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Sent in by: Jodi of NS
Turn milk into a solid!
- skim milk
- white vinegar
- microwave proof bowl
- strainer
- I bet you've heard the nursery rhyme "Little Miss Muffet." Remember how she sat on her tuffet eating her curds and whey? But, do you know what curds and whey are?
- Here's a fun way to find out:
- Check with a grown-up before you begin.
- Add 4 teaspoons of white vinegar to 1 1/2 cups of skim milk.
- Microwave the mixture for about a minute. If you're not allowed to use the microwave, be sure to ask an adult to help you.
- After a minute, the milk and vinegar will be separated into two parts, a liquid and a solid.
- Here's what happened to the milk. By adding the vinegar, you have created a chemical reaction that separated the milk into two parts, a solid-the curds-and a liquid-the whey.
- Now, when you stir the milk, the curds become a "blob."
- When you strain the liquid off, you can make the blob into one big lump.
- Let it cool off, and then you can play with it. It feels like rubber. The protein in the curds is what makes it act like rubber.
- You can form the blob into shapes. If you leave it out, it will harden.
A hundred years ago, people took milk and used it like this to make plastic. Can you think of any other liquids you can separate into parts? Experiment and send your results to ZOOM.

Gello, age 12 of MO wrote:
The experiment worked, when I was about to mix the vinegar with the milk I got excited, fortunately it worked. The mixture turned into a rubbery stuff, that was pretty awesome.
Jack & Nolan, age 6 of Clovis, CA wrote:
When we did this experiment, it smelt really bad, but was totally awesome. We really liked playing with it. It felt like cottage cheese. So fun!!!
Maddie, age 12 of Grapevine, TX wrote:
it was cool. the milk terned like cottege cheese. well thats what it felt like.
Ellenie, age 8 of CA wrote:
It was really smelly and gushy at first, but I got used to it.
Science Club, age 8 of Hidalgo, TX wrote:
We used 1% milk and we got about 4 tbs of solid matter.
Caroline, age 13 of AU wrote:
it worked! though it smelled and I had to keep squeezing liquid out of the clumps... and it dried faster...yay! I first put it in for 1 min then 30 secs then another 30 secs then 45 secs... it worked easier and I used sushi vinegar...
Owen, age 9 of Hummelstown, PA wrote:
The milk and vinager seperated. It looks so cool. My favorite expierament is cleaning the penny.
Kristian of Port Colborne, ON wrote:
I am doing this for a science fair project! this is fun to do!!!
Emmanuel, age 13 of Harvey, LA wrote:
After you mix all the component together it froms a design, which make the milk go to the bottom and the vinegar raise to the top. The stirring had my hand and arm tired. It took 2 to 3 hours to get hard. Oh! It smell bad.
Ryan, age 9 of Shingle Springs, CA wrote:
The plastic milk clumped up really good. The smell wasn't too bad. I had a lot of fun playing with the curds. It feels like plastic and rubber.
Jessi, age 13 of Belle Chasse, LA wrote:
The skim milk smelt the worst, the 1% was the best we thought, 2% and whole milk produced the most, but was the bumpiest.
James, age 9 of CA wrote:
it was a success but it smelled bad!
Alasia, age 12 of Detroit, MI wrote:
This project was really interesting. The smell was strange-you know in a scientific way. It was fun experimenting with a new kind of idea. I never even heard of turning milk to plastic before this. Very helpful!!! Very fun!!!
Kyndall, age 11 of Compton, CA wrote:
It got hard after a while.
Erika, age 9 of TX wrote:
it stuck together becuse the milk was so slippery. and when you put the plate on the bottom of the project we put the cookie cuter and it became a circle.
Anne, age 11 of Jasper, GA wrote:
it turned out awesomely and now I will be able to tell the story in a different way!
Brandon, age 10 of Raleigh, NC wrote:
When I did project it was smelling bad. It lookled like cottage cheese. So many people were asking me if I ate it, and I said do u want me to get sick?
Rainbow, age 12 of NM wrote:
Well, my friends Olivia, Gracie, & I are doing this for the science fair. we are doing different types of vinagar. Its preeety cool.
Samantha, age 10 of Akron, OH wrote:
it worked at home but not at school.
Keana, age 11 of Memphis, TN wrote:
it worked but totally gross and it made my grandma's house stink
Dorothy, age 11 of Union, SC wrote:
when I did plastic milk for a 4th grade science I WON 1ST PLACE I had so much fun doing it
Kelly, age 12 of Clevelend, OH wrote:
it was so cool all of my friends ask my how to do it and I told them it was a sercert.
Olivia, age 12 of Manistee, MI wrote:
I did it for a class experiment and it work but it didnt harden right away.
Delcian, age 16 of Cony Island, NY wrote:
I didn't no that it would be like mannioyes. How do you get it to be thick.
Aamber, age 8 of Louisville, KY wrote:
I tried it it felt like wet playdough.
Samantha, age 6 of Laredo, TX wrote:
It did turn into a rubber thing. I like it even thou it was smelly.
Dennise, age 12 of Laredo, TX wrote:
When I made it into plastic it feld awesome it was like OMG=] awesome duude!!!=]
Nicolas, age 6 of Muskego, WI wrote:
It got really bumpy it reeckt really bad
Deja, age 11 of Suitland, MD wrote:
it felt like old cottage cheese to me and it felt funny and my mom thought it looked nasty