you think. Tell us what it can hold and for how long. Can you stick a banana to a paper plate or a penny to a ping-pong ball? Make yourself a Stick-O-Meter to compare the stick factor of this glue with other stuff that sticks.

Adrianah, age 10 of Muldrow, OK wrote:
at first it was watery but after I got it it turned out good.
Kelly, age 12 of KS wrote:
It didn't work, it took a long time and got messy. It was fun to make but didn't work!
S.S., age 12 of Quincy, MA wrote:
It awesome experiment. It goes very well.
Ericka of Mooresville, NC wrote:
I'm a teacher at a YMCA, and we have science and discovery time scheduled into our day, and Zoomsci is perfect! When we tried the glue experiment it was so much fun the kids really enjoyed it, not only did we make the glue but we used the stick-o-meter as well, the items we used were a bit different, we used Elmers glue, a glue stick, the home made glue, marshmellow fluff (because peanut butter isn't allowed) and gum that was softend with water and then moved around in between the fingers the home made glue really held up! It was neat and I would suggest this to elementary teachers because it's interesting and fun to get children involved.
Vallab, age 10 of Cupertino wrote:
It was so fun until I got into a sticky situation
Jade, age 10 of Fatima, QC wrote:
Didn't Work I follow all the insturctions..
Tina, age 16 of Daleville, AL wrote:
Well what happen was that the glue got really sticky and that it wa fun.
Zoai, age 11 of Whiteville, NC wrote:
When I did it I don't think it worked right. I tried to use it, because I had a project due and ran out of glue. I think I added to much of the water because it was very watery.
Erin, age 14 of Waldorf, MD wrote:
It worked for a minute then after a couple of minutes it became a bunch of floating liquids. Personally I think that this project was fun, but it stunk at sticking...
Kayla, age 12 of MA wrote:
The glue worked out well. It did stick and it did not take a long time to make. I am doing this project for the science fair and I think I will get a good grade. Thanks 4 the great idea and the glue wuz fun 2 make too.
Francise, age 10 of Bradenton, FL wrote:
The glue was sticky.
Nikea, age 11 of Chicago wrote:
i had a good time doing it. it was fun my mommy and my family did it. and I want to no if I can be on that show.
Kaya, age 10 of Wilkes-Barre, PA wrote:
it really turned into glue
Caroline, age 11 of Houston, TX wrote:
it didn't make as much as I thought it would. it kinda worked but not really. U thought of a cool experiment but it didn't work out so well when I had tried it for the first time but it might work if I try it again!!!
Shiloh, age 12 of Lancaster, TX wrote:
well number 1 it smelled bad but it worked out good
Nadiya, age 13 of Astoria, NY wrote:
I did it 4 a science project and the glue did stick a little but tyen it fell apart and about 2 days later it began to smell like something u dont want to smell. I wouldnt reccomend doning it but if you wabt u cud try something different. My teacher said maybe I should hav boiled it.
Keaton, age 7 of Audubon, IA wrote:
it stuck to the cup.
Luis, age 11 of Lawndale, CA wrote:
I did not make it but I did all the steps
Taylor, age 13 of PA wrote:
it worked fine! it was fun I am doing it for the science fair
Jamie, age 11 of Seattle wrote:
this science thing is so bad it doesn't even work i'd rather buy glue rather then waste my time making ti!!!
Lilly, age 9 of Queens Village, NY wrote:
when I did it I did not think it was going to work but it did I was wrong
Tamera, age 10 of Los Angeles, CA wrote:
wat happened I did all the steps right and it didn't work. Why is that
Thalia, age 11 of Kewanee, IL wrote:
me and my friend tried it and it worked way better than elmers glue. we tried sticking two pieces of paper together and it worked me and my friend were so amazed!!!
Victoria, age 10 of Brooklyn, NY wrote:
I did this project for my science fair! Mostly everybody loved it!
Youngseo, age 8 of Englewood, NJ wrote:
The glue that I made worked very well. But I had to stir it for 5minutes.
Laura, age 9 of Quispamsis, NB wrote:
It did not work and I did the steps right. Why is that?
Lane, age 8 wrote:
it was all guey
Taylor, age 11 of Bainbridge Is., WA wrote:
There is another way to make something like glue, all you need is cornstarch and water. use a little less cornstarch than water, then you have GOO
Kori, age 11 of Kansas City, KS wrote:
Well it turned out perfect. I compared it to store bought glue and it actually stuck better than what I got from the store. It worked out great!
Kelsea, age 15 of Edinburg, TX wrote:
I had not thought at first that it was the glue that was popping. So I got really amazed by that.