your results
Sent in by: Reba and Lee Anne of Medfield, MA
Blow out!
- 3 straws
- 4 Lifesavers
- 1 piece of paper
- 2 paper clips
- 50 centimeters of tape
- Make a car out of 3 straws, 4 Lifesavers, 1 piece of paper, 2 paper clips and 50 centimeters of tape.
- Race them.
- Here's the catch: you can only blow on them to make them move!

Olivia, age 10 of Marion, NC wrote:
When we built our puff mobile we split into pairs at our science class tables of four. We got the materials and started building. It turned out the one that my partner and I made didn't work well but some boys just took a straw, the life savors and made a huge wheel that went the distance it was supposed to go. I thought this was an awesome activity and experience!
Leah, age 9 of Marietta, GA wrote:
I thought it was amazing!! When my group did it for the science fair, and I thought it was awesome! Thanks for thinking of the idea!
Mrs. H of Danville, AL wrote:
I am a 1st grade teacher at an Elementary School in Trinity, AL. We did this experiment to go along with a wind energy project. The students made the puff mobiles and we raced them. They loved it! It really helped them see how wind has energy. I am going to continue this experiment every year. Thanks so much!
Nicole, age 10 of Quincy, MA wrote:
when I used my puff mobile in 5 puffs it was about 6ft long we used string life savers paper straws and a little person to drive it worked great!!
Lilly, age 13 of Chicago, IL wrote:
It worked out great.
Emily, age 12 of Billings, MT wrote:
My family and I did that once, and we did not use the life savers, we used straws for runners, then we made a ships sai, then made it into a sled with a sail, really cool, keep up on the good experiments!!!
ZOOM Fan, age 11 of King, NC wrote:
We are a class of 12 students. We each chose a different variable to change such as adding another sail, making the sail shorter or bigger, lowering the sail, or removing the sail. We found that the size of the sail needs to be appropriate for the size of the car. The car must weigh more than the sail. If you have two sails, it will catch more wind and go faster. We found that lifesavers make sticky wheels.
Ben, age 14 of TX wrote:
I made a Puff Mobile in Science class. We used all the materials and built a sail and a series of funnels. In one blow ours went 10 ft.
Tyler, age 11 of Omaha, NE wrote:
On the second time we did it we took off the wheels and it went faster.
Rachel, age 11 of Omaha, NE wrote:
Our puff mobile went really fast at first but then the wheels melted! Big mistake to not put it in the frezeer.
Josh, age 12 of Omaha, NE wrote:
We didn't use wheels and ours went the farthest.
Danny, age 11 of Omaha, NE wrote:
It took two puffs to get to six feet.
Frankie wrote:
At first when I did it I had to change a lot. I had a bunch of models but none worked. So I took off the weels. And it worked better.
Greg, age 10 of Omaha, NE wrote:
Our first one went slower then my second puffmobile.
Brock, age 10 of Omaha, NE wrote:
In our 1st trial, our car could go 25in in one puff. It took 4 puffs to go 6 feet. In our 2nd trial, we added a sail and more tape to keep the wheels in. We tested it and it could go 56in in 1 puff, and it could go 6 feet in 2 puffs.
Michael, age 10 wrote:
It went 6ft. in 2 puffs.
Zoe, age 10 of AK wrote:
My friends and I tried it and it was very fun, but when me and my partner tried ours out, it kinda fell apart! I think we should have used tape or made a funnel shape. But either way, it was fun!
Annie, age 10 of AK wrote:
My friends and I did it and it went about 6 inches every puff. We just rolled a piece of paper up, and paper clipped it. It rolled pretty far every time we blew on it, so we thought it was pretty good. (We didn't use very many matierials, though!)
Maristelle, age 7 of Fullerton, CA wrote:
Remember the episode when you guys made puff-mobiles I did that I did alote of puff-mobiles I did the hat, triangl, acube and a round rooler so try to mack those ok oh and it is a littel hard making it ok so goodluck.
Viv, age 10 of Ottsville, PA wrote:
My friends and I each built one and found life savers started to melt. We rolled the tires in baking soda before each trial. I used a square sail. It worked better. My friend used spools of thread for wheels. It worked fine too.
Rebeka, age 12 of Albany, NY wrote:
When blew on it, it moved with out tutching it.
Ida, age 14 of Premont, TX wrote:
It went really fast when I blew it really hard. I was out of breath but I kept doing it. My mom was even there watching me while I was doing it. She even wanted to do it but I said no because it was only for little kids
Nick, age 12 of Indiana, PA wrote:
I used a cylinder and built a chamber in the middle, so it had a center of gravity. I then set up a course and tried it out. I was able to get it to go over 9 feet on 1 blow!
Kristy & Jessica of Cleveland, TN wrote:
First, the wheels kept falling off. Then, we fixed it with tape at the end of the straws. We stuck the wheels on the tape. During the race with the boys, our lifesavers broke. Wah!! We redid it and it moved great!
Kaylee, age 10 of Slaton, TX wrote:
When Itried the Puff-mobile I put the three straws in a triangle and taped the sides together. I put the paper in the middle. The life savers were at the bottom's and the top. When I tried to blow the puff-mobile it did not go any where.
Katie, age 8 of Alexandria, VA wrote:
It took me 5 bloes to get it to the end of my hall. I thoutht it would take 7.
James, age 11 of Longview, WA wrote:
Instead of wheels, I made a sort of skiis on one side of a piece of paper folded in half (hamburger). I made the skiis by cutting two of the straws into relative halfs and taped them on the one side of the paper in two triangular Vs. My design must be placed on a smooth surface such as hardwood flooring and spins out occaisonally. It also needs a few small objects (paper clips, dimes, etc.) as ballast. Other than that it gets very good IPP (inches per puff).
Mike, age 11 of Cavalier, ND wrote:
I made my base with the straws and then folded my paper in half and stood it upright over the straws. My design beat the rest of my classmate's down the hall. It blew easy for me. I was out of breath when I was done.
Jackson, age 5 of Erving, MA wrote:
It went a little slow.
Jacob, age 5 of Erving, MA wrote:
Mine didn't go anywhere. The wheels fell off.
Roger, age 9 of Erving, MA wrote:
When I puff it went really far and fast!!!